Drink O'Clock
Podcast interviewing anyone, and everything, that we find interesting. Drinks may be involved and some shenanigans may be had.
Drink O'Clock
SaraH Retalic
Sarah Retalic is a podcaster and host of Daddio Sports Cards, co-host of In a Pickle (IAP) Radio, and Generation Mix Tape Podcasts, and co-owner of Mayday Media Network. In this episode, we chat about life, sports, and everything in-between. You can check out Sarah's content on her many webpages:
Daddio Sports Cards
IAP Radio
Mayday Media Network
Intro Song
Rob Valincius: Of course, you said that now I'm like in my head. I'm like, Bird,
Sarah Retalic: Birds the word.
Rob Valincius: it's a family guy thing
Sarah Retalic: Well, the thing is, is you're wearing all your eagle's attire this evening, so fly birds fly.
Rob Valincius: I, uh, I had to, I had to come, uh, come prepared because, um, you know, everything you do is, is really sports related. So I had to represent a little bit and, uh, you know, we're all East. Northeasterners. Uh, so I figured I had to represent a little bit. But, uh, anyway, I should probably introduce it. It's, this is a DrinkGlock Podcast.
Um, I have with me Sarah with an
Sarah Retalic: Yes.
Rob Valincius: forbid. There's no H. Uh, Ritalic. And now, um, Sarah, you have, I feel like, As a podcaster, like we end up in just like all these other podcasts. Like I, I started with one, got to two, now I'm in three. If I go into four, I feel like my wifey is gonna literally stab me in the face.
So, uh, but you're the, the sole podcaster of Daddio sports cards. You're the co-host of In A Pickle or IAP and Generation Mixtape. And then, uh, you and Dave run. Mayday Media Network. Welcome to the podcast.
Sarah Retalic: yes, thank you. Yeah, Daddio is um, more like sports cards. We do do, uh, I do Friday night podcast live, like Instagram lives with a couple other card collectors, but yeah, a lot of podcasting. I'm always busy. It's a lot going on.
Rob Valincius: podcasting just, it just grows and grows and then you fucking network and then you meet people and they're like, you should, you should do this. And then like, that's how I met Burley. And then, you know, uh, I interviewed him and then we just hit it off. And he, he's like, you should be the co host of my show.
And I'm like, all right, let's fuck
Sarah Retalic: you guys work so well together. Let me say that. You guys bounce off each other very well.
Rob Valincius: you should, all right. So we got a little carried away with this past episode. Like he hasn't posted it yet. And it's. It's very racist, because it went on like, uh, he, he, he hates India. He really does. And, uh, we started out, I don't know how we got to it, but he wanted to see what Gaza looked like on Google Maps.
So he, he took a little dude on Google Maps, he threw it in Gaza. And then we went to Israel, and Israel was actually really nice. I've never actually really seen Israel streets. Uh, but it looks pretty nice. And then all of a sudden he's like, fuck it. Let's go to India.
Sarah Retalic: Oh, God.
Rob Valincius: India's not nice. Like the first place we look at there's pipes coming out from everyone's house and it's just poop shooting into a poop river.
And, uh, he goes on this rant. It was, it was hilarious, but I'd imagine it's, uh, you know, if cancel culture decides they
Sarah Retalic: That's, that's going to be the episode that it happens. I mean,
Rob Valincius: Yeah,
Sarah Retalic: it just, it is what it is. And the thing is, is I've had the conversation with several people who have listened to Burleigh speak as well as like you speak on podcasting. And it's something where Burleigh is a character. Like, it's not him.
It's not him, the person. It's, he is playing a character and he's playing it so well to everyone. It's just, he's got everyone fooled and it's amazing.
Rob Valincius: it's a lot of fun because that's the podcast I can let loose on where I can just kind of say whatever the fuck I want. And it's like, it's comedy, you know, like the shit we're talking about, it's supposed to just make people laugh and it's supposed to be asinine, you know, it's, it's the whole point of the podcast.
Uh, whereas this is more realistic. Like I talked to people about what they do and how they grew up. And how they got into what they're like, it's a different thing. Like I get to like, let, let my hair
Sarah Retalic: yeah, you talk to people who are like, Contribute something to society and then like there's me and I'm like, hmm, that's nothing. That's
Rob Valincius: Oh no. Oh no, no. We're going to, we're going to get into that. We're going to get into that. Um, let's start with this before we go off on tangents. Cause I got a couple topics. I'm sure we'll go on tangents with, but talk to me about, uh, about growing up. Um, you know, what did you do? How did you get into, you know, sports and eventually podcasting?
Let's, let's
Sarah Retalic: so I grew up born and raised from north of Boston like 15 minutes right out of the city so it's something North Shore is Born and raised you've been up here. So, you know what the North Shore is like it's very different than actual Boston in itself. We have our own, yeah, we have our own dialect too, so it's very different.
Everyone's like, oh, you don't have ours. Like, we do, but we don't. We put ours in different places when it comes to the North Shore area. And it's like, when you have like a dresser drawer, is how everyone else calls it in the country. We call it in the North Shore, it's a draw. So people are always like, it's a draw.
Like, We just drop letters. We're assholes like that. Um,
Rob Valincius: Oh, yeah. We miss we just make up words in Philly like John
Sarah Retalic: yeah.
Rob Valincius: John means anything. It could be whatever you
Sarah Retalic: not? Like, words are hard in general, and there are so many, and the English language is the worst, especially for people who are trying to learn it as adults, and I'm an adult, you're an adult, and I still can't speak it. So, I don't know.
It's a fucking, it's terrible. But yeah,
Rob Valincius: I much rather not speak. But apparently, you do need to communicate
Sarah Retalic: this is all you need is just that one little middle finger to give everyone the thumbs up and the number one and that's all you need in life, right? Good job. Fuck
Rob Valincius: That's a hello in the
Sarah Retalic: Yes, that's how we operate. Yeah, I, um, it's where I grew up. It's where I still live today.
I'll probably die here, and I, you know, I'm probably gonna die here. I mean, I have everything. I have the ocean. I'm close to the city. I can get to any of the other states in New England within, uh, Half hour, 45 minutes. So if I want to go tax free New Hampshire, I'm there. I want to go get lobster. I mean, I'm there.
So it's, everything's really casinos. Boom. We have them now in Massachusetts, but used to always go to Connecticut really quick. So it's a hop, skipping and jump to get everywhere. Um,
Rob Valincius: And
Sarah Retalic: Oh yeah. When they finally passed it in Massachusetts, we were like, Oh my God. But our local, so I used to play a lot of poker, you know, like when it was like the big poker craze and everybody jumped on it.
Yeah. And when they opened the casinos up here, they don't have poker rooms yet. So we're still waiting for that to happen. So you either have to go to New Hampshire or you've got to go to. Connecticut for that still. Um,
Rob Valincius: Oh, we have a mean poker room. So like the, the parks casino here, uh, it's a totally separate building. It's like, not even in the same casino. Like, it's, it's like, you, you walk, you go up stairs and it's just the whole floor is just poker tables. And then you have like, The high roll area, you have the low roll, which is where I would go.
Um, I was there once I feel like for like seven or
Sarah Retalic: Oh, you can get so lost. Like, and especially if it's downstairs. So that's what Foxwoods had did. They used to have their poker room upstairs and you could kind of gauge through the windows like what time of day it was, but then they moved their poker room downstairs and forget about it. You had no concept of time.
You would go in at like midnight because you would be like, oh, I'm out on a night. I got nothing else to do. Let's drive to Connecticut. So you go down and then you, you Or like, oh shit, it is now 6pm the next day. We have been here in this room, no food, no water, barely any bathroom breaks, and we really should head back home.
