Drink O'Clock
Podcast interviewing anyone, and everything, that we find interesting. Drinks may be involved and some shenanigans may be had.
Drink O'Clock
JoAnn Fawcett
Jo Ann Fawcett lives in Portland Oregon. She is the mother of a grown daughter and proud grandmother of three. She has 2-year degrees in Accounting and Film Production. She dramatically changed her life after seven marriages that included abuse, divorce, death, and being a prison wife. She left the Mormon Church after 30 years and never looked back. She found her strengths, gifts, and inner power, learning that dreams do come true.
Jo Ann never believed in UFOs, aliens, or faeries as a child. In her 20s, she felt the presence of ghosts. Since the late 90s, she embraced the world of UFOs, aliens, elementals, and magic. In finding this new path, she remembered her strengths, gifts, and inner power. Midlife Magic, her first book, is the story of her journey. Her passion is to teach others about this ‘world of wonder.’ You can find all her content on joannfawcett.com.
Intro Song
Rob Valincius: Alright, barring any more technical difficulties, this is the Drink O'Clock Podcast. I'm your host, Rob Valincius, and I have the pleasure of having with me Joanne Fawcett. Welcome to the show today.
JoAnn Fawcett: Thank you so much.
Rob Valincius: I'm excited to have you on. You're, uh, you know, we'll start with the easy stuff, right? Well, actually, technically, it's the hard stuff.
It's, uh, you're a mother,
JoAnn Fawcett: I am. Yes.
Rob Valincius: of three.
JoAnn Fawcett: Yep.
Rob Valincius: you have multiple degrees. And you're an author, which I love authors. Uh, two books.
JoAnn Fawcett: Two books.
Rob Valincius: Excuse me, uh, Midlife Magic, which was your first book. And The Prince Was Wrong, Leaving the Narcissist Behind. Um, you got a lot of accolades.
JoAnn Fawcett: Thank you. I've been busy.
Rob Valincius: we love that on the show, I'll tell ya.
Um, mainly because, let me just, okay. Um, mainly because it gives us a lot of talking points, right? Okay.
JoAnn Fawcett: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: You know now I always like to start with my guest because you know other than meeting you technically ten minutes ago
JoAnn Fawcett: Really.
Rob Valincius: I don't know anything about you, and I'm sure My listeners don't know your background either so Talk to me a little bit about your early years.
I know You went through the ringer, right?
JoAnn Fawcett: I did.
Rob Valincius: through seven divorces You
JoAnn Fawcett: one, one committed suicide. So, and one, technically we were not married. So five divorces.
Rob Valincius: Five divorces. So, you know, you mentioned abuse, uh, death and, and also being a prison wife. So can you elaborate on, uh, your early years and, and some of those things that you went through to kind of, uh, get you to where we are here?
JoAnn Fawcett: Sure. I grew up in a family of four kids. I'm number three. So, you know, middle child syndrome, I guess, but, but whatever. Um, and. We did a lot of camping and stuff as a family, you know, nothing to, you know, nothing, no fancy vacations or anything like that. Um, I grew up in Southern California. We moved to Northern California, my last three years of high school.
Then my parents moved to Connecticut. Then I went to Utah for college for the first couple of years. And then I started getting married and, um, I was a Mormon. My family's not Mormon, but I was a Mormon for 30 years. I joined because of my best friend, her family was Mormon. And I always grew up thinking, Oh, you know, I want the happy little family, you know, the white picket fence, the mom who has a million kids and gets to stay home.
And well, the husband goes and works cause that's, that's what you do. Right. And that's what you thought in the fifties when I grew up and you do, you watch leave it to Beaver and you think, Oh, everybody's like that. Well, my family wasn't like that. And my, my marriages were never like that. And like I said, I married five different Mormons and I thought, well, if we just were, were.
Part of the same church, you know, obviously we're going to be on the same page about everything, which, because we're human, we were not. And we didn't discuss a lot of the important things anyway. And, you're not supposed to have sex before you get married, let alone live together before you get married.
So that's, you know, now I know that's a courting disaster and we got married too quickly. All, all of those marriages we got married too quickly. And, um, And the universe said, Well, you only get one kid. I wanted 12. I got one, which was fine. She's a great kid. Um, and thank goodness. If I had kids with every husband, you know, I'd be the old woman in the shoe kind of person.
If anybody remembers that nursery rhyme. And.
Rob Valincius: cats.
JoAnn Fawcett: Well, I've had three at one time, but I'm down to one, but yeah, my mom died and had eight cats. So it's like, yeah, I don't want to be that person. Yeah, that was a lot of cats, a lot of cats, you know, so I, the different husbands were weird and mean in their own ways.
Some were physically abusive. Some caused me financial hardship and bankruptcy. And some were just jerks and said a lot of mean things. And the last husband I was married to was not a Mormon. Um, he's been in prison his, well not his whole life. Um, He just turned 71. He's been in prison. He got arrested when he was 29 for something he didn't do.
I believe that he didn't do it. He was also a military hero, so I have a lot of cool information about aliens and UFO stuff from him and his experiences in the military. I also got into, you know, learning about fairies and witchcraft and all sorts of cool stuff thanks to him. Um, we're no longer married because he is the narcissist that I wrote about in that book.
So, But I was with him for 25 years and I didn't realize he was a narcissist and that I should be standing up for myself until I'd been into it like for 20 years. So it's like, hopefully anybody listening and cares about that stuff, don't wait 20 years to figure out that things aren't working. But anyway, but you know, it's like I have paranormal experiences.
I have fairy experiences. I am a practicing witch. Um, being a prison wife is a whole life unto itself. And it Yeah, that was, that was strange and weird and I'll never do that again. Um,
Rob Valincius: Yeah, how did you meet?
JoAnn Fawcett: we met through a roommate of mine, um, that I had known from, we used to work together and her husband's in prison and she came home one day and said, I met this really nice guy.
He's a friend of my husband's. He's visiting his mom. He's really charming. He's really smart. And immediately it's like, Oh, smart. That would be a new kind of boyfriend for me. So I'll meet him. Um, And we started writing, and then I got approved to visit, and we courted for five years, and, you know, I thought everything was great, because he's highly educated, you know, got these great military experiences.
He's lived many places around the world, and, you know, he had all these great stories, and he's just so entertaining and charming. You know, you don't see the creep, the jerky part, the mean stuff, unless you cross the line. Even though you're not really crossing the line, the narcissism didn't really come out until you really just upended his agenda and said, Oh, excuse me, my needs are not being met and here's what they are.
Um, so, you know, we, we courted for five years. We got married at the prison, uh, lovely little ceremony in a side room. It was hot. It was the end of July. It was hot, really hot. Our wedding cake was like two hostess cupcakes smashed together. My daughter was seven months pregnant, so she was really overheating and, you know, but I was so in love and it was so wonderful and, you know, everything was going to be great.
Well, you know, 20 something years later, things were not great. Anyway, so, yeah, that's, that's in a nutshell. And I, I started writing. I met somebody at a UFO conference once and she said, well, where's, when's your story coming out? And I said, well, I don't, you know, you know, his, his next report will be no, no yours.
And I said, Oh, you want me to write about me? Ew. And then I started just taking notes because as a Mormon, you work on family history. So I had a lot of biographical things written down. Because of church stuff and then I started putting it together in a book and I had journals so I could I could look up stuff about some of my exes and And I also I met number seven when I was in my 40s and I changed my life I left the church just because I no longer needed it and you know, I decided we I was exploring other spiritual things.
I just Learning about other spiritual topics and oh, there's way more out in the world available to me than what is in the tight knit community of the church and, um, I started learning about all these other paths and these other things and, you know, it's like I didn't go off the rail or whatever, but now I'm starting to drink a little and oh boy, I could start cussing and, you know, I could have soda and tea and nobody was going to ask me questions whether I was not following the health rules.
