Drink O'Clock
Podcast interviewing anyone, and everything, that we find interesting. Drinks may be involved and some shenanigans may be had.
Drink O'Clock
100th Episode Extravaganza
Join me and a ragtag group of my friends, and fellow podcasters, for a special 100th episode celebration of the Drink O'Clock podcast! This is an episode of fun, debauchery, and a lot of PP jokes. I want to thank everyone that listens to this show and has helped contribute to its growth! Here's to another 100 episodes and more! Make sure you check out all of my friends content!
Burley: rageandpillage.com
Steph: instagram.com/stefsrockshow
BumWineBob: bumwinebob.com
Yuban: instagram.com/yubanwhakinov
Sarah: linktr.ee/InAPickPod
Intro Song
Rob Valincius: And welcome to the drinking podcast. I can't fucking talk because I've
been drinking for an hour. Um, wow, I didn't even know how I
was going to start this. guys. Um, not gonna, I'm not gonna lie to
I might get a little emotional. So I'm gonna start
the show
Stefs Rock Show: okay.
Rob Valincius: by taking a shot of Fireball, which is how I started
my very first episode. I actually,
for the first like 10 episode, would do
Shots of fireball throughout the, show. And then I realized, uh, as I was talking to an author that,
I said, well, how is the video game you created? And he's like, I'm an author. And I'm like, Ooh, I should probably. I should probably
not continue to do shots throughout the show.
So, uh, I know some of you aren't drinking, some of you aren't
drinkers. Um,
so if you have, I have a titty shot glass, that's a tea dogs, uh, nipples hard, uh, I wanted to celebrate by starting to say, are you drinking?
Yuban Whakinov: I
Rob Valincius: out of here. This is the best day ever
Stefs Rock Show: I'm
Burley: never seen him drink. I've never seen him drink.
Yuban Whakinov: a special occasion. I had to, I had to bust it
Stefs Rock Show: Hell
Rob Valincius: I, I, I want to, I want to say this before we drink. Okay. Uh, I want to thank all you guys. Now, Steph, I know you
haven't been on my show.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh yeah.
Rob Valincius: been on my show yet.
Stefs Rock Show: Thank you
Rob Valincius: but, um, you're in a
testament to all the
people that I've made friends with over the years.
Um, and you know, you guys have supported me and I just want to thank you for hanging out with me on a fucking Friday to get a little drunk, get a little high. Um, Sarah, I don't know what you're doing over there, but it's okay. um, um,
Stefs Rock Show: So take care of us.
Rob Valincius: thank you guys for everything. Thank you for coming on my show. Thank you for supporting me. And, uh, here's to
hopefully another fucking, I didn't think I'd get to a hundred episodes. I'm not gonna lie to you. So here's the, hopefully another hundred fucking episodes of
ridiculousness on this show. So cheers, people.
Stefs Rock Show: Cheers.
Thanks for having us too. I like, um, celebrating and helping and coming together with new podcasters cause it's hard out there. So I love that we're all supporting each other. You know, we're all, our shows are so different. And so
it's neat that there's a lot of room for all of our shows.
Rob Valincius: Yeah. So I guess we should start
this, this way,
right? Because no one knows, uh, two of you that, that have listened to my show for the most part, right? So, uh, let's start with Steph. Say who you are and what your
podcast is and what you do,
Stefs Rock Show: Hi, my name is Stephanie. I used to be a morning radio DJ and seven months ago, I started a solo podcast called Steph's rock show. That's always been my name. It's on Instagram, YouTube, Spotify. I interview rock stars, comedians, and people that I think are very fascinating
that I want to have by, or that I want to
have sex with either way.
Burley: had us on. I get it.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay. Except for the
Burley: she doesn't like to shit where she eats. I get it. All right.
Rob Valincius: uh, hit us.