It's, going out down there, casinos are just a place where you can get lost, and it's amazing.
Rob Valincius: That's why we love Vegas. Vegas is my, our favorite
Sarah Retalic: I haven't been in years, it's so different from the last time I've been to Vegas. I've been there several times, and
Rob Valincius: is great.
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, it's a totally different beast. If you've not been, definitely go. I love it.
Rob Valincius: You should. Yes.
Sarah Retalic: and I had the feeling we were going to spiral and I'm so excited to spiral.
Rob Valincius: It's part of my thing. I, I don't know. I, I have a whole list of shit here and I just, I'm like, we'll get
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, and that's my whole thing, too, is I'm a super big ADHD like squirrel. Dime. Ooh, hi, pretty lady. You know, I get super distracted. So
Rob Valincius: I'm undiagnosed. I
Sarah Retalic: I've diagnosed myself several times. Like, yeah, I'm gonna take this quiz. Mm hmm. Yeah. So, yeah, um, for sports, uh, growing up, my dad coached, uh, Little League and basketball for, you know, like a, I don't know if you, I just think you guys have it down there too.
It's like the Catholic youth, Catholic youth organization, the CYO teams through like the Catholic churches. Yeah. Yeah. They're usually through, um, the archdiocese in each state, but he,
Rob Valincius: played football for, uh, for Holy Savior. It was a, it was a church school. I only played one
Sarah Retalic: Oh, that's the year that you guys went lost everything and you blocked the field goal and then the next year they won because you didn't play.
Rob Valincius: yeah, yeah. It was cool though. Cause my dad was the coach and, or one of the coaches and, uh, you know, he'd always freak out and I was always small. I was just a fat kid. I just was small and husky. Like I was, I was Cartman. Legitimately carbon. So, uh, yeah. Okay. Um, and so like I, but I was little, so like I couldn't fucking, they tried to have me be center, but my hands were too small to fucking hike the ball.
So, like, I played, you know, I played defensive tackle. They tried to put me a nose guard, but like, you gotta be bigger
Sarah Retalic: This is like the saddest story. I feel like we need some violin music to come in. And you're just like, I'm reliving my childhood traumas of being chubby and
Rob Valincius: Well, that's when I shifted to eventually deciding to lose weight and then I played basketball and basketball was more my style because I was very fast because I like I went from I was like 220 and I went down to like 125 and like
Sarah Retalic: Did you have a growth spurt, or did you actually lose the weight?
Rob Valincius: I had zero growth spurt.
I mean, I was like four 11 and I, and I, I'm now only five, four. So maybe I grew two or three inches, you know, but like, it wasn't much, but like, I just ate better and I, I always was into sports, even though I was fat. I just, I just ate more than what I should have. Uh, and, but I was still losing calories. So I just stopped doing the overeating and I lost a shit ton of weight cause I wasn't
Sarah Retalic: Well, yeah
Rob Valincius: like, as a kid, your metabolism's insane if you just eat better and you stay.
Active, you know,
Sarah Retalic: See I had the growth spurt. I was that's how I got into it my dad So as you know daddy old sports cards, I have all the sports cards My dad was a huge card collector had a baseball card shop. We did card shows all this stuff Uh, shit, and uh, then around like sixth grade I got into basketball, and I was tall, I was, I'm, even people who meet me who I'm friends with on the internet, oh, they're like, oh, you're tall, and I'm like, I'm average, I'm average for a woman, like, and they're like, no, you're tall.
Rob Valincius: What are you 5'8 Yeah. I, I, when, when someone says their average height for a woman, uh, and they're trying to make it sound like it's average,
Sarah Retalic: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: 5'8 I mean, look, 5'8's not tall. I, I, you know, but it's probably, you're on the upper side of being a
Sarah Retalic: Yeah. And I actually,
Rob Valincius: If you're a six foot,
Sarah Retalic: story. Yeah, that's my best friend. She's six foot. So she's tall. So when I'm standing next to her, I'm like, yay, I'm tiny again. Yay, little tiny hands. But I'm actually like an inch shorter because my whole spine has collapsed into itself where I have no discs.
So they measured me and they were like, oh, you lost a half an inch. And I'm like, yeah. Awesome! Shrinking!
Rob Valincius: Um, but that's fucking cool that you, you collected cards. Cause I did that a lot when I was younger.
Um, I didn't go to fucking card shows and stuff, but that is pretty cool. So your dad was like. Really into
Sarah Retalic: into it. It was another source for being involved in sports another way. He, we, I have a lot of my fondest memories are just sitting on his lap as like a child watching the Celtics win. So it's like, it's just a lot of these things, like watching the ball go through Bill Buckner's legs in 86.
It's all of these little memories and stuff that he really wanted to pass on to me, and sports cards was another way. And he was always very adamant about looking at statistics, too. So it's something where you always had your big players growing up that you loved and you were admiring them, but then when you would look at their stats and their batting average and all this stuff, and you're just like, oof, but like They're your hometown hero or they're just, you know, they play for this other team and you like this other team.
It's your secondary team. It's it just, uh, he was like, no, you have to understand the analytics of it too, because it's not just about your favorite team. It's also about respecting the game in itself and respecting the team. All players, and that's what he instilled to me, and I still carry that with me, where I can absolutely hate your team, but I respect your player.
Like, I'm, I'm trolling New York today with my, you know, 2004 AL, um, CS championships, like, over here. I'm like, yeah, we, we beat you Yankees in 04. Comeback. So, and Dave Roberts name's on the back, you know, where to represent.
Rob Valincius: was going to ask you your thoughts on, on, uh, the Dodgers just decimating the
Sarah Retalic: It's, so, watching the game going, like, that first five innings, it was like, oh man, this is really gonna be what the Yankees do. They're gonna try to make the comeback happen. And then, overrated Judge did, didn't keep his eye on the ball. And had his glove closed, and the ball just was like bloop, and that's where the tailspin happened.
Garrett Cole not running it out to first, like I understand he was winded. He made a lot of pitches in that inning, but it doesn't matter. If the first baseman isn't going to Um, shoo you off, then you need to run to first to back up your first baseman, and that's where you can see that there's still a lot of egos in that organization, and there's always been egos.
That's why they're the evil empire, and it's something that it's your basic little league skill of backing up your first baseman or backing up your pitcher. Like you, you didn't run it out and that's just, it's crazy. Error after error. Like,
Rob Valincius: That doesn't, that doesn't
Sarah Retalic: yeah, no, no,
Rob Valincius: here.
Sarah Retalic: no. This, it doesn't fly here either. So, you know, like you guys grease up your freaking poles for crying out loud and that still doesn't stop people.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, there's not much stop. There's not much stopping us, especially if we're on a, on a winning binge. Um, I will say though, I went to the Eagles Super Bowl parade in 2017 and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life because they shut down the city. So like you're down in Center City and just, there's Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people.
I didn't see a single fight. I saw a lot of people like peeing
Sarah Retalic: because everyone's hammered. They start drinking so early and they have road sodas. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: decked to the nines with road. So this I was prepped, but like, I honestly didn't even finish them because I was, I guess I was just so consumed with, you know, Like, they had, uh, police on horseback. Like, they had probably 20 of them, like, just on horses. They had, uh, block parties in the middle of the streets where they, they're playing fucking, they were DJing.
People were sitting on top of, like, the bus things that people wait under. Like, it was, it was crazy. It was fucking wild, and it was also
Sarah Retalic: Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say that's, um, that's winter, which is the worst. Yeah. I've only, yeah.