And, you know, but again, I didn't. You know, it's not like I started, well, I was already dating him when I left the church. So it wasn't like I was going to go start dating and jumping into bed with a million guys. So, um, that just wasn't going to happen. So, but it was, I changed my life radically in my forties.
Cause you know, if you're a Mormon for 30 years, your, your, your lifestyle is this. And then to not be that, that was pretty cool. And all of a sudden it's like, Oh, I have intuition. Oh, that's cool. I have a connection to animals and nature and I'm seeing ghosts or I had forgotten that I had seen some or experienced them.
Even when I was a Mormon, it's like, so I'm having these new experiences and things are just changing. And now I'm seeing UFOs and the fairies are real. And so I wrote that book about my marriages and also how I have all these other cool experiences and I'm on this new path and, and then fast forward, you know, a few more years.
And then he and I split up and my book editor from the first one goes, well, why don't you write about that? The narcissist, I go, uh, I don't know. Yeah. And then, yeah, I guess I can, because I started going to therapy, and again, changing my life, and using my, uh, witchy practices to, like, create and set my intentions for the life that I wanted to.
And, you know, that's all happening, and my life is wonderful, and the book was very cathartic and healing and part of my journey, and if I can help other people in that sucky situation, great. If not, it's a good, quick read, and, you know, hey, you can look into somebody else's life. But, but it also shows that there's hope, you know.
People don't have to stay stuck. So, yeah. Yes.
Rob Valincius: who had, uh, written books about their lives with, with narcissists and, uh, it's, it's a pretty, uh, compelling read when, when you really kind of dig into it and all the things that, uh, you listen to. And, and it's very easy once you do that to identify. Uh, if you yourself are in a narcissistic relationship, um, but you hit on the Mormon thing and, uh, I did, I did want to talk a little bit about that because I'm familiar with some of the practices because, so I work in insurance and the company I work for is, is, uh, nationwide.
So, uh, I actually deal with insurance people who are in Utah and, uh, they're, they're great people. We love them. Uh, but. Some of their stuff is pretty quirky. Um, so I wanted to ask you, what was it like being a Mormon for 30 years? Um, and what were some of the unique beliefs that, that either you had or that the culture has that maybe other people
JoAnn Fawcett: Oh, that part's easy. Uh, well, um, okay, let's see. And again, a lot of people see it as a cult. I never did. I just left. Um, I never had any trauma. A lot of people who leave the church have a lot of trauma or abuse by leaders, whatever. And I never had any of that problem. It was just the crappy men in the church that I married.
So I mean, I don't know if this quirk is right. They do believe in a God. They believe in a Trinity, a God, you know, Jesus and of the Holy Spirit. Um, and they believe that. you know, you're supposed to get married to one person and hopefully stay married forever. And, you know, if you live this really, really good life, and if you're sealed, married in a temple, then, you know, you have the possibility of like, Living with that person after you're both dead and you know, creating your own worlds and all this weird cool stuff.
I was like, okay, whatever. And you know, they have the, they have the whole thing about, um, Joseph Smith seeing an angel, which now I, you know, now that I know about aliens, I don't necessarily think he saw an angel, but, um, you know, Joseph Smith saw an angel and, you know, he was talking to him about the golden plate.
So you've got the Mormons have like two extra sets of scriptures beyond the Bible and, um. I mean, there's some, there's some pretty cool information in there about perhaps how, like Native Americans and stuff came to, you know, different history on how certain, uh, tribes, people came to the United States or South America that weren't there.
You know, how did all these people get to all these different places? So, you know, they have some interesting takes on history. So that, that was pretty cool. Um, you know, there's the whole
Rob Valincius: the, the undergarments I know is,
JoAnn Fawcett: yeah, that's always fun
Rob Valincius: How
JoAnn Fawcett: the first time I got married they were one piece and that's just so uncomfortable, you know, yeah, and then
Rob Valincius: pee in that?
JoAnn Fawcett: There's a little opening Yeah, it's really uncomfortable. Thankfully by the time I left all that you there were two piece, you know undergarment things you know, so it's more like regular underwear, but um
Rob Valincius: advanced, they
JoAnn Fawcett: They did advance because I think way back in the olden days it was like long sleeve and long Pant.
Oh my god. It's like how can you wear that in the summer? Oh anyway
Rob Valincius: ankle, man, you were, you were showing it all.
JoAnn Fawcett: Oh boy, am I risque now?
Rob Valincius: stop
JoAnn Fawcett: standards. You know, you're not supposed to wear sleeveless tops. I still don't wear a lot, but I'm also older. You know, the skin, you know, anyway, old woman's skin on your arm.
But yeah, I know. It's like, well, I, you know, probably people don't even care. But you know, you're not supposed to wear sleeveless things. You're not supposed to wear low cut things. I do now, not really, but it's like I've, I've changed some and you know, you're, you're not supposed to wear two piece bathing suits and your shorts and your skirts aren't supposed to go like, you know, a couple inches above your name.
And part of that is because when you're older, you're supposed to, you know, technically wearing, you know, these undergarment things. So you don't want those showing anyway, because that would really look silly. Um, and the whole food thing, it's like, um. Because and I hear that's changed because apparently the church now owns coca cola and it's like, you know, you're not supposed to drink Yeah, you weren't supposed to drink like anything with caffeine.
So no coke. No coffee No hot tea, and I never drank coffee. I don't like it
Rob Valincius: I hate coffee as well.
JoAnn Fawcett: Yeah, I like the smell. I do not like the taste. But, you know, my parents were not members, so I was around coffee all the time. Um, I love tea. Iced tea, hot tea. I'm a big tea person. Um, and soda. I drink Diet Coke. But, you know, you weren't supposed to drink anything caffeinated.
And, oh my goodness. But I love Dr. Pepper and I love Coke. And, uh, I drink Diet Coke. You know, Coke Zero and Diet Coke. So, you know, because of the sugar. The sugar is more of a
Rob Valincius: I like Diet Coke, too.
JoAnn Fawcett: Yeah, the thing, the sugar is more of a thing for me now than anything else. And let's see what else. There were other things.
There was no meat restriction, but you were supposed to be eating, you know, it was kind of like a Besides the caffeine stuff and no smoking, of course, and I've never smoked. Um, but I don't want to anyway, you know, my dad died of cancer because of smoking and drinking. So why would I want to go there? Why would I want to start that after I, you know, no.
And, but there's no like you, you can eat all the meats and you know, it's basically the good part of, you know, you're supposed to eat a healthy balanced diet. Well, we're supposed to be doing that anyway. Am I great at that? No, but, um, but. You
Rob Valincius: I
JoAnn Fawcett: I love pizza. You know, what can I say? I had a huge steak for my birthday last weekend, but I don't do that very often.
Um, you're supposed to pay 10 percent of your gross income for tithing. And I was really good at that for a long time. And there was, you know, a glitch in there when I married my daughter's father who was not a member. And for, you know, then he started making me feel guilty. It's like, well, we could really use that extra 10%.
I'm like, uh, you know, uh, anyway, but I, I have a lot of bookkeeping clients who are not Mormon and they regularly believe in, because it's, it's more like donating a portion of things that feed you spiritually. So even if you're not a member of a specific church It's really a nice practice to set aside some money and then use it for charitable donations and things like that And I have friends who do clients who do that regularly.
So I I love I love the practice. Do I do it myself? No Um, but I do, you know, I donate every now and then to different organizations. I love veterans organizations and I love nature things. So Um, i'm not
Rob Valincius: You gotta be careful, though.
JoAnn Fawcett: Yes
Rob Valincius: of those, a lot of those places, like, it's like, for every ten bucks you donate, only a dollar or two are actually going to
JoAnn Fawcett: It goes, it goes to the administration.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, and, um, And it's the same thing with when you're shopping at a grocery store or Target and they're like, hey, do you want to donate, you know, 82 cents and round up and, and, uh, you feel good about it.