Burley: Uh, hit us.
course. Uh,
I'm Burley
Rob Valincius: Are you, like, cutting, like,
Burley: No, dude. See, y'all didn't see my Christmas tree bottle. It's covered in lottery tickets. So while we watch, y'all going to see, you're going
to see me win. I'll split any money
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my
Rob Valincius: if you're a mill if you become a millionaire on this show, that's we will
go all go
Burley: fucking viral,
Rob Valincius: go fuckin viral.
Burley: Uh, I'm Burly, host of the Raging Pillage podcast. Been a, uh, I heard I was the most beloved guest ever on the DrinkoClock pod, so just throwing that out there. Number one hit. Anyway,
I met this,
fucking queer off of Reddit and
then now we're buds and co hosts.
Stefs Rock Show: way, you guys met on Reddit?
Burley: yeah,
Rob Valincius: on Reddit?
Stefs Rock Show: I met you fuckers through girls gone wild hashtag on
Instagram. I
Burley: that
Stefs Rock Show: I'm not gonna lie.
Burley: way cooler.
Rob Valincius: I will say
Sarah: better
Rob Valincius: Bur Burly, when when you got on the show, I felt like, if you listened to our
episode, me and you clicked. Instantaneously, you're like, can I you're like, can I say this? I'm like you can say whatever the fuck you want. You're like
Burley: I hit you, I hit you
Rob Valincius: I mean, I'm gonna be racist a little bit. I'm like do you brother do you man?
Hit us
Stefs Rock Show: I knew I liked you guys when you're like, if you like Linkin Park, you like rape. Like I love that
style. That's
Burley: It is a true statement.
Sarah: hey,
Rob Valincius: who are you what's your podcast?
Sarah: I? Uh, Sarah. I am co host of IAP radio and a pickle radio and co host of generation mixtape. So that's where you can find me.
Rob Valincius: I figure it's good to do all the intros now after we all start to get fucking Drunk and
whatever we're
Burley: And rich and rich.
Stefs Rock Show: even
Burley: money potentially.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: tickets do you
have over there,
Burley: I didn't pay it for him. If that helps. I got this in a white elephant, so I, I'm finally seeing what this is a moscato 'cause I'm a grown ass
Stefs Rock Show: Fancy.
Rob Valincius: such a hangover tomorrow, bro.
Stefs Rock Show: fancy.
Sarah: boo.
Rob Valincius: So, so Euben, uh, are you, who are you today?
Yuban Whakinov: I was going to go as a Lou skunt, but, uh, I decided not to do that one, but, uh, no, it's, it's just, it's, you've been whacking off today. Uh, I am
part of the body wrong podcast and the stay out of my fridge podcast. Uh, and you can also find me on Tik TOK where I post maybe once every month or six months, kind of depends.
Burley: solid.
Stefs Rock Show: Before I get shut
Rob Valincius: fun, so funny story. Um,
to, to, to go along with how I met Euben, um, I met his cohost, Matt Beardballs from Reddit, the same Reddit group that I met Burly. And,
Burley: all gay nerds. Dude.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, we're all big time nerds. I had Matt on the show and
Burley: pause, pause, pause, pause. Hold on. We got a potential winner. You wanna see what we got here? Well, it is a winner. We just dunno how much yet.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, let's go. Let's
Burley: You ready? All right, we're in for a dollar.
All right. Somebody,
Sarah: Alright, yeah,
Burley: Somebody add them up. Booper.
Rob Valincius: cents kind of
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Burley: Hey, listen, asshole. I'm winning.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah. We're rich.
Yuban Whakinov: And may I also say that I, I also have people on my podcast that I also want to fuck. And that's why I
also had Burley and Rob on my
Stefs Rock Show: love
Sarah: Nice.
Yuban Whakinov: yeah. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: mean if I
get drunk enough, I'll show
my nipples on the podcast. All right, so we'll see where we
Sarah: I mean, you can bring out that spandex suit again. That top. Like, bring that back.