Rob Valincius: course, if we would have beat the Chiefs, it was, it was like 80 degrees, and when we won, it was like
Sarah Retalic: which is still hard. I'm not even going to get on the tirade about the chiefs. Like don't even make me go down that road. I fricking hate the chiefs. I hate the chiefs. I hate the chiefs. Oh, you guys had the better Kelsey brother. Cause I'm again, we're all done with the Kelsey's, but like you guys had.
The better Kelsey brother, the better Kelsey side of that family, but fuckin the Chiefs.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, I, I, I honestly can't stand the, the Kelsey thing now, uh, I do love Jason Kelsey. I still like him and I still think when he's by himself, like he's on our radio station still, he shows up, he, I, I like him in, um, on TV, like he's good, but like him and I fucking can't
Sarah Retalic: Him with his brother together is a little much, I, I love, uh, Jason with his wife. I think they have such a great dynamic. They do so much charity work and they're like, the fact that they're just amazing humans and she humbles him. Which is huge. She's like, and she's an athlete in herself. So their story is great.
So I, I like that. And I actually, our company that I work for, I'm not going to mention it here, but they did a, um, a whole like design thing with them and did a press release and I got like the inside scoop of like what it was like hanging out with them and meeting their kids and they were like, you know, they were just super laid back.
They were just like normal northeast people. And I was like, that's different. You don't hear that anymore. People always, have that other level about them. So it's nice to hear that there's athletes that are still like, nah, I'm just like you.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, I mean, I actually met, uh, so we had an event in Nashville for my company and, uh, we had Jevon Kirsch there. He was, uh, he was like a meet and greet and then he hung out with us for, for a while. And, uh, he was like, probably one of the most down to earth people that I've, that I've ever met. Like, he was just super humble, super chill and he's a fucking monster.
He's 48. His, his arms are like the size of my thighs still. He's like, Like, it looked like he could still go play.
Sarah Retalic: Well, I wish I could still do that in my forties. I'm the thought of walking. I'm just like, this isn't okay. It hurts.
Rob Valincius: Okay, you know how, you wanna know how lazy I am now? I don't even like to run or walk a distance in a video game. I'm like, yeah, I'm not doing that.
Sarah Retalic: You can come to me, and you can come to me, and I'll shoot ya, come to me, and just hide out.
Rob Valincius: I'm like, that's too, that's too much. I'm like, I'm not doing that shit. How do I get there faster? You know, um, you know, you go to bed, you're fine, you wake up, you've somehow, like, twisted your ankle in your sleep. Like, that's, that's where I'm at right
Sarah Retalic: this, when you sneeze and you pull your back out. It is the one that hurts the most. You just, a natural thing you've been doing since birth, sneezing, and, or yawning, that's the other one too. I had like a blocked eardrum for a while when I yawned one time, it was like, yawned too hard apparently.
It's a
Rob Valincius: Sometimes I yawn and I get this weird fucking pain in my shoulder, like, and it won't go away unless I stretch like I'm doing something weird. And then it goes away. And I'm like, I don't know what the fuck that is. Like, how do I even explain that? How do I even explain that to a doctor? Like, yeah, when I yawn, for some reason, my
Sarah Retalic: type it,
Rob Valincius: and they're going to
Sarah Retalic: yeah, type it in WebMD, and it's gonna be like, you have cancer, you're dead. You're dead.
Rob Valincius: You're dying. You'll
Sarah Retalic: you're done.
Rob Valincius: Yeah,
Sarah Retalic: You had a good run. Move on.
Rob Valincius: so, um, all right. So, so your dad had the card. So is your, is your
Sarah Retalic: My dad is not he passed in 2018.
Rob Valincius: Well, I always, you know, I always got to give a shout out rip to Sarah's dad. Um, you know, we'll, we'll dedicate the
Sarah Retalic: Oh,
Rob Valincius: to your dad
Sarah Retalic: he is daddy. Oh, yes. I have a whole thing over here. And Keith Hernandez, who is infamous for smoking heaters in the dugout. Love love me some Keith Hernandez. Yeah,
Rob Valincius: do a couple tours. So we, uh, my company did, uh, their events at stadiums this year. We, we have like a champion series. So we did, uh, I hate the Giants, but we're a giant stadium. MetLife.
Sarah Retalic: well, everyone hates the Giants.
Rob Valincius: uh,
Sarah Retalic: Even the Giants hate
Rob Valincius: we, we were at, we were at Citizens Bank, obviously Philly, and then we decided to do, uh, Nissan Stadium, the, the Titan Stadium, which, by the way, was one of the nicest, they had the nicest view that I've ever seen in my life.
Yeah, it's it's wild because you just see all of Nashville like the city in in uh, The club area that we were in for for the event um But we got to tour the stadiums and it was pretty cool kind of seeing behind the scenes like I got you know, I went into the locker room of um, You know the titans and I got to take pictures of like, you know Hopkins fucking locker which of course he's on the fucking juice now um Yeah took a picture of will levis You
Sarah Retalic: Haha.
Rob Valincius: I was like, all right, I don't think this is going to be worth anything any someday, but I'll take a
Sarah Retalic: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: love us. Um, and, uh, but it was pretty cool to be able to like see the locker room and, and stuff like that. And, um, Nissan stadium was cool. Cause they let us out on the field. Like I was in the end zone for the Titans, you know, and, uh, the giant stadium was, was cool because the event was right off of the sideline. They were fucking dickheads. Like. They had a bomb sniffing dog. You had to fucking put all your shit down.
Sarah Retalic: They, I look at you and I go, yup. Yegarian something. Yeah. You of all
Rob Valincius: that guy's got weed or
Sarah Retalic: Well, weed, yeah, that's not far fetched, but you
Rob Valincius: like, so, so they were, and they were assholes about it. They wouldn't let us, they wouldn't let us go into the locker rooms. They wouldn't let us go like on the field field. I mean, we got to like go behind the enzo, but like Nissan was totally different. They were just super cool. You know, everyone down South is just chill.
It's not like up here. We're, we're fucking assholes up
Sarah Retalic: And, you know, I had my childhood experience. So my grandfather, my maternal grandfather, my mother's father, did the HVAC for the old Boston Garden. He was one of the companies who got the last bid before they actually tore down the garden because the garden was infamous to not have a cooling system for the ice.
So it was something that during hockey games, They couldn't keep it cool enough to actually keep the ice frozen, so they would have to open up certain vents, and that was my grandfather's company. They did HVAC, so they would go in, open up the vents, and try to do it. So as a kid, I am not a Bruins fan, and this shocks everyone in Boston, because they're like, oh, you're not a Bruins fan.
And I live and breathe hockey. I love hockey. And it's something that, I, I hate the Bruins. Hated the Bruins since I was a kid. My father wasn't a Bruins fan, so it was kind of instilled in me, like, to not like the Bruins because it's just a, the, the organization is just a dumpster fire. Sorry to anyone that's a Bruins fan listening, but I'm not sorry at the same time.
Rob Valincius: Sorry, but not sorry. Go fuck yourself.
Sarah Retalic: Um, but it's something where, you know, We were able to go in because I'm a Penguins fan. So I was able to get, yeah, I am a Penguins fan.
Rob Valincius: alright. I'm not, I'm not a huge hockey fan, but I fucking
Sarah Retalic: It's fine. I married a Rangers fan. So I married a New York Rangers fan. So my, when we are We're in the same division, so when we're going head to head in games, we don't talk at all, or the next day.