But at the end of the day, Target uses that as a tax write off. They don't, they don't really necessarily care about the actual donation. Right. And, um, I've always been the skeptical person when I caught, like, if I'm going to donate, I'll donate to what I truly believe in. And my company does a lot of different
JoAnn Fawcett: Uh huh.
Rob Valincius: you know, we, we, we've done. Uh, like, uh, baseball games with the Philadelphia Phillies with, uh, terminally ill children and, and we, we've, we've done things like that. If, if I can see it and I'm there, it's
JoAnn Fawcett: Right, right. Well, and
Rob Valincius: trust those, some of these companies. I, I can't do it.
JoAnn Fawcett: Yeah, that's good. And, and just, you know, here's my little bookkeeping tip for everybody out there. It's like, if you're donating to a political organization, that is not tax deductible. I, I, you know, and I don't, you know, I, I thoroughly believe that.
Encourage people to donate politically with this election, especially if you're voting the way I am, but we're not going to go there Um, but it's not tax deductible, but do it anyway. Um,
Rob Valincius: politics are rough, especially now it's, it's, it's very, uh, we'll say it's a dynamic, uh,
JoAnn Fawcett: Yeah, so what
Rob Valincius: needle for
JoAnn Fawcett: probably shouldn't go there, but you can probably imagine who I might be voting for anyway Um other things about the church, you know, you're you're you're It used to be before the gas shortage in the, we'll just say 70s cause I forget.
Um, you'd go to, you'd have some kind of church meeting during the week and then, but the main church meetings were like on Sunday and you would go to Sunday school in the morning and then there was an afternoon which was like going to regular church where you'd have the songs and the, You know, the normal sermon type of things.
And then with the gas shortage, whenever it was, they combined all that. So you went to all, you went to a, like a three hour block of meetings on Sunday. And then in addition, and you still had some weekly things, but you also, you know, you're supposed to be going to visit people and serve lots of, lots of service, which is great.
I totally believe in serving. Um, But being a Mormon is a whole lifestyle. And maybe more so than other churches, I don't know, but it's a total lifestyle and you're busy a lot, especially if you're a leader that's kind of got a really, you know, if you're higher up and you've got leadership, really busy leadership roles, you can be busy a lot.
So you might not see your family much, but, um. You know, so those are some of the main quirks that I can think of. I never went on a mission. Guys are supposed to go on a mission when they're 19. They serve for two years. Girls can go, but they have to wait till they're 21, because we'd really like you to get married first.
So, but if you haven't gotten married girls by the time you're 21, sure, go on a mission. But you only get to go out for 18 months. Well, I was married by the time I was 20, so I didn't go on a mission. I didn't really want to anyway. So, yeah.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, I, I, I knew someone, someone was telling me, uh, up until pretty recent, this past couple years, in order for you to get into a bar, because obviously they're not fans of alcohol, in Utah, um, one, they had to serve food. Uh, whether it was snacks or something, but in order for you to get in, you had to pay a cover fee.
So bars would have to charge you five bucks to get in, um, in order for them to serve alcohol. It was like a whole weird thing. They don't do it anymore, apparently. But I thought that was unique.
JoAnn Fawcett: yeah, I think it seems well, maybe it's bars do that. I mean, I've seen that in California, but maybe that's when there's like a live performance happening and they'll charge a cover. But I remember the first time I got married. Okay, I graduated. I got married in 1974 and you know, that only lasted two years.
Not even quite a year, but we'll just say a year. My dad came to Utah on business to visit my husband and I at the time, and he was not a fan of my husband, but he was really not happy. My dad was a big drinker and he was really not happy that, you know, he couldn't get served alcohol at the restaurant we went to for dinner.
And I think you almost, I don't even, I don't even remember bars being there, but you know, you had to go into the state liquor store if you were going to buy anything. But yeah, my dad was not happy. He couldn't have a drink for this dinner. But, you know, then the marriage fell apart, so, you know.
Rob Valincius: Well, and so, so what ultimately ultimately led you to leave? It just, you decided,
JoAnn Fawcett: It was just that, you know, yeah, I, well, I hadn't even thought about it. I was a very active Mormon until I wasn't. And I met this guy in prison, and I really liked visiting him. And it's like, okay, do I want to go spend a half a day at church? Or do I want to spend more time with him? And he was so charming and wonderful, even though it was a prison.
I wanted to go spend more time with him. And I went in and told my bishop, it's like, I'm, I can't do this church job anymore. And I'm going to start seeing this guy at the prison. And he just about dropped his teeth. And it's like, what do you mean? I go, yeah, I know. Try to explain that to your minister. Number one, I'm not dating a Mormon. And number two, I'm leaving the church for him because he didn't ask me to leave the church, but it just. It just felt like, Oh, I don't need that church anymore. I, and it was not, and I still let, you know, the, the visiting teacher people, you know, I still let them come and I let them talk and yes, if I was going to move, I asked them for help.
So, you know, I kind of, you know, took what I needed. That's not a very, you know, probably wasn't a very nice thing for me to do, but you know, when you're single on your own and you really don't have money to move from apartment to apartment, you know, just call the Mormons. They'll help you move. So. Sorry, I'm very irreverent these days.
Rob Valincius: Hey, listen, you know, as we get older, I mean, I, I, so I turned 38 two weeks ago.
JoAnn Fawcett: Oh my gosh.
Rob Valincius: but I feel like I'm an, I'm an, I'm an older, like I, I feel like I'm an old soul, okay? So, I just, uh, I still open doors for people. I
JoAnn Fawcett: Thank you, thank you
Rob Valincius: but you know what? People these days, man, like if I hold the door for you, I don't care if you're, you know, a tall person, a girl, a man, whatever, a midget.
I'm gonna hold the door for you. And sometimes people look at me like I'm crazy.
JoAnn Fawcett: I know I I went on a couple dates with this guy, you know here and um, you know Before we ever met in person we were talking on the phone. He goes, well, I'm gonna hold the door open for you I go great and he goes I want to hold your hand when we're walking to the restaurant.
Great. You know, I'm fine It's like I'm fine with that. You see me, you know, pull my chair up. I love all that I want to be spoiled rotten by the guys I'm dating, you know, that hasn't always been the case But I mean, I've always wanted that but not you know, but I'm I'm fine I'm fine with people opening the door for me and pulling out my chair and helping me on with my coat, you know, so I'm quite a bit older than 38, but I still
Rob Valincius: okay, but it's a lost
JoAnn Fawcett: It is. And I will open doors for guys. You know, I'm at the doctor's office and leaving and it's like, I'm holding the door open for the men. And oh, thank you. I was like, you know, I'll, I'll do it both ways. So, you know, I'll help you out with your coat.
Rob Valincius: Or it's even like when you're driving. You know, someone puts on their turn signal, And they go to get in front of you, And you wave them on, And it's just the acknowledgement. It's this. If I see this, I'm content. But if I don't see a turn signal, And someone cuts me off, That's when I get mad.
You know, um, or I get the finger and it's like you cut me off buddy. You know like I didn't do anything I'm here. You know, um, but we're in the Northeast. So, you know, we got deal with Jersey drivers and
JoAnn Fawcett: Okay, and I'm in the northwest. But still, you know, not, it's like I, I'm at the crosswalk and I'm still almost getting mowed down. many times. And it's like, but I'll make eye contact with the drivers and they'll give me a little nod. It's like, okay, I'm gonna wait for you. It's like, thank you.
And I'm thanking all the people as they're sitting there waiting for me to cross the street because, you know, Oregon doesn't always wait for the pedestrian.
Rob Valincius: Well, you know what people anymore here in Philly they don't care they won't even look they're just walking out And if you hit them, you hit them. That's it. That's how it's like, you see it all the time on the news. It's like people get run over. It's like, they don't care. They just, they're just walking.