Burley: man. Spanx
Rob Valincius: I I'm not wearing my man Spanx right now But I will tell you this the bottom part of this shirt no longer fits
you guys aren't gonna see that and So but that's the beauty of podcasting.
Burley: of you write that down in an hour? We're asking
again. That's the
Sarah: Yes, circle
Stefs Rock Show: try again. Yeah,
Rob Valincius: but, yeah, so, so you've been I met Matt
through Reddit and then, um, Matt got me into a podcast group, which
we won't we won't talk
Sarah: We won't mention. Fuck them.
Bite the
Stefs Rock Show: it didn't go well. Oh, oh
Rob Valincius: no, no, no. I
Sarah: No.
Burley: I loved
them. They were great.
Rob Valincius: actually. Actually, you've been, you've been, uh, Burley was like us throwing a match into a dry pile of hay the moment he was, he, he, he got into the group and then it was just,
Burley: asked permission, I was like, can I go at these guys? And you're like, go for it. Like, aight.
Rob Valincius: yeah, we didn't give a fuck. We didn't give a fuck. Um, but then, um, I guess at the end of the day, you know, Uh, Matt wanted, uh, me to be in a, uh, fantasy football league that he was going to do with podcasters. So I joined that and I said, Hey, I got a buddy Burley. He would be perfect. And so then we started body wrong, which was originally the SWFFL podcast, where we just did a podcast about fantasy football, and then we just went off the rails and started talking about whatever we want, and now it's body wrong, where we still do that.
Burley: football and just borderline racist things don't go well
Rob Valincius: No, no, no, no, they don't. Cause the
Yuban Whakinov: And honestly,
Rob Valincius: of people in the NFL are not white. That's let's be honest.
Yuban Whakinov: I, I learned my lesson to that, uh, never get super baked and ever pitch an idea to Matt because less than 12 hours later, he'd be like, all right, man, I found 10 people. The show can be on Wednesdays at this time. Uh,
because I was like, cause I was just like, Hey man, wouldn't be kind of cool to have like a fantasy football thing.
And week one started, I think in like three, four days. So we had a draft within 24 hours, a show within 48 hours. And it was, it was just like, what the hell is
Burley: of mostly strangers.
Yuban Whakinov: like, Hey man, your show, what kind of name do you want to name it? And I go, what the fuck are we doing? And I was just like, Hey, I get, I really, really enjoy Steve Wynwood right now because I don't know what it was by ADHD.
I was like, I was getting high as fuck and just enjoying this shit on repeat 10 times on loop, and I was like,
Sarah: Five.
Stefs Rock Show: I got five on it.
Burley: y'all do me a favor and not slide out of
your chairs cuz I'm
just covered in money right now
Rob Valincius: you win two bucks?
Burley: That was five. That
Rob Valincius: Oh shit, look out.
Burley: remember half of this is yours date. Come on now. Come on
day all this will be
Stefs Rock Show: That's a 1. 20 for each of us.
Burley: Yeah,
Stefs Rock Show: No,
Rob Valincius: just send it to me in
Venmo. Oh, I will do a a Google. Ad for this episode, and it's just gonna be a shot of your testicles, Burly.
Stefs Rock Show: it.
Rob Valincius: all I'm gonna do. It's never gonna get approved, but I will try.
Burley: promise you, I will send you a, just the, the gnarliest picture of my balls.
Rob Valincius: Can you do the bat wing? Just
Burley: Oh yeah, dude. Well, I'll pull my, I'll pull my sack up over my cock. Like it's a bullfrog and take a good picture like that. She's a big old bullfrog lump on my fucking pubes pubis.
Stefs Rock Show: getting so many micro peen because I
keep sharing the micro peen story and I've been getting so many micro peens in my DMs
Burley: how do you
respond to
Rob Valincius: Burly,
Stefs Rock Show: I,
Sarah: do
you no.