And last year, or a couple years ago, he started trolling me and hanging up the banner in the bedroom, on the back of the bedroom door. So when I closed the door, I'd see, like, just a lot of little trolling moments that we do between each other. But, uh, yeah, and it's all, it's, yeah, we do some very interesting things.
Like, that's our spice right there, is trolling each other. But, um, Yeah, my grandfather would take me in and I was able to watch, um, practice all the time at the games when Pittsburgh was in town. Got to go into the locker rooms, got to meet them, got to ride the Zamboni, got to do all of this stuff as a kid.
And it was just like, holy shit, like, this is the coolest thing. To meet Yaramaya Yaga multiple times as a child was just And unfortunately, the few times that it happened, Lemieux, this is when Lemieux was going through his cancer bout, and that was my Tandem right there. Like, that was everything as a kid.
You know, that was my one and one. Yaga still might teeter over Lemieux a little bit, but Lemieux is the GOAT. He's still better than Gretzky in my mind. So, just saying. Um, if he didn't miss those seasons, and Gretzky said it himself, that Lemieux would have broke all of his numbers and records. So, fight me.
Rob Valincius: we got, we got Jagger, what, when he was like 40 or 39, he was, he was up to date. He was really, he was still good. And he was
Sarah Retalic: He's still playing. This is his last season playing. Yeah, he's playing in Czech Republic. So the team that he plays for, uh, Koloko out in Czech Republic, he's part owner of it. So he plays all the home games, and this is his last season. He said that he was going to retire after this season, and he's like 53?
Rob Valincius: Jesus Christ and like hockey's a brutal fucking sport It's not like golf where you could play into your 70 like
Sarah Retalic: here's the thing. We, so I came up with this theory a long time ago, and Dave backed it up. Dave, shout out to Dave IAP, um, backed it up where Yaga was infamous for dating a lot of young women. So we always joke that Yaga would then kind of take their souls. Into his body to then just kind of nourish his career to help with preventing injuries, you know, and then he would walk out after hooking up in his, you know, Canadian tuxedo and just get into the Camaro and drive into the sunset.
So that's, that's our little theory on how Yaga is still playing today. Because his girlfriend currently is like, 27? 28?
Rob Valincius: That's
Sarah Retalic: Yeah. That's, I mean, kudos.
Rob Valincius: That's too young, man. I mean, uh,
Sarah Retalic: It's,
Rob Valincius: look, you know what? More for
Sarah Retalic: exactly, and that's, that's my whole thing, is I'm like, good for you, you do you. Like, I, who, who am I to judge? I mean, there's levels of judgment that I can make, but if it's keeping them playing, like, that's fine. Mm
Rob Valincius: Look, man, I, I toured my ACL playing basketball and it was never the same. Like, you're, you're never, like, it's repaired. I have a dead man's fucking Achilles. That's my ACL. Uh, and I gotta tell ya, it's, you're never back. I still, I feel in my head that I still run okay, but I'm also like, ever since that I've gained like 70
Sarah Retalic: it's terrible, isn't it? Mm
Rob Valincius: your body.
Then I think I was playing basketball after years after I recovered, but I'm heavier. And when you fuck up your body, you overcompensate. Right? So then I think I, I think I actually tore my hip,
Sarah Retalic: Which is possible.
Rob Valincius: uh, labrum.
Sarah Retalic: Yeah. Whatever's on that, that opposite side.
Rob Valincius: uh, because I, I tried to do an abrupt stop. And when you're a fat person, not everything stops when you stop.
So, um, and then I tried to play again, like six months later, and I went to go through and throw a no look pass. Cause I'm, you know, I play point guard. I'm small and fast, right?
Sarah Retalic: No.
Rob Valincius: not anymore. But, uh, I went to go throw a no look pass, and my hip popped out of the socket. And I had a bruise that went, and it, you know, went right back in.
But I had a bruise that went from, like, my groin all the way down past my knee. Like, absurd, like an absurd bruise. It looked like someone hit me
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, you definitely, when you, when it popped out, it definitely hit a nerve. And just was like, yep, we're gonna, you're nervous, like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, no, I, yeah,
Rob Valincius: played that hard, uh, In a while, and I also probably I haven't gotten it fully diagnosed, but I'm 110 percent sure that I tore
Sarah Retalic: you still,
Rob Valincius: So I'm probably gonna have
Sarah Retalic: you should get it looked at. See, I, I got hurt in senior year. I did, I didn't, haven't played basketball since college. I stopped playing in college. I got, I had, uh, my back operated on, uh, my senior year, September of my senior year. So I missed my senior year because I had my back like, just had the herniated, I had two herniated discs.
They went out, took them out, uh, but I was out. And I played a couple here and there, but it was just not the same. And it just, it felt weird. And then at the same time, I was like, oh, I don't know. Cause my doctor was like, you really shouldn't get hit. And I was aggressive. Like I've broken my nose twice playing basketball.
I've had post concussion syndrome. I'm insane. Like I am the person who growing up watching the Celtics, the old school Celtics where, you know, you are
Rob Valincius: There you birds throwing bows
Sarah Retalic: all day. You're going to see what you can get away with. And I mean, small acts of violence. If it goes on undetected, you're good. So, yeah. Doing, having to go through that surgery was, it sucked, but then I tried playing in college and then I started having like a little bit more numbness on my leg and then I was like, all right, I'm done.
And now here I am in my 40s and my whole spines, I have to go in and get it all dealt with and it's just, it's not good. And then I already had my knee worked on in 2019 and I'm like, this is awesome. Sports are great.
Rob Valincius: Well, the problem, the problem with, with like certain things like knees and stuff can, can, can be totally like take it out and replaced and they're, you're fine. Right Achilles actually end up being stronger after you tear them. Typically, like with a hip, like I already saw my doctor, my specialist and they're like, listen.
Yeah. Uh, we can shoot it up and fill it in and see how it goes, but there's only like 3 doctors in the country that do the surgery for this and it's a pretty invasive surgery to get done. So we don't. No, if it's even pop and I'm like, Oh, great. Okay. So, but you're telling me I'm, I'm too poor to get the surgery done first off.
Um, but, and I'm like, after they said that, and I also, I broke, you'll probably, I never
Sarah Retalic: No. Nice.
Rob Valincius: you see my pinky. Yeah, I broke that playing football and I reset it and I reset it underneath
Sarah Retalic: my pinky?
Rob Valincius: So it grew. Oh, that looks good.
Sarah Retalic: That's what mine does. High five.
Rob Valincius: I, but I went, I went to like my doctor. He's like, yeah, I need to re break it. I need to cut it open. You have to do six months of therapy. I'm like, nah, I'm fine. No, no one fucking looks at my pinky. Like you would never tell like that nothing looks
Sarah Retalic: Yeah. Until you do it. Right. Yeah. You would never know my pinky looks like this until I open my hand to like high five you. You would never know.
Rob Valincius: and it still works and doesn't hurt.
Sarah Retalic: there. I mean, I have to move the other one to like make things happen, but. We're good. We'll do it. Well, they did that with my nose when I broke my nose the second time, because it's not attached.
They were like, oh, we're gonna have to re break it, then go in and adjust it so that it's up more. And I'm like, no, dude, I got a free nose job. I've always had a crooked nose.
Rob Valincius: going to say, you got a free
Sarah Retalic: and I was like, my shit is straight now. My whole childhood, I had this freaking like crooked sort of nose. I'm like, nope. We're gonna leave it like this.
It's good. We're fine. Holds my glasses. You can't even tell. It's like, it's there.
Rob Valincius: Don't, don't, uh, fix something that's not
Sarah Retalic: I mean, it is broken, but like, It's, but it's working. It's working.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, you're good. You can still smell and breathe. Right?