They're looking at their phone. They're either not paying attention or they don't give a shit about what's around them. And they're like, all right, well, if you hit me, I'll just sue you. And it's like, well, if you're dead, it's kind of, it's kind of hard to do
JoAnn Fawcett: And see, that's the thing. You know, part of my. Cause I like trying to walk every day as, as my exercise and my meditation. So I don't look at my phone. I have it for my steps and yes, you know, maybe if. If it dings, sometimes I turn the sound totally off, but sometimes it'll ding.
And maybe if I'm expecting a call, I will look, but I am not walking. I don't even, no offense. I don't listen to podcasts when I'm walking. And, and I'm, you know, I'm looking at the trees, I'm looking at everybody's dog and cat, and I'm talking to the birds and it's like, you know, I'm talking to the
Rob Valincius: tune with nature.
JoAnn Fawcett: It, yeah. And I'm in, I'm in an urban area. I'm in a very like pretty neighborhood in Portland, but it's all full of nature and nature is like six blocks away. There's a park called Forest Park and it is a forest. So, you know, I love it.
Rob Valincius: That's awesome. And, and, you know, look, I think more people and, and I work in the senior market. So, um, I always tell people with, when it comes to seniors, cause I deal with people who are 70 and 80 years old. I always tell people, I even tell my dad this and he's not a senior. I don't consider people in their sixties seniors,
JoAnn Fawcett: I'm old. I'm older than your dad. I just turned. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Well, I just turned 70.
Rob Valincius: Wow. Seriously.
JoAnn Fawcett: Yes,
Rob Valincius: See, this is what I'm talking about. I, I, I think, I think if you're, if, if you are, are getting older and you're outside, you need to get outside, you need to walk outside, you need to get your sunlight. And I think what happens is, is all too often people block themselves off inside and they don't, they don't get all the things, you, you need vitamin D to, to function.
JoAnn Fawcett: yes. But you also need a sun hat and sunscreen,
Rob Valincius: true,
JoAnn Fawcett: because I've had skin cancer much younger. And you know, you, but I love, I I, I'm not gonna go sunbathe 'cause I, I've had skin cancer and I don't like, I mean, today it's. It's almost a hundred here today, but it's like, so I'm not going to go out in the hottest part of the day, but I do love to walk and I'll wait till it cools down because I was out once earlier today, but I'll wait till it cools down and go for a walk when it, you know, gets dark, but before the weirdos come out, but, um,
Rob Valincius: Yeah, my fiance, she had to get something cut off too. And,
JoAnn Fawcett: yeah, it's not fun.
Rob Valincius: we, we be careful when it
JoAnn Fawcett: Good. Very good.
Rob Valincius: let's get to the fun
JoAnn Fawcett: Okay. Okay. Okay.
Rob Valincius: Uh, let's talk aliens. I mean, this is why I wanted to have you on. Um, you know, talk to me a little bit about your experience, uh, or if there's a profound experience you had.
And tell, where, what do you think they are and where did they come from? Because I know everyone has their own, uh, experiences and their own, um, thoughts about both of these things. And I have my own, you know, as well,
JoAnn Fawcett: I can't wait to hear that. Um, I grew up again in the 50s, so you're watching B rated Martian movies. It's like, okay, that's cool. And that's scary. And then I never thought about it. Yeah. And I, you know, when I met husband number seven, and this was his and his dad's military career, they dealt with, you know, Aliens and UFOs and treaty conferences on this planet and going out into space, flying for the military that, you know, the secret space program that nobody knew about and nobody talked about.
And I certainly didn't know about it. But I learned that there's hundreds of species of non humans and some of them. originated on this planet and some, many, many more have originated out in space. You've got friendly ones, you've got not friendly ones. You've got ones that want to be our friends and ones who want to take over or want to kidnap us to ship us off to other aliens who want to eat us or who want to use us for breeding purposes or just weird experiments.
Some, some aliens come here for vacation. Some here, come here to explore and to study what's happening on this planet. You have numerous reptilian species. You have numerous cat species. There's a dog, at least one dog species I know of. There's insect species. There's humanoid looking species. There's species that are like whales.
And then there's ones that live in the ocean that some originated there, some came and liked it so much. Um, if you've ever seen the movie Abyss, which I love, um, it's older.
Rob Valincius: When did that come out?
JoAnn Fawcett: I would say the 80s, probably the 90s. And so it's like scientists going down in this deep, deep submersible and this one guy gets out of the craft and he gets disconnected from the, you know, vessel, but he comes upon this underwater species that lives really deep in the ocean.
And it's almost like, you know, if they weren't. They're not human looking, but they look like a jellyfish, but like a person. But so you'd like, you can kind of see through them and there's beautiful lights and well, there's a species that's like that. And, but when they want to come on to land, they have to like take over a body that just drowned.
But, um, There's some really cool species. There's some cat species that I, I would love to meet and, and they're from space. One is a really tall one that's like nine feet tall and they have like, if they stretch out their arms, there's like skin so they become wings so they can fly. They can sing, they can communicate telepathically, they can do the Spock mind meld thingy.
Um, but they're really cool and they're friendly and my ex husband met them. Um, When he was on a space mission in 1979 and brought a couple of them back here. So now some of them hang out at an alien embassy in south, the southern hemisphere off of South America. Yeah. And there's another cat species. Uh, yeah.
And there's another cat species that looks like a black panther and they're really tall when they stand up and they like to walk on just two feet. Um, they have kittens, so there's nothing human about them, but they can talk and, um, Yeah. I don't, well, I don't know exactly where they're from, but a lot, some of their scientists and things, archaeologists will come and explore the planet and study it.
So I know they've been visiting here for a long time. And this one in particular, she, especially in the, like, maybe 80s and 90s, she was tasked with doing archaeological digs to find where, where on the planet Earth that her species might have visited. She's really cool. Um, there's a dog species, a hound dog species that in 1961 they were allowed to set up a base in Australia.
And they're just merchants. So, they like to, yeah, and they, they're, yeah, they're really cool. Obviously I've never seen any of these, but I, I do believe strongly that they're real. And, um, They have been visiting the planet for thousands of years. They have some really good medical experience, but right now their thing is they're exporters.
They, they buy up and export bling and chocolate and, you know, scarves and silks and commodities that the aliens want. And they ship it out to space. You know, they've got a huge fleet of stuff that's like, you know, The 18, you know, you see the 18 wheelers on the road and it's like they just transport stuff out into space.
It's really cool. And they don't, they don't transport kidnapped humans. They refuse to do that, but they do defend themselves if there's pirates trying to get their stuff. Um, so they're, they're really cool. Um, my, my favorite will not, well, the one I know the most about, and there are some insectoids ones.
There's like a huge beetle like one that. Because, depends on like if you're the queen, you're really big, like a big truck. If you're a warrior, you might be a pickup truck size. If you're a, you know, just a nobody, you're maybe like the size of a VW bug. And um, They can't they're really cool because they can spit hot plasma at you Defend themselves.
I know it's just like I love these descriptions and and they're friendly towards us and there's then there's little tiny Insects that came here to the planet because they're Homeworld was imploding and dying, and they were tricked by another species to think, Oh, Earth. Nobody lives there. So you go there because they had they have cloaking the ability to cloak themselves.
And that's what this other species wanted. But again, my ex had like a first contact with them when they landed here and their mothership crashed. But you know, they've set up basis. So there's Yeah, millions of them because they're insects, but and they look like those water bear things that we've sent off like to the moon into the space to see how they would react in that kind of environment.
But they're really cool. But, you know, they have little weapons and they help fight, you know, defend us. They help us when we need it. But so they're really cool. It doesn't the size. It could be tiny and big. They all have their function and they could be so cool. The one I've talked about the most because I used to speak at UFO conferences.
Um, if you've seen the movie Jurassic World, I like them better than Jurassic Park, because you've got the cool velociraptor who's being trained by that cute blonde guy who just happens to look like my ex husband, and who, who used to actually train with them, like riding his motorcycle through whatever, the meadow, the forest while they're running.