Rob Valincius: Okay,
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, Burly, Burly was one of
Yuban Whakinov: do.
you want another one?
Stefs Rock Show: I do. I want them. I'm collecting them all. They're like Pokemon. Gotta
collect them
Burley: the one that looks like a pig's tail. Just.
Yuban Whakinov: Yeah. Like a, a spiral
Burley: deal. We call it a pork screw.
Stefs Rock Show: Smaller the better. I just want to stare at it.
Rob Valincius: So, so do you have a, a, a, do you have a small
peen album now?
Like, how's that
Stefs Rock Show: I put them
Rob Valincius: T Dog got some crazy fuckin penis. Let me, I'll tell you one.
I'll tell you one.
Burley: On Instagram. You got to end that with on Instagram.
Rob Valincius: So, so, T, can I, can I tell the story about the old man? Or the, the um, the guy that was disabled?
Burley: Oh, disabled cock, dude. DC. DC.
Rob Valincius: me out. So, there was a guy
that sent her a dick pic. Okay? And
her, then sent her messages. And he's like,
hey You know, I see you have a man, blah, blah,
blah. But he basically starts talking shit on me, whatever.
I don't even know how he found me because I'm not in many of the photos. Yeah, yeah, that's that's why she hid me because people started sending her fucking
Burley: Also
Rob Valincius: Anyway, so so
this guy starts talking shit about me. We go on his Facebook profile. He's disabled.
Sarah: All right, so what kind of disabled? Are we talking crutches? Are we
Burley: Yeah, are we, are we, are we, are we
dragging her?
Rob Valincius: talking,
Sarah: Like Stephen Hawking?
Like, what are
Rob Valincius: not Stephen Hawking disabled, but his legs don't
Stefs Rock Show: never leave
Rob Valincius: his job was disabled.
Burley: Does his third leg work?
Yuban Whakinov: Lieutenant Dan.
Rob Valincius: I don't know. I mean, I guess, I
Burley: saw it. Did it work?
Rob Valincius: I didn't see the dick pic.
Yuban Whakinov: Did he want ice
Rob Valincius: it's not something I
want to
Stefs Rock Show: do you
Yuban Whakinov: When the fuck did we
Stefs Rock Show: Like that's weird. It's
got to be a
Burley: What if I said I would,
Rob Valincius: had this old, like seven year old guy on
a bed
this small peen. And yeah,
Sarah: like, flat?
Rob Valincius: it was like, he was very proud of it. It was like a little meat chub, you know? Like, and
Yuban Whakinov: She reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith.
Rob Valincius: entire life.
Burley: Nice
Sarah: No.
Stefs Rock Show: She was trying to join in and
jump on.
Rob Valincius: She's like, I've seen some micro pings that would blow your
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, she's been a lot.
Burley: Okay, you know how like every, everybody kind of remembers their first kiss? Do girls remember their first dick pic they received?
Stefs Rock Show: I
Sarah: Oh god,
Stefs Rock Show: long ago.
Burley: I remember the first one I took. Yeah, do you have a fucking, it was on a flip phone. It took forever and there was no way to get a good angle.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, he's getting the angle. He's getting the lighting. He's like,
all right, all right, we're He
Stefs Rock Show: ones wound up on is anyone up
I was on that is anyone up site because my ex boyfriend got mad
Burley: wait, is that the boyfriend revenge or whatever it
is? Hell yeah,
Stefs Rock Show: That got shut down. I kicked him out of my apartment for not paying rent So he posted some of my first
nudes in like 2008 on is anyone up? But then it helped me honestly
Burley: I'm doing some, I'm doing some quick math here.
It's not, you were legal. You're good. You're
good. You're good.
Stefs Rock Show: no I was late and I wish I had those photos
still in the site didn't get shut down because I look so good I'm actually I keep googling it and I can't
Burley: Yeah. They're out there somewhere. You just need to get a real nerd. If I get a real nerd, tell him that
Sarah: They're on the
Burley: he'll fucking find him. Yeah. Get it on the African American web,
Stefs Rock Show: I'm gonna give you my maiden last
after this burly and you go find them, please.