Sarah Retalic: I mean, on a good
Rob Valincius: Um, so , so now that, now that I got a feel for your, your sports journey there, right?
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, it was basketball
Rob Valincius: you into the, what, what got you
Sarah Retalic: It's,
Rob Valincius: Just,
Sarah Retalic: yeah.
Rob Valincius: I could just put on headphones and just go to the court and just shoot around for
Sarah Retalic: Yes. Yeah, I didn't want to play basketball. I didn't. I wanted nothing to do with it, but, Hockey's too expensive, so it's something where I was also still growing, I was like, I just want to hit people. Clearly I was a very angry child and just wanted to do a lot of it. You know, I'm the youngest of three, so it's something where I'm like, Ugh, I just want to hit people.
Shake babies! Ahaha! Like, just freaking crazy! But, yeah. And my father was like, nope. You can play basketball. Here's some sneakers. And I was like, okay. And he coached basketball, so he was like, he coached me forever and drilled me forever. I played all year round for basketball and traveled everywhere, so.
Rob Valincius: It's the cheapest. Yeah. I'd have added most of the sports. Like, cause with hockey, you're going to buy the sticks, the pads, hockey's fucking Hockey's
Sarah Retalic: it's really expensive.
Rob Valincius: Um, but so, uh, let's, let's talk about what got you into the podcasting side of things and, and how did you meet hubby? I'd imagine that kind
Sarah Retalic: It does flow into that, actually. It's kind of funny. Um, so, coming into making this decision to start Daddy O Sports Cars as a page, it was more like therapeutic for me. Um, it was we were, we were getting out of we COVID and I was going through all of my dad's stuff and looking at all the cards and I was like, man, you know, like maybe I should just start a page.
And the husband's like, yeah, absolutely start a page. Like there's so much shit, like post all your shit you had. It'll take you years to do it. And I was like, all right. So I created the page, you know, reconnected with a lot of friends and then created, like met a lot of new people, got into a really great community of throughout the, um, hobby.
And They're amazing. So I will say that the baseball card hobby is thriving and. The old school side of it is the best side to be involved with, cause it's more nostalgic and everyone actually knows what they're talking about instead of like the breakers now that have like kind of ruined it a little bit.
But, um,
Rob Valincius: Are you talking about like the, the new people where they open those crazy card packs with like, with like Jersey emblems and shit, and they do the live
Sarah Retalic: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: and
Sarah Retalic: It's not our bag. Like we know that that's out there, but we're more of like, let's open up like 1988 Donner as they're 1988 tops. And that brings us excitement. Cause like that's our childhood and we're still chasing rookies from those times. And it's. That's where the community aspect, like, there's a huge community, but that portion of the community is where I'm involved in, is basically the geriatrics, I guess you could call us, where that's where we
Rob Valincius: nah, I mean. I have a ton of old stuff, like I have a Shaquille O'Neal rookie card somewhere, and you know, I have a couple things from, from like way back in the day, but what's the, uh, what's the rarest
Sarah Retalic: Um, so I have Michael Jordan's rookie. And I have Nolan Ryan's rookie, so those are the two big heavy hitters that I have.
Rob Valincius: So, what do you think a Michael Jordan rookie card
Sarah Retalic: Um, graded or ungraded is where it is. I mean, I have that whole entire complete set, so that complete set is quite a chunk change. If each card in that set, taking out the Michael Jordan rookie, just the base commons, if they were to grade a 10, they'd go for 1, 000 just each card in that set.
Rob Valincius: Jesus.
Sarah Retalic: 10.
So, I was actually at my lo
Rob Valincius: Are they ever graded
Sarah Retalic: Not always because they're so old. So, you know, a lot of them will have Diggins and chips. Unless you have fresh out of the pack where there have been people that have come across. the sealed wax of it and have been able to take them fresh out of the pack, and there are some Michael Jordan 10s out there, and they go for a pretty penny.
So you're looking at several grand for that. Yeah, mine will never go away. I said when I die, it goes to my niece. The whole thing goes to my niece when I die.
Rob Valincius: That is, that is cool. And what about Nolan Ryan? That's
Sarah Retalic: Nolan Ryan's Rookie is, it's still, that one that I have is not in the best condition. It's probably, it's, it's, good, more or less, because it's my dad's. So he's had it forever. And in the condition that it's in, it probably could get maybe a G out of it or a couple, like, high hundreds.
Rob Valincius: That's pretty, I mean, that's still, that's still pretty
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, it's pretty, it's pretty crazy for pieces of cardboard, but it's all depending upon, like, where. Your, your dent damage is on it, and like, the damage on that card is like, slightly on the back, so you wouldn't actually see it. I'm just very particular on, like, nope, this is like, a little bit of damage here, and I'm very transparent with people, like, Before I give you this card, I'm just letting you know that there's like, this little ding here that you can't see, so, yeah, buyer beware.
Rob Valincius: so, so do you do the whole, you do the whole thing? Do you like trade with people?
Sarah Retalic: we have, uh, so, I'll, there's a bunch of us who like send stuff to each other. There's like our goon squad where we, um, the four of us always send trolling stuff to each other because they all know who I hate and I know who they hate, so we send cards to each other. And then the hobby does a hobby secret Santa, so that, Everyone gets another person in the hobby and you get a list of like what who they like or what they're looking for on their sets and we just ship it off and yeah, it's, it's a pretty fun time.
Yeah, because some of the great stuff I got, like, I got like an autographed baseball and they're just like, we all, you know, if there's something that I have, I'm like, I don't need this. I'm going to send it to somebody else so that they can get the enjoyment out of it. So we always, try to send stuff to each other.
Rob Valincius: See what you guys do is kind of a lost art because, um, and I, you know, I'm probably guilty of, of saying it because I, the first thing I asked is, well, what, how much
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, because it's the monetary is what everyone, with everything now though. So it's not just cards, it's everything.
Rob Valincius: but you could tell that, like, you enjoy it, you know your shit, and you love it. So there's a difference between that and what is today, because today, and I complain about today all the time, probably, like, way too much at this point. I sound like I'm 70, you know, because just complain about everything, but it's like, no one actually cares about the thing that they're in.
They only care, there's a hair on my monitor, and It's going to, it's, it's the smallest thing ever. It's going to do, it's going to annoy the shit out of me. Um, but it's, it's one of those things where people and kids, especially now they don't appreciate. The thing that they're into, they're only doing it to get clout, make money, get followers.
It's not about like enjoying it, you know, and you know, it's, it's for us,
Sarah Retalic: Right. It's so different. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: it was about the love of the game and, and what you're doing. And, uh, hopefully I think we're starting to see it. Change a little, right? Because cancel culture is kind of started to like go away because people like, well, you know, people were just can't canceling people were canceling people that were
Sarah Retalic: Yeah. We, what are you gonna, dig them up, shake them, and then cancel them? Like, I don't Yeah.
Rob Valincius: of course, that guy is racist. He's he was a white rich guy in the 1920s. Everybody was racist, especially if you're white and rich in the 1920s. You're going to cancel that whole era. It's like,
Sarah Retalic: they will. They'll try. But cancel it all. Let's cancel
Rob Valincius: I mean, like, yeah, Like we need to settle down a little
Sarah Retalic: Pump the brain.
Rob Valincius: gonna, I'm gonna go off on an
Sarah Retalic: It's okay, you can chill on your soapbox. I'm fine. I'm just like, grab my little beverage over here. Sit back. I just need some popcorn. What the fuck? Cause I'm prepared.