To train and that really happened. He has a bomber jacket that I used to have, but you know, we split up. So I had to leave it at the house. I had to leave it with all his crap. And but the raptors, they have this vast empire and they're run by a female. They have an empress at the head of their empire.
They originated here on Earth. They left millions of years ago to colonize space, didn't realize that, you know, there was a, Asteroid 65 million years ago, which pretty much destroyed everything, but remnants of them will like we're on the moon and on Mars and underground. So, you know, some of them survived or some of them changed or kind of morphed into not morphed, but you know, their cousin has become more humanoid, but they have this vast empire out in space.
You know, they're environmentally friendly people. People, I call them people because I just love them. Um, they will, this is their home world. They will not do anything that is going to destroy this planet. Um, if they need something that's manufactured, all their bases are underground. But if they need something to be manufactured, they do it off planet and then bring it here.
They borrow technology from other species. Um, they're really good military strategy people. Um, they can, they have, just like in the movie, they have really sharp kill claws so if you've irritated them or you're their enemy, they can gut you in a second. And they used to eat humans as a regular thing, but in 1952, when their Empress then decided, well, we need to try and be friendly with the humans.
Or at least this branch of the humans. So they came to earth and actually met, they landed, some of them landed where my father in law was stationed in Northern California. And, it's like, Oh, this is a Sunday afternoon. And all of a sudden there's eight UFOs flying towards the air base. And the the, Everybody's at the pool and all the women and the men have to go down and get in their jets and the women are just going, huh?
And, and the, the, the base commander said, okay, ladies, we don't see this. We're never talking about this. We'll just wait for the men to come back. And then they did. And, and this, uh, this one raptor who became very close to my father in law and my ex. You know, he's an ambassador for them because his mom is the the empress and he spends days like teaching these people.
Okay, well, the the greys told you this, but that's not really true. And it told taught him started teaching him a lot about space, the realities of space and things. And by then the military was already having flying saucer type craft being built for them. So, so that was pretty cool. But this, this species, So they've been, they've been our ally since 1952, and they do help our military and maybe other friendly militaries around the world that we're allies with, and they will help defend the planet.
So if another negative species is working with, oh, let's just say Putin, for example, you know, just invading Ukraine and they're helping them. Okay, well, our raptor friends might be helping. The the side that's helping the Ukrainians. So that's I'll just put that out there because I love I hope hopefully that happened But you know on the other hand if if it gets to the point where it's a massive nuclear war and we're all about to Die because we can't be nice to each other.
They'll just gas the planet and kill us all so that the planets, you know survives But they're highly educated and they're they love art and they you know They are very family oriented, and they'll put on like eight hour operas about a historical thing, or that great hero who just came back from a battle, and I've obviously never heard their operas, but I hear they're very dramatic.
Um, they do prefer eating live food. So, when, um, When my father in law, well, my, my, when my ex first saw them when he was a little boy at one of these conferences, you know, it's like, okay, we're going to put, have them eat outside. Cause they're going to eat those deer or those sheep alive. And we're going to stay in the dining room and eat our cooked food.
Cause it's pretty nasty. If you've never seen a dinosaur doing that and they still look like dinosaurs, but you know, they're beautiful and they have colored leather and. They're just amazing creatures and you know, unlike, unlike some children on this planet who are not very well disciplined, they discipline their, you know, I'm, I'm being kind, um, they, they discipline their children, but they also love their children and, and they want, you know, they're, they grew up, it's like you might be in the military, you might be a politician, you might be an artist, you know, they, they write poetry and, and they have witches, you know, And and they have their own fairies.
And so here's here's a lovely connection because, you know, here's human witches and fairies that originated on this planet. And this alien species also has their own witches and their own fairies, because a lot of times, even if you're from off planet, you might have your own fairies that come with you and help translate.
But some, I also believe that especially the British witches. Got a lot of their information from off planet, because the magic is really just science and it's natural law. So, it's not weird. I mean, you may not understand it, but that doesn't mean it's not real and it's not effective, and you can't do things with that.
Rob Valincius: Well, I mean, I'd imagine anything that, you know, it's, it's very similar to, like, if we saw very advanced technology now, we would think it's magic, right? If you could teleport or whatever, but if I showed a cell phone that I have right now to somebody, even 45 years ago, they would think it's magic, you know?
Cause computers took up entire rooms of a building.
JoAnn Fawcett: And I remember those original cell phones, this giant brick thing that you carried around. It's like, Oh, my gosh.
Rob Valincius: My first was a Nokia, okay, so I mean it was it was a brick, but it wasn't like an 80s brick
JoAnn Fawcett: Right. Well, you know, I'm older.
Rob Valincius: Same concept right? I mean,
JoAnn Fawcett: And you had to be rich to own the original ones. You had to be rich. It's like, Oh, he's a lawyer. They've got one. Oh, my gosh.
Rob Valincius: yeah, especially
JoAnn Fawcett: around the video
Rob Valincius: car, right?
JoAnn Fawcett: Yes. Well, you know, I finally got one because I was traveling. To go talk on late night radio shows before there was all this internet stuff And yeah, it was pretty interesting.
But but yeah, I mean, I I love the Raptors and and I tell and so part of my point Is one of my spirit guides is a raptor sorceress Have I met her in person? No, is she alive? Yes. She's still living and she lives somewhere I don't know exactly where I know the country but you know, and so she sits around in this castle with other Raptor sorceress and they're knitting and drinking and it's like, could you just come to tea?
But but I've also when I spoke at UFO conferences, I always close my talks with this really touching quote by one of their senators about how infinite the universe is and how everything's connected and it's just So marvelous and wonderful. And she's like right here by my, this is my right shoulder.
Okay. So she's like right here. And like, I have like burning hot as like, cause her energy is so strong. And I remember, and my father in law is always on off my left shoulder and the fairies or angels are like behind me. And it's like, it is so incredible to feel that when you're giving a talk about stuff that most, a lot of people are not going to believe.
Anything you're saying, but hopefully some people because you're at a UFO conference, they will believe you. But I was at one of them. And after I got done talking, three psychics came, came up to me and this one goes, you know, I never have believed any of your talks. I go, I know. I watch you every time.
Roll your eyes at me. And but he, and these two ladies, it's like, but you know, when you started giving that quote, we saw who was behind you. I go, yeah, cool. Cause I felt it, but they could see the raptor, you know, they could see this angelic spirit energy behind me. You know, that was, that was fabulous, because most people don't come up and tell me that they're seeing that, but, you know, when you have three psychics tell you, that is pretty cool.
Rob Valincius: So from a language perspective, I mean, how, how, how is that, uh, handled? So is it, uh, you know, obviously if it's telepathic, you
JoAnn Fawcett: Some of it,
Rob Valincius: just like sci fi stuff that you listen to it in your own language or
JoAnn Fawcett: well, some of it is telepathic, some of it you're using, The elementals are the fairies to translate for you. You know, if they've got their fairies and you've got your fairs, you know, they're talking to each other and telling each other what you're saying. A lot of species will use different the grays to translate for them.
And then the Raptors, for example. Um, They if they're if they're elite enough, they can have an operation on their voice boxes so that they can speak human languages. Um, And so the one that came to the planet in 1952, he could speak at least 12, you know, he could speak lots of human languages and they like German a lot because it's very guttural like their, their languages and my ex, you know, he, he could speak Raptor.
So I've heard him speak, he spoke, he's spoken Raptor to me a few times like, Oh, that's pretty cool. What did you just say? And, um, But it's it's very interesting and I've heard my my spirit guide cuz I'll you know I often work with a channeling medium. She came through one time so that I could hear her voice and so she could tell Me what her name was Not that I could understand what she was saying So my the channeling person had to translate it for but at least he you know Her voice was coming through him his body.
So it's like yeah, that's Raptor and that was pretty cool. So
Rob Valincius: So you mentioned the grays. What, what, what, what is a gray?