Burley: Oh man. I don't, I'm not really into
like Renaissance
fair shit. Maiden.
Stefs Rock Show: Ha ha ha!
naked photos from the 1800s on the internet. I wanna
Burley: Just pull a bush, pull a bush.
Stefs Rock Show: Never! I have never had a bush. Ew.
I can't
do it.
Burley: fucking.
Yuban Whakinov: bucks. That's crazy.
Burley: Y'all hear you 10 bucks. Speaking of 10 bucks. All right. Here's all the winners. Let's do some math here.
Two plus one. Y'all doing the
math, right? That's five, right? Uh, plus one.
Sarah: What?
Yuban Whakinov: That's three. What the fuck? Am I
Burley: joke. It was
Stefs Rock Show: I don't do math.
Burley: Nobody's doing math here. Anybody had this up?
Yuban Whakinov: it's two, one, and
Stefs Rock Show: That's a
Burley: All right. We're starting at the beginning.
one, two,
Yuban Whakinov: Five?
Burley: Five?
Yuban Whakinov: Ten?
Burley: Oh, I didn't even finish this one.
God damn you drunk. All
Sarah: That's what she said.
Burley: Another one.
Yuban Whakinov: Oh, shit. What
Burley: And one
Sarah: 11?
Stefs Rock Show: damn
Burley: dude ball and date balling with the bottle of blue bottle of
Rob Valincius: That's actually very good for those
shitty fuckin scratch offs, you almost never win
Burley: Yeah. The goddamn limit was 25 for this white elephant. So this just let me know. This was just
in somebody's closet.
Stefs Rock Show: Yes. That's what I do.
Burley: That little, it's tapered. So it makes me think,
yep, that's poo.
Stefs Rock Show: shitty wine underneath my stairs and or I get like old charcuterie boxes
that are like from last year and that's my white elephant. Gifts for parties.
Burley: have definitely regifted some things from the year before.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, I definitely have.
Burley: You smoking inside your home? Both
of you,
Stefs Rock Show: Mm hmm.
Burley: man.
Rob Valincius: am.
Yuban Whakinov: Oh. Oh, wait. So we can actually, these are different rules. These are important. Yes!
Burley: Yeah. We can
Sarah: These are body wrong rules. There you go.
Stefs Rock Show: Wait, there's rules?
Rob Valincius: So excited, we don't have sponsors on this show you could do what the fuck
Yuban Whakinov: Oh,
Burley: Oh shit. All right. Now we're back. We're back,
baby. Let's go.
Yuban Whakinov: wreck.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my God. I love, can I get my guns? What the fuck?
I'm about to go pull my fucking shotgun.
Rob Valincius: bro
Stefs Rock Show: I'll load it up,
shoot through my roof
for fun. Fuck it. It's Friday
Burley: Let's, let's have a little gun spinning contest
on our fingers.
Stefs Rock Show: And it's gotta be loaded.
Rob Valincius: if one of you guys dies on my show viral baby. Let's
Burley: Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: character. Not dead. Just blow like a cheek
Burley: Yeah. One of us shoots a tit off. you
Stefs Rock Show: Oh God.
No. I can't. That's how
Yuban Whakinov: I hope it's
Burley: Is that
what it means?
Rob Valincius: so let me ask you, I want to go around because obviously you guys are all podcasters, um, and I want to start this way because I'll, um, I'll tell you one thing as I've gone through this, right? I'm at the 100th episode. I've changed my podcast a couple times, right? I've and I've adapted a little bit. So. I want you guys to talk to me a little bit.