Rob Valincius: right? But it's it's nice that you like like you actually like what you're doing You're not doing it just to get money and there's a difference and I think that you know The cards you have at least and the things that you value you're not just gonna fucking sell them to you
Sarah Retalic: no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Rob Valincius: you're gonna, you're gonna pass
Sarah Retalic: it's something that I did it with my dad and Starting the page was a way, it was very therapeutic for me, because I was able to go through and see cards that I haven't seen since I was a kid, and it's something where it brought back a lot of memories, and there were some times where I was a little bit more emotional over a baseball card than I should have been, but it was a memory locked into a card, so that is where Hahaha.
Like, I love it so much because I did it with him, and even when he was going through his episodes, he would pull out the cards and he could still name every player and all the teams they played for, but like, couldn't remember his name. So it was like all those things where I'm like, it was wild to see that happen, and that's why I was like, this is me doing it and having his name and his face as my logo.
Is me still honoring him and what we did together and, you know, that's why I love it is it was him that brought me to do it is he's like, you go to a shit lady, do something with it and then connecting with people. I reconnected with Dave. Dave and I actually went to high school together. So that's why we have this history and rapport and I went to him and was like, you know, like I was thinking about he, he was kind of on the verge of not doing IEP anymore.
And I was like, huh, you know, like, well, I kind of want to do a podcast about like sports cards. Like, why not? Like we can talk about sports cards. And he's just like, why don't you just jump on IEP with me? And I was like, I don't want to read stories. Like nobody wants to hear me talking about stories of other people.
And he's like, well, we'll change the format. So we brainstormed and we were like, okay, like let's cover all sports. And do it like the news and just really highlight the shitty things athletes are doing every week and have this one person who is the highlighted shittiest person and we'll call it the biggest pickle and so that's what we've been doing together for the last two years and we've had fun doing, having fun.
I haven't killed him yet, so we're good.
Rob Valincius: no, I listened to, I listened to you guys. You're, you're fun. You guys have a good rapport together.
Sarah Retalic: known each other for like 20 plus years.
Rob Valincius: I was listening to your newest episode and I, I was laughing cause I guess when you
Sarah Retalic: Yes, I didn't have a computer for like a week.
Rob Valincius: giving you shit, he was giving you shit literally the first like 10
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, he wrote me so hard. He's like, you can't figure your life out. And I was like, it's not my fault. Like, I had to take my computer in to get service. Like, I lost this. I watched a YouTube video, was going to order the part, Was very gung ho, and then was like, I'm going to electrocute myself and die, so maybe I shouldn't do this.
I am not tech savvy at anything. Like, shit, you want me to come and put walls in your house? Put some concrete floor? You want me to help you do whatever it may be? I can do manual labor. I can't do tech shit. I'm gonna kill myself and kill everyone around me. Somehow I'll end up blowing
Rob Valincius: I can't do any of that. I can't do that. However, it's super therapeutic for me to build a computer. You should see my fucking, my
Sarah Retalic: See, I can't do it. And I'm envious of that. I mean, I'm the person who knows how to do all that again, my father. Like, I can change my oil, change my tire, build you a fucking house, like, whatever you need. You need a new bookcase? I'll build you a bookcase. I know how to do all that. And unfortunately, since I know how to do this, my sister gets me and she's like, Hey, can you come and help me refinish this?
And I'm like, fuck, why do I know how to do things?
Rob Valincius: this small little thing and it's like re floor her
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, she wants to do that next. I'm like, son of a bitch. Why do I know what I'm doing? Okay.
Rob Valincius: mom, she, she's Ukrainian. So when she gets work done, she likes to hire Ukrainians to do the work. Now, I love Ukrainians, but they don't always follow the rules and do their things correctly the right way. So we were having, uh, well, there's a bunch of shit wrong, but we were having leaking for some reason down here in our, where we stay in an in law suite downstairs.
Um, and, uh, My floor was wet all the way around because, you know, it's a basement. And so I had to call a guy. He comes out and, uh, we have a French drain system down here. But it's a finished
Sarah Retalic: So you wouldn't know because it's going to be going down with her.
Rob Valincius: But we have a sump pump, so like our sump pumps always worked. And we didn't know why it was, you know, the water was coming in.
So he puts the camera to check. It cost me 300 for 5 minutes of his work. And each side of the French drain system just has, just rocks. Like it's, it doesn't work like our French train system probably has never worked, um, or it worked, you know, the first year and then they didn't didn't do it
Sarah Retalic: oh my God.
Rob Valincius: Um, well, it turns out it's the pipe outside that we have. That's like taking the water off of our roof and it broke and I just fix that. And then now we have no flooding down here. Um, but. The French rain system, it's going to cost like five grand for them to, uh, fix it, but they don't fix anything else.
So there's just going to be giant holes in the walls, which means, so the walls need to be redone the fucking floor that cut the, uh, carpet needs to be, it was a whole thing. I'm like, we're good. We're good. Don't
Sarah Retalic: Nope. This, this is, this is the poor man's game we're playing here, folks. Like, this is what we're doing.
Rob Valincius: I'm rolling the fucking dice at this point. Hopefully it doesn't happen again. If it does, it kind of
Sarah Retalic: It, that's, and that's basically adulthood right there. In a nutshell.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, I mean, five grand to do something that should have been done
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, it's, it's freaking nuts.
Rob Valincius: we know those guys don't do shit now for nothing. You know, it has to be a larger job for them to even
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, cause they won't show up, even if it's just like, oh, like drywalling. If they're gonna do drywall, they need, it needs to be worth their while. They're not gonna come and patch one hole. They wanna do, like, six or seven walls. That, and full walls, not just patching. Crazy.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, yeah, it's fucking
Sarah Retalic: clearly went into the wrong field.
Rob Valincius: yeah, I know, right? Um, so, so, so talk a little bit about that with your dad. Yeah. Your dad had
Sarah Retalic: He had early onset Alzheimer's. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: I had, my grandma had it and it, you know, uh, she had, I think she had
Sarah Retalic: Yeah. It starts as that and then it like slowly increases.
Rob Valincius: It's sad because like, you know, my mom and my grandma were like best friends. So like my mom took it really hard because, you know, she was living with my mom for a while, uh, because, you know, my grandfather couldn't handle it. And it got to a point where my mom couldn't handle it because she, you know, it's, You'd have those bouts of them, you know, the, you know, she was peeing on the furniture cause
Sarah Retalic: Forgot.
Rob Valincius: where she was.
And I mean, there was just, and my grandma was always a strong person, but like, and I say this to everyone, the first thing, like, I don't want to lose my mind. That's the one thing, like, uh, And I will avoid like, uh, and you know, I don't know if you know this, but I'm, I'm, so I, I'm in the insurance field and I work with a lot of like medications and stuff.
Right. And, uh, it's, it's turning out that a lot of the blood pressure meds that they use now are, are linked to causing dementia and Alzheimer's.
Sarah Retalic: all the
Rob Valincius: So if they try to put you on blood pressure meds, I would avoid it. If you can,
Sarah Retalic: Don't yeah It's not it's crazy because so many you know, my dad passed when he like right before his 64th birthday He was 63 when he passed and it was yeah, I was really young and it's something that was So sudden where he just there were signs through the years But nothing that was like crazy alarming and then it just all came to a head and hit real hard Where he just was really struggling couldn't drive anymore.
She couldn't like deal take care of himself It was a lot of things so he had moved in with us. And it was something where, you know, any small, like if I got called into work early or my husband got called into work early and we disrupted the, the schedule because we always had to maintain by the hour when his nap time would be with this and that.