JoAnn Fawcett: Oh, I'm sorry. So typically, most people, when they think of an alien, they think of a short little creature with a big bulby head with black eyes, you know, sometimes they're greens on, but grays come in different sizes and different shapes. I mean, there's different colors. I think there's, there's gray and there's maybe brown, there's blue.
Some are friendly, some are not. Some will work with us, some work with the ones that do all the kidnapping type things. You know, it's kind of, they're hired, I think, and they're very sterile beings. So, they can work with a lot of different species because all the aliens, and we should be too. worried about germs but a lot of the aliens are all worried about germs because there's a lot of germs here on this planet and that could make them human germs can make them very sick and they're not that, you know, they don't necessarily know how to deal with that.
Um, so you have that and then there's, you know, the The ones that are from the ocean. I know the one in particular. Well, there's a couple of them that my ex has met, you know, they have their own languages. And if you're working with the aliens, then you learn how you learn how to communicate. If you're smart, you know, if you're a good military person, you learn how to communicate.
And even when the, um, There was a couple of big interstellar treaty conferences here on the planet, 61 and 71, and like the 71 one, it was held in Iran, so the Shah of Iran had to learn how to say hello in about 200 different alien languages. Now, he would not have been able to carry on a conversation, but at least, you know, you're a good diplomat.
You learn how to say at least hello, maybe how are you, in that person's language. That's the right thing to do. I'm sure the president of our country has to do the same thing. Unless they just expect everybody to speak English, which, you know, they shouldn't, but they probably, Other heads of state probably do all speak English, but, you know, it's the polite thing to do to say hello, at least in their language, I, I think, you know.
What do I know? Um, yeah, so,
Rob Valincius: so you talk, you talk a lot about, uh, fairies. Can you kind of, um, talk about what, what is an actual fairy? Um, how do they exist? What, what is their place in this world? Because I, I, you know, obviously you mentioned them a couple times when I was reading a lot of stuff that you were talking about, they came up a lot.
So, um, I, and I will, I will say this, we just saw the M. Night Shyamalan, his daughter, Uh, her, her movie about fairies,
JoAnn Fawcett: She has a movie about fairies?
Rob Valincius: Oh, you, okay, so if you didn't see this, it's called The Watch, I think it's called The Watchers.
JoAnn Fawcett: Oh, I never saw, was it a horror film? I don't know.
Rob Valincius: it's, it's a horror film, kind
JoAnn Fawcett: okay. That's why I never saw it.
Rob Valincius: but, but she, it's, it's, It's very alien esque.
You might like it. So it's, it's, yes, it's a horror film to a certain degree, but they are, they're clearly alien beings and they, they take on, um, the shape of other people or they can sound like other people. And, uh, it was a unique movie. I, it's not something I would have ever envisioned for a fairy. Um,
JoAnn Fawcett: and there are, there are any species that do shapeshift and do take on other people or rocks or buildings. They're not very nice and they just want to consume whatever they're taking over. Or, yeah, so
Rob Valincius: should watch this. I think you'd like it then. I feel like you, I feel like you'd like
JoAnn Fawcett: I wrote it down. So fairies, the elementals are, is the umbrella term. So you've got fairies, brownies, sprites, gnomes, trolls.
That's most of the ones that I know. They, they can all look different. They don't all, they're, they're energy beings. They do, they can take corporeal form and a great, you know, there's, there's a lot of people who've done books on it, but Brian, Brian Froud, F R O U D, was a really good artist for, Different kinds of fairies.
So, you know, if the little wood elemental, you know, um, he might look like sticks to you, but sometimes they will look in the corporeal form. They might look how they think you want them to look. Um, they are generally energy beings. The ones that are from this planet. Again, like the raptors, this is their mother world.
They love this planet. So when we keep screwing it up time after time by destroying the environment, they're not happy with us. But, you know, you can make friends with them. Mostly, mostly they stay as energy beings. So like if you're taking pictures, they'll just show up like as an orb flitting about the room or filling the room.
Um, but, you know, They can be very helpful. They could be mischievous. I've had some push me up or down the stairs when I've, you know, they just want to be funny and laugh at me and they might make things go missing. And when I ask nicely or give them more treats, Oh, look at that piece of paper is just magically come pulled out a corner.
Oh, that's what I was looking for. And I've looked through this pile five times or my keys. Now I leave my keys in one spot, but sometimes it's like the keys are moved. It's like, where are they? But. You know, it's interesting, when I moved into his house in California, this number 7, because he grew up with all this stuff, you know, okay, here, Joanne, here's a map of where everybody lives, in and out of the house, here's whether they're a brownie, a sprite, you know, what kind of elemental they are, here's their names.
Now, I couldn't remember them all, and I couldn't, I could, I knew where they lived, but I couldn't remember their names, because they're not always easy to remember. But, you know, there's a, there's a main ferry that runs the garden. There's a main one that runs the, the house. And I also, you know, it's like, it's a common practice to leave them treats.
They love treats of many kinds, but mine
Rob Valincius: Don't we all? Heh, heh,
JoAnn Fawcett: sweets, bread. I mean, tonight is a is Lamas. Today is Lamas. It's the beginning of the harvest season. It's a witchy sabbat. So, you know, I will put a bread product out for my fairies so they can have a little snack. But, um, you know, my fairies have different bedrooms.
I have two little, I have two little structures where, you know, there's a bedroom here and a bedroom over there that they, you know, have their bedrooms. But at my other house, you know, we had little houses for them. We had beds for them, all kinds of stuff, but it's important to acknowledge them and to thank them for being there because then they will help you.
But they likes, you know, I put treats out at least on the new moon default, the full moon. And when there's a special holiday or when there's, you know, on the witchy calendar where there's a special day that those kinds of things. And, you know, they're just part of my magical life. And I acknowledge them as if they're people, you know, to me, there are people and I've actually seen them.
Um, once I was watering in the garden and, um, all of a sudden there's this little, oh, this little girl flying off sick. That's not a butterfly. Those are human legs. It's like, well, that's pretty cool. And, and another time and I wasn't drunk. I had been drinking a little, but I wasn't drunk because I never get drunk before I really moved into that house.
I'm sitting there in the wee hours of the morning with a psychic friend and all of a sudden this bush over here, which I know is a palm bush. But all of a sudden it looked more like a hedge type of shrub and the most beautiful face just like And it was the queen fairy that lived in the garden, you know, and it's like oh my gosh, they're real this is so real and
Rob Valincius: That's cool.
JoAnn Fawcett: It is so cool.
And another time before I moved up here I was sitting at my desk and I had security cameras by then And sometimes on the security camera, I could just see them, you know flying back and forth out out in the the yard, the yard, which was actually our, the front door was on the backside of the house. But, um, I can see them flitting about, but this one time it's like, Oh, it's changing into a little person or, you know, corporeal.
It's like, Oh, I'm going to run up there and see, but they knew I was coming. So they, you know, flitted back into energy, but they're just, they're so magical. And When you can see them or feel them, I don't know, I can see the shadow out of the corner of my eye. My psychic friends can see them. Um, But I know they're there.
And even when I used to go to England to go speak at conferences, I would take some of the ones from my house in California and go, okay, now, and they would meet new friends or they'd meet old friends. You know, these things are usually hundreds of years old. So, you know, they, they love to travel when I was going to these fun places and go meet new fairies, friends, or make or see old friends that they hadn't seen in a long time because they'd been in the United States for a long time.
But, you know, it's just another. If, like the raptors for me, it's just another species, it's another being to honor and have them support me and, you know, I want to take care of this planet for them, and they're very cool. So, but, you know, don't piss them off, you might have a flood, you might, it might
Rob Valincius: ha, ha, ha.
JoAnn Fawcett: what can I say, it's like, you
Rob Valincius: So, so,
JoAnn Fawcett: off.
Rob Valincius: and, and doing that stuff. Um, You know, uh, talk a little bit about that because obviously people think of the movies, right? And, and everything we're talking about is very similar to that, right? When you think of aliens, you think of independence day and Mars attacks.
You're not really thinking of a practicality thing. And I think a lot of that comes from a movie saying, Oh, if you put it out in plain sight, people aren't going to believe it. Right. Um, talk a little bit about the witchcraft aspect. And, and I'll tell you this, we're really excited. Uh, part of the bucket list of mind as I get older.
I always wanted to go to Salem, Massachusetts. And, uh, we made a trip. So in September, uh, it's not October. I wanted, we wanted to do that, but it was insane. Um, and I talked to a lot of people, and they're like, Just go in September, it's just as fun, and it's not as crazy. So,
JoAnn Fawcett: When are you going?
Rob Valincius: I'm going, uh, uh, Friday the 13th.
Uh, and, uh, that, that whole weekend and the Monday and we're, we're going to drive up because we're in Philadelphia. So it's only about a four and a half hour drive. And, uh, we're going to go check out the sites. I, I booked this hotel right in, uh, basically downtown. So we're going to check out the, the, the witch trials.
And I, I love the history and things like that. So I'm, we're, we're excited to, we're going to go talk to some psychics
JoAnn Fawcett: Cool.
Rob Valincius: It'll be cool, you know, but it's it's something I've always went through and something wifey always wanted to do
JoAnn Fawcett: Oh, good.
Rob Valincius: we said screw it You know, you only live once let's let's go.
JoAnn Fawcett: Well, and You know the week after that is um fall equinox, so you'll be there close to the fall equinox That's a very special day And and see that time of year is like the beginning of the the witchy calendar, you know We we we call like the solstice. I think if i'm not mistaken It's like is the new year's for the witches either that or halloween is it?
You know, it might be halloween is like the new year's for the witches. Anyway for me, um Again, like I said, witchcraft is just science. It's not using natural law. And yes, I have a wand. Yes, I have crystals. I have lots of little tools. I have a pendulum I use sometimes when I'm trying to define something.
Um, have I ever used my wand for a spell? No. You know, my, my spell casting is more like, and mine is all positive. I know other people can go to the dark side, and sometimes I feel like I might want to, but I don't.
Rob Valincius: Don't we all
JoAnn Fawcett: I know, but it's like, for me, it's like you're setting intentions and it's a lot, a lot for me.
It's like setting intentions in a certain way. And there's some, you know, sometimes you can, uh, write becomes magical. My writing practices have become very magical and doing meditations and really concentrating on what you want and being grateful. Sometimes people. And here's one thing I've learned. I've read a lot of historical novels about witchcraft and things, which are based on probably a lot of people's family histories.
Most of the witches that were probably burned back in this country and other countries, it was like they were women who practiced herbal arts and healed naturally. It wasn't that they were doing some evil spell on somebody, but, you know, it's all about doing, using natural things. creating your best life, doing these other things.
I, I have a friend who wrote a cookbook about, um, cooking as a way of doing magic and how you use certain, uh, spices to get, you know, like, maybe you want love in your life and you use this kind of spice and you stir the thing this way or, so there's ways to infuse herbs and spices and, you know, crystal, the energy, it's, it's all about energy.
As far as I'm concerned, it's energy and honoring mother nature, cause that's all it is. It's honoring mother nature and she will provide or the universe, whatever you want to call it. So it's become an important part of my life and it's really helped me, um, create a much better life for myself. So
Rob Valincius: I'll tell you I had a profound psychic experience that that that that That fucked me up a little bit, to
JoAnn Fawcett: Oh yeah,
Rob Valincius: I've seen psychics throughout my life because I believe in
JoAnn Fawcett: me too.
Rob Valincius: Um, and I like tarot and things like that. My, my, my wifey, she'll, she'll read our cards here and there. She's got, she's got some of it that her mom, her mom used to do that for us.
And also she's, she had her jewels. I'll never forget. She was, she was, uh, breaking the jewels out and she's like, Hmm. See a lot of fertility jewels here. And I'm like, you know, stones. And I'm like, I have, I'm 23. I'm like, I have no idea what you're talking about. You know, but but this experience with the psychic it freaked me out because she told me and My dad and I'll talk a little bit so my dad recently He lost his wife of 23 years in January.
He's suffering with like really bad depression Um, he was recently diagnosed with, uh, degenerative arthritis in his back and his hip. He's gonna need a hip replacement, and he's only, I told you he's only 60. I, I consider that young.
JoAnn Fawcett: It is, yeah.
Rob Valincius: and, you know, I've had some crazy things happen to me in this span of things, and, uh, this psychic told me, your, your family is cursed. And someone set a curse on you, your family lineage, A very long time ago and it's just kind of carrying on And she she wanted me to do all these rituals that of course I didn't follow through with because I was You know 24 and i'm like i'm not bathing in, you know, sugar water and all this all this crazy stuff.
But um It was wild because I saw another psychic a couple years later and she's like did you saw somebody? Like she could feel that I had already talked to somebody years ago, but she's the only one that said you're you have a A curse in your lineage and I thought that that was uh, pretty wild because I've always had bad luck and my dad's always had bad luck I mean it recently hasn't been terrible, you know, I can't complain with my life, but uh things happen I'm like man, what the fuck?
How does this happen? You know, and uh, I I I just kind of go back and I think Am am I cursed and then is that something you can you can break out of and I I get the question The answer is I don't know, you know
JoAnn Fawcett: may I offer my opinion?
Rob Valincius: Yeah, it hit me.
JoAnn Fawcett: Um, my, my newer book is I'm interviewing my mom and my dead grandma. So everybody's dead. And, you know, it's like part of it is like family history. Part of it is like, Well, how did you stand up as women and how were you allowed to use your voice, but, and what messages do you have, but, but the overarching theme besides female empowerment also is breaking any patterns or, you know, because you can change going forward.
You can break patterns if there's certain patterns that have followed your family lineage. So I'm wondering if, if maybe you go to a different psychic or whatever, maybe somebody can help, you know, maybe they can. You know, or, or, you know, it's like maybe somebody else has a piece of information on maybe specifically what that is, or maybe you might do something even journaling like, you know, I am grateful for this or did it or thank you.
Thank you. Thank you that we feel safe and protected or do something set an intention, you know, you and your wife or whatever you yourself set an intention and just write about it. And, you know, maybe that will help, but I do, I do think, you know, if we do some work on it that you can maybe help break some of the patterns or, you know, I, I,
Rob Valincius: I've, I've always been a pessimist. In my life. I'll tell you that. So, But, uh, a couple years
JoAnn Fawcett: other way. Uh,
Rob Valincius: a proponent of change. I don't, you know, I, I'm a cancer. So, yes, I'm a hermit. Um, I do enjoy, um, Not necessarily going out all the time and I like to play video games because it relieves my stress And I like to be at home watching movies and hanging out and my my wife.
He's a Sagittarius. So, you know That's the polar
JoAnn Fawcett: a, she, she's a party, not, I mean, not, not a party girl, but they like to go out and they like to be
Rob Valincius: Yes, yes So so so me and her over the years. We've we've got this interesting dynamic However, my rising and my moon are both Sagittarius. I know that so Uh, as a cancer, I know that's a little unique. So we, based on my time of birth and all that, right? So I know that that I think is the reason why me and her gel really well, because she's fire and I'm water and we're technically not supposed to. Um, and I've learned this throughout the way because that's how she's, she's taught me all that. Um, but a couple years ago I said to myself, I'm going to wake up and, you know, look, I'm still, I feel like I'm an old man. Sometimes I get up and I'm just irritated because I have to go to work and I work in an office.
And it is what it is and that's, that's life, right? But I do, I do appreciate everything I have a lot more now than I did a couple years. A couple years ago I'd wake up and I'd think of all the, the negative things. That I could focus on, right? It's like, oh, I'm not making enough money. I'm not doing this. I could be doing this and that, but I have all these great things.
I have a wonderful fiance. I have my puppies who I love. I have a great job. I mean, most people would kill for my job and I get to podcast and I get to do unique things and I get to travel. So a couple of years ago, I said to myself, all right, you gotta be more positive in your, your mindset. And I think since I've done that, that bad luck has, has not really.