So like, we planned everything out where, My husband and I worked different schedules so that I could be home in the morning, he could be home at, like, like, my father would nap, and then right when he was waking up, my husband would be home. So it was all planned out, but the moment we would disrupt his schedule, forget about it.
It was Trying to retrain a child all over again and wrangle him in and it was a lot and we we had spent It was a good probably three or four months trying to get him placed into a facility that would allow a lot of things because we Didn't want him to be in a facility where he was being in a facility.
We wanted him to get the eyes. Yeah, we wanted him to get the eyes and the treatment and the things that he needed. And we also wanted him to come home on the weekends. And we knew that, like, the schedule disruption, but we also knew that, like, if he didn't have those things in his schedule, where he saw myself and my sister.
Or he saw the dog, or anything like that, that that would also downward spiral him more so. So we finally had found a place that they were like, you can bring the dog here, and you can take him home for major holidays, or you can sign him out, and you can take him for whatever, and we can work with you on medication, and this and that.
We finally, and this is like, the fucking, the thing, and you were talking, when you were talking with Ken on your last episode, and he was saying that he had a premonition. that he was going to get injured. And so we had gotten my father settled. It was a Thursday. I had left work in the morning. Boston, uh, came home, picked up my husband.
He was already at the facility. Like, we had him picked up. He was already taken care of. And we got to the facility, got all the paperwork. I hand over a check, which I'm just like, ugh, it's like this money, because our medical system is so Is the worst. Yes. So I hand over this check and I'm signing him in.
I'm going over all the medications that he's on and all of this stuff so that I can get things and I was like, okay, here's the dates that I'm looking. I'm already like discussing these future things. So we go up to the room, we get them settled. I'm We're hanging out, we're watching Andy Griffith, we're, he's eating cherry tomatoes, we're talking, we're shooting the shit, and, you know, my sister's gonna come up in the, over the weekend, and I was like, alright, I'll be back tomorrow, no big deal, and we leave, and I'm driving home, and I just, like, I'm on route one, and I'm, I look at my husband, and I was like, Yeah, he's not gonna make it.
And he's like, what do you mean? I was like, no, this is it. Like, he's done. He's not gonna make it. He's gonna die. And he's like, I don't understand. And I was like, this, I just feel it. Like, I feel it in my bones. Something doesn't, like, I, this is it. Like, there's something happening. I don't know. So, the whole night I was up, couldn't sleep.
I'm freaking having anxiety, because now it's about, like, money, and life, and this, and did I make the right decision? I don't know. And then, 7 o'clock the next morning, I had a call. He had a heart attack and asleep. So he wasn't even in the facility for 24 hours. And he was just like, no. There was just like, something in me.
And this has happened multiple times. Like, my father and I always had like, this weird connection. Like, there was times where, He had a time, um, an episode where he went into a hyperglycemic state because he was a diabetic and I didn't hear from him and something didn't sit right, so I left and went to the house and I found him out cold and had to get him to the emergency room.
It was just like a A lot of different premonitions like that with him where I could always feel some shit ain't right with him. Or I'd call him and be like, did you take your meds? And he's like, no, I didn't, but thanks for reminding me. And you know, like, it's just this little connection, but yeah, not even 24 hours.
Rob Valincius: And I'm sure they didn't
Sarah Retalic: No, they did not give me any money back. They did not. And I was like, you know what? Like, at the end of the day, I don't care. Like, whatever. It's like it to be done. Was to, to be, to be done with them was one of the things that I was like, okay, like I'm done. It's like, like that portion of it, but now it's like everything after, which was the, the, the tough stuff.
Like, yeah, like selling his house. And I was already in the process of selling his house and going through his things. And it was, it was really tough. You know, I had even before he passed, I had already purchased his plot and his headstone and, you know, my husband and I will be buried with him. And I made sure that I checked with everybody in the family.
Does anybody want to be buried here first? And they were like, no. So, and I mean, it was. I think you've seen a lot because, you know, my husband and I went from being like, we got married in 2014 and then we started seeing a kind of decline in 2016 ish, nothing crazy. But then it was like 2017 was like the wildest year.
So we had a little bit of time where we got to really be Like, married, newlyweds, and then it was like, okay, now we're caring for an adult child, and then, you know, other things have happened with family members and all this other shit, and it's just, it's always a challenging cycle, and my husband is a fucking saint, saint. Someone who could step in, help me with him. who didn't check me into a hospital, which I'm surprised he didn't. He should have, like, over and over again, because I was, like, I chopped all my hair off. I chopped off, like, 13, 14 inches of hair. I was just, like, I was off the hook.
Rob Valincius: You and Brittany.
Sarah Retalic: it was, it was intense.
Like, I couldn't handle it. I really didn't function well after his passing.
Rob Valincius: It's well, I mean, when you're connected to somebody like that, um, you know, it's, it's difficult, um, especially when you had the
Sarah Retalic: Yeah. He's my best friend.
Rob Valincius: I mean, it's, it's understand, it's understandable, totally
Sarah Retalic: still my gut. It's like, I, I will just like, you know, like you, you talk to yourself about things and you have like that feeling where you're like, I don't know. And I was like, yeah, what do you think? And then my gut's like, and I'm like, yeah, no, fuck off. Like, you know, it's just like certain things.
Yeah. That you're just like, Nope. I ain't fucking with that.
Rob Valincius: well, look, I think I've gotten a little more spiritual as I've gotten older, not like godly spiritual, but like, you know, I believe, you know, we don't just go, you know, go away when you die, you
Sarah Retalic: Everyone's haunting me.
Rob Valincius: so I think, yeah, I think, I think he's got to be still
Sarah Retalic: and I'm cool with
Rob Valincius: so there's, there's got to be something
Sarah Retalic: Come hang out,
Rob Valincius: yeah, um,
Sarah Retalic: constantly lose. Talk suck. Like, let's let's do this. Okay, listen, I'm not I'm not I know you're a big football guy. I'm not. So I just chuckle my head off seeing The Patriots downfall and watching everyone on the pats get arrested.
I'm just like, yeah, this is a fucking shit show. No,
Rob Valincius: yeah, football's number one and then basketball's number two and then, you know, with the whole fucking Sixers debacle with him beat and fucking PG not playing right now and we, it's okay.
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, he's going crazy.
Rob Valincius: But we can't even fucking, we can't even beat the fucking Detroit Pistons who are 0 4. Like, combined records that the Sixers have played in the first four games are 3 13 and we're 1 3. We just can't function without Embiid, and, you know, I can't, I don't even know, I've never seen PG play, for us, so, who fucking knows what he's gonna be like, but, you know, you got five hundred million dollars of fucking money, sitting on the bench, hanging
Sarah Retalic: that's what drives me crazy and why I don't watch the NBA anymore is because of the contracting and just, it's, there's a lot of.
Rob Valincius: being pussies,
Sarah Retalic: donna attitude. Yeah. I don't like it. And you know, that's why I like hockey is my number one. I will like we've centerized penguins are on tonight. Like we watch even I'll watch west coast games in the middle of the night.
Like I watch as much hockey as I possibly can because I really enjoy the sport. That's the thing. These men make little to no money in comparison to these other athletes. And they're the ones that are, you know, beating the shit out of each other the most. Like, it's insane to me.
Rob Valincius: You gotta respect hockey. Hockey, for me, though, is, hockey's number four on my
Sarah Retalic: cause you're a bitch.
It's cause you're a bitch.
Rob Valincius: it's just, you know what, um, growing, I blame my dad. Growing up, uh, it just was never, I don't think he was into hockey. So, like, for me, I always, like, I watched Jordan play, like, he loved the Bulls. So I was a big,
Sarah Retalic: Basketball. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: and Pippin and, and like, that was my thing.