I mean, it's still, it's weird, it's like, it's dabbles, but it's not like it used to be, where it would be like a windfall of just bad shit that happens to me, and it's really hard to explain, but since I've changed that mindset, and I'm still guilty of being negative, because I don't know if it's just in my mindset or not, but I have changed to a certain degree where I'm just, I try to look at the positive of a lot of things, and it's, it has helped.
JoAnn Fawcett: Good, and I was it mindset is everything and also You know what you focus on is what you attract so and and I've got some good a couple of great examples, so Like the last piece of my ex, you know, we've been divorced over a year, but he's got this house in, California Which I have no part of because it was he inherited it.
It was not community property and, but I paid for his house and all the expenses and all the big stuff. And it's a really old house and falling apart, blah, blah, blah. So his trust owes me a lot of money. And I I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting, waiting. Well, now, you know, it's like, I've done my spell work on this.
Not, not casting an evil spell against him because, you know, whatever, the world is going to take care of him. But I've done my spell work on, you know, how grateful I am and how wonderful it's going to feel that I will not be so proud. You know, basically, in a nutshell, it's like, so that I will feel relieved from getting out from under all my debt.
That he was caused by having to pay for all his crap. Um, and I've been working that intention and working that intention for months. Well, we're almost there because the house has been transferred to a nonprofit who's going to sell it. And I have a promissory note on my refrigerator and I'm going to get my money.
I believe that. I know. The other thing is, you know, it's like, okay, I've been married seven times. Okay, great. Do I still believe that I deserve? I have a really absolutely fantastic partner in my life. You betcha. And you know, I, my daughter says, you know, you're not dead yet, mom. I go, no, I am not. And you know,
Rob Valincius: 70 is the new 50.
JoAnn Fawcett: I know, I know, I know considering my daughter's in her late forties.
So it better be, but
Rob Valincius: I have more gray hair than you do and I'm 38. Congrats,
JoAnn Fawcett: the better part of a year or, you know, like since last fall, it's like, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, you know? Oh, he's, he, we have this good connection now. Ooh. And it's like, and then I kept saying, okay, nobody's really going to show up.
And this, I'm amazed I'm saying this on a podcast, but okay, nobody's really going to show up until I launch my book, which launched on June 25th.
Rob Valincius: by the way.
JoAnn Fawcett: Thank you. Two days later, this guy shows up in my dating app. And he wasn't on for very long, and it's like, hi, I go, hi, and we've developed this wonderful, wonderful relationship, just, he's working overseas, so he, you know, he's coming back to the United States pretty soon, and we've developed this amazing relationship, and it's like, okay, dude, I have a list, I have the list of what I am, have to have in my relationship.
It's like, okay, okay. It's like, but like, we're so in sync, you know, it's like, we're, you know, it's like, cause I've,
Rob Valincius: in a pod.
JoAnn Fawcett: yes. And we're in sync spiritually and service or, you know, it's like all these things I thought, I mean, that I know I want, but it's like, okay, well, he's got some of that. No, he's not. No, he's too weird.
No. But I, you know, I made the list. I set my intentions for what I want. And I might be getting it. I'm pretty sure I'm getting it.
Rob Valincius: That is, that is amazing. So let's, let's end here. I know we didn't get into ghosts, which was my next
JoAnn Fawcett: Okay, next show.
Rob Valincius: I, next time, next time when you wait, wait after you're really famous after your book, but I always have to ask, uh, spiritual people, spiritual beings. Um, you know, and I've asked this question many times on my podcast cause I myself don't know, but I'm very intrigued.
Um, obviously you've had ghost experiences, you've dealt with them. What? What do you think happens when we pass? When our physical bodies are gone, what, what happens to us?
JoAnn Fawcett: But we have a spirit. I do believe in that. I think the spirit has been eternal. Um, to me the spirit world is just this next dimension over here. So, you know, the Mormons teach something totally different. I know our spirit, you know, we transition, we leave our body. I don't know. We don't go to a physical place, but, you know, we go to this place and there are other spirits who are Will help us transition because you've got to kind of get used to being dead and I know there's spirits who okay Well, I was in the military.
I died of the military so this guy's gonna help me get used to being dead and maybe this person helps children and You know, so there's people there to help you and I mean I talked to it through a channeling medium every two weeks It's amazing I wouldn't say it's therapy session, but sometimes it is, but you know, I've been able to talk to my loved ones and to new friends and to really good teachers.
And, and Jesus is just fishing. He's just having fun, you know, and there's no big God sitting on a throne anywhere. Um, it's this loving, energetic presence, but to me, the spirit world and the Mormon church teaches you, the spirit world is like all around you, but again, it's not a place, but you know, it's right there.
Because I felt that dead person standing right next to me.
Rob Valincius: Yeah.
JoAnn Fawcett: she was so happy that I was at her funeral. You know, yeah. And I've talked to my mom. Yeah, and I could just, you could feel the energy. So,
Rob Valincius: So, so, um, you know, from, and, and let's, let's, let's end with this, because, you know, um, I do think it's important, uh, for my young listeners and just people who are trying to get more in tuned. Is it, is there any tips you can give people to be more in tuned to their. Like psychic side to their you know to that other side that you know, obviously, you know media and things like that You know think is crazy or think is not realistic Like is there anything we can do as humans to tap into that a little bit more?
JoAnn Fawcett: I've done a couple of things. Um, I have taken classes to help practice and and, and, and, um, learn how to tap into some of the intuition and stuff. So there are classes on, you know, psychic development and stuff and meditation helps and just getting used to, um, listening to that inner, inner intuitive voice and throughout the notion that it's stupid and crazy and no, I'm not really hearing that.
And it, and it
Rob Valincius: I have bad intuition it
JoAnn Fawcett: it takes time. It takes time. Does it hit you physically?
Rob Valincius: Yeah, I feel like my intuition will sometimes tell me like hey you need it like you should do this and I You I gotta tell ya, I tend to not listen to it and I always kick myself.
JoAnn Fawcett: that's maybe why you have the bad luck Yeah, don't overthink
Rob Valincius: an over
JoAnn Fawcett: Don't overthink it. But it does take practice, but know that it's real and and again unplug from your devices You know, you got it. You got to settle. I mean even if you just sit and have some meditative time and
Rob Valincius: Gotta do it.
JoAnn Fawcett: yeah
Rob Valincius: You got to do it. Um, well, listen, it was, uh, we went longer than I normally go because I'm obsessed with these topics. Uh, so I, I, I really appreciate you jumping on the show, uh, to benefit you. Where can everybody find your content? If you got anything else going on in the near future, let us know.
JoAnn Fawcett: Sure, um, my website is just my name, joannfossett. com. I'm on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, just all under my name. I have the two books, they're all on Amazon and everywhere else. And, you know, I'm, I'm open to answering people's emails, all kinds of stuff. I'm very, I'm very reachable and I do respond and I love to talk to people.
So my, my next big project is, um, doing some more stuff with the heal, helping heal the people in their sucky relationships. And also I'm working on this book about talking to my grandmas. So, you know, they have stuff to say. I, I was, I was told in a reading that I, I needed to talk for my grandma. So my ancestors, so.
I'm making that happen.
Rob Valincius: That is awesome. That is awesome. Well, look, I will buy your books, you know. If you ever are going to do an audiobook, you let me know.
JoAnn Fawcett: Okay. Okay.
Rob Valincius: what I do when I drive to work. I zone out. So, uh, my podcast is Drink O'Clock Pod on all socials. Uh, Drink O'Clock on everywhere you listen to podcasts.
And, uh, we'll get this episode up probably in a week or two. So, you're amazing. So, thank you so much for hanging out. And, uh, you have a great night.
JoAnn Fawcett: You too.
Rob Valincius: Thanks, Joanne.
JoAnn Fawcett: Sure.
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