And every Sunday we watched the Eagles together and all, you know, so like those are the sports and then like baseball, I didn't get into, I met until I met my fiance, like I watched it, but like never really gave a shit. Um, but then we got into it when the Phillies were really good back 2010. So like, it was fun to watch it then.
And then, um, Hockey, I just, it just never really. Yeah. I never gave hockey a chance and who knows,
Sarah Retalic: it a chance. You guys have gritty, sir. You have freaking gritty as your mascot. One of the, if not the, best mascots. You have fucking gritty. Like, how you're not following. I mean, the thing is, too, is you're also, it's flyers, like, woof. But, um, just watch some hockey when it's on ESPN, or TBS, or TNT, or whatever, wherever they're streaming it now.
Just watch a little bit. I'm telling ya. It's great.
Rob Valincius: I'll try to check some because Gritty is definitely he's got to be a top three mascot
Sarah Retalic: Of all time,
Rob Valincius: honestly think that I think the fanatic has to be top two. I mean, there's not many Like I don't know of any of I don't know of any so I don't know if he's one or two because I don't really know Too many other mascots, but I just think the fanatic we don't know what the fuck he is But he's got to be a
Sarah Retalic: I think he's a giant booger. Um, that's the only thing, yeah. It's um, I, I think, cause Gritty's dirty, like, he does, he, he takes the Philly personality and carries it in his mascot. Aree? Is that a word? Mascottery? I don't know. I'm making it up now. Um, but he just fucks with everyone and it's so great and, you know, I'm not big into Philly, you know.
I'm not, I'm not
Rob Valincius: wonder why. I wonder
Sarah Retalic: but it's something where, uh, you have to respect him and it, like, in my evil, dark, black heart. He is like my spirit animal. It's just great.
Rob Valincius: he is, he is the man. Well, look, we're, uh,
Sarah Retalic: We are hittin
Rob Valincius: and I'm hungry as shit. Um, so, uh, why don't you tell my listeners where they can find all the many things that you fucking do,
Sarah Retalic: Well, you can find me on Instagram at DaddyOSportsCards. You can also find me on IAP Radio at IAPRadio. com. You can find me on Generation Mixtape at GMTPod. com. And you can also find me at the MaydayMediaNetwork. com. Well, MaydayMediaNetwork. com. So you can find me kinda everywhere. I'm here. I'm everywhere, find
Rob Valincius: everywhere. Shout out to
Sarah Retalic: Yes, shout out to Dave and to Joe who waxed back some whiskey. You can find them up there on uh, the IG also.
Rob Valincius: Have, uh, you know, before we end this, how have you guys, uh, fared after?
Sarah Retalic: Um, we've been fine, but you know, we made that life choice to leave and then it all kind of fell apart and we just sat back and kind of did this with our Mr. Burns with our fingers and just waited. We, we had a Plan to start Mayday before we even joined the den and we kind of started doing it when we were with the den, but not as like a media company as a network.
And then when we made the decision to just, when all this shit hit the fan, we were just like, no, we're gonna, we're gonna do it. And it's been great for us. I got to say. The one big takeaway I can say is the networking of the people that I talk to now that were on the den, who I didn't talk to before, such as yourself and Matt and, you know, Chris from Spoil My Movie.
Like, I would talk to people sporadically, but now I actually have relationships with people because I'm not on the den. So it's wild.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, well I got kicked out for my
Sarah Retalic: Yes, you guys.
Rob Valincius: I didn't even do anything, say anything. I was kicked out solely because of my affiliation with Body Rock. Which I think is actually fucking
Sarah Retalic: whole thing was just, yeah, it was actually kind of,
Rob Valincius: It was a shit show. I don't really care. Like it didn't bother me at all. It's not like they, being in that group did nothing except give me anxiety because I had to fucking put their shit everywhere in my podcast.
It didn't really boost
Sarah Retalic: No. It,
Rob Valincius: way.
Sarah Retalic: it was um,
Rob Valincius: I got to meet Matt, which helped me. Well, actually, no, that's a lie because Matt got me into the den. So, like, I met Matt before I even met
Sarah Retalic: Matt's great people.
Rob Valincius: honestly, I didn't even, yeah. Oh, dude,
Sarah Retalic: I love that guy. I would fucking go to bat for him all day.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, he's he's a genuine you and that's the cool thing is is, you know doing this stuff you get to meet a lot of Genuine people some people are fake as fuck and you
Sarah Retalic: You can gauge it.
Rob Valincius: being in the northeast, you know We got
Sarah Retalic: The bullshit detector. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, but there's certain people and matt's matt's one of the good ones and i'm i'm happy I met him You know, thank shout out to reddit because I
Sarah Retalic: Oh that's awesome. Yeah. See?
Rob Valincius: um, but look Everything comes
Sarah Retalic: together at the end of the
Rob Valincius: right?
Sarah Retalic: Worked out for the best.
Rob Valincius: Uh, but look it was a It was a pleasure having you on. I'm sure we can probably
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, we could.
Rob Valincius: and I didn't get to 95 percent of what I had
Sarah Retalic: I'll come back or I'll have you come over on one of our 17 things that we have going on and we'll chat it
Rob Valincius: well, yeah, I, I'd be happy to, to jump on one of your, I'm sure I could talk sports all day with you if you want to chat, football, basketball. Um, and then I'll say this, my hundredth episode is coming up. Um, so I'm thinking about throwing together a little bit of it, like Friday night drinking, uh, Maybe even a live stream, like an Instagram live or something.
So I'd be
Sarah Retalic: Sign me the fuck up. I will actually
Rob Valincius: Burley's going to be there, he's going to be drinking, I'm going
Sarah Retalic: I'll be there. I'll, yeah.
Rob Valincius: going to be there. So it's, it's, I'm trying to like get the collective and see, see how it goes. I'm sure it'll be a shit show and I don't care if anyone shows up. Cause I'll
Sarah Retalic: Yeah, I'm just drinking by myself.
Rob Valincius: I think it'd be. Yeah, I think it'd be pretty cool to have, like, uh, something for the 100th episode. I didn't think I'd make it
Sarah Retalic: Hey, you made it. You're still doing a great job. Keep doing what you're doing. Every week it's someone new, something new, and, uh, I will say a lot of your guests are extremely inspiring, and I've learned a lot about you just from listening to your show. Like, a lot.
Rob Valincius: Sometimes I wonder if I either tell too much or I, I'm always worried that I'm going to tell, like, the same story, like, too many times because, like, obviously I'm meeting half of these people for the first time, so I, I got, and I'm sure they, they don't go back and listen to some of my episodes, so, like, I feel like sometimes I don't want to be overkill, but, uh, I try to, you gotta connect with people
Sarah Retalic: Right. And that's where I learned about you and where I feel that I have a connection with you is because from listening to your show, it got me to know you a lot better and understanding. And I was listening to you when you were even on The Den. So it's something where I was like, okay, like, He's just a, a normal Northeasterner who just feels it like we do, and he's gone through the same shit we've all did, and it's just, yeah.
So, I like what you're doing. Keep doing it, bitch.
Rob Valincius: Thank you. Appreciate you very much. Uh, you can find my podcast, anywhere you listen to the podcast, Drink O'Clock, and Drink O'Clock Pod on all social media. So with that being said, I hope you have a great
Sarah Retalic: You as well.
Rob Valincius: um, Ooh, and, uh, have a
Sarah Retalic: Bye! Thank you, Rob.
Outro Song