I know, uh, Steph, your show's a little bit newer, um, but that's typically when you go through a lot of the changes. Can you guys talk a little bit about some of the stuff that you guys have had to do as podcasters to implement in your shows that, um, either are good or bad? Is there anything that you wish it, you know, going back that you could change or redo or talk to me a little bit about that?
Cause I know like, It's been tough, man. Like, um, I, I still, it's wild. And Burley, we were talking about this the other day. My number one, my episode one is still my highest downloaded episode.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, wow.
Rob Valincius: So I think people go back, they'll listen to the first episode, but my, my podcast is 10 times different than it was my first episode.
But typically when I interview people, I will listen to their first episode and their last episode to see just how much their show has changed. I did that with all of you. Burley, I did that with you. I did that with you, Sarah. Um, you know, Steph,
I checked out your show. There's a, you know, you were still kind of newer when, when
we got
Burley: You must have been really in for like a weird awakening on the first episode of my show was titled BBC. Um,
Rob Valincius: into it that, uh, your show was going to be a lot different than mine. So, uh, but yeah, you guys, it's a, no order. You can talk to me, whoever wants to talk first, doesn't matter.
Burley: okay. Uh, for sure. I thought, I mean, I think, I think a
lot of people fucking dare, at least dudes fucking go in wanting to God goddamn be Rogan. Right. I'm gonna do a fucking eight hour goddamn show.
You know, shave four inches off my shins and, uh, start training MMA, but it's just, it's not quite as good when you, you know, you don't have any discipline, but any who, uh, yeah, I had started off solo, ended up with a co host.
He got burnt out, ended up with another co host. We ended that relationship and then now I found the right click. I think so. Yeah. They, they, they,
Rob Valincius: One thing I will tell you, Burly, is I'm
Burley: yes,
Stefs Rock Show: huge in this industry. Same. I'm always going to show up on time or early. And a lot of people I've seen talented and they fail because they just don't
show up. You know what I mean? Like it's
massive just to be dependable.
Burley: How often
Rob Valincius: two episodes of Body Wrong, and we've done that for well over a year, and it's only because I was traveling. Like, I was, I was out of the state. And I've still done episodes in the hotel. I'll
bring a camera with me.
Yuban Whakinov: This is true.
Rob Valincius: sometimes, sometimes, you know, with the time
Burley: Yeah, well, I've done episodes on cocaine,
Stefs Rock Show: I've done
Yuban Whakinov: is also true.
Sarah: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: Okay.
Stefs Rock Show: noticed I've been very afraid and holding back my whole life.
Um, I'm in a lot of big groups. I have a big girl job. That's very different. And so I've been holding back on the radio with the FCC and then even starting my own podcast, I was holding back and just the last month.
I feel comfortable to be like, no, you know what? If you don't want to be my friend because you think what I say is wild, that's okay. And I'm feeling very comfortable with being myself, which is very wild and outlound ish and having fun. And I just want to party and I want to be honest and I don't want to lie about my past being absolutely insane.
And so just being more authentic recently has felt good.
Rob Valincius: It's why I love who you are, honestly.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay.
Rob Valincius: because look how many
times and you guys can all
attest to this, right? I mean, I'm, I'm going to be fucking 40 in less than two years. You know, some of us are pushing that age,
right? Uh,
Sarah: Some of
Burley: y'all are old and y'all are old
and shit. Y'all
Stefs Rock Show: Old as
Sarah: Way over that
Rob Valincius: forgetting that Burley's young.
but how many people do
Sarah: the baby.
Rob Valincius: Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: the baby. Yeah, I'm
Sarah: the fucking baby.
Yuban Whakinov: 34. So
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my God.
You're too old for me though.
Rob Valincius: how many people do you guys meet that are just, they're not authentic? They're not who they say they are. Especially in what we do. So for me, um, I think being authentic is really important and that's like part of like this
show and how I created it was I just wanted
to be me and I
don't give a fuck what people think about me.
I don't give a fuck if people listen to
the show. I'm still gonna do it,
Stefs Rock Show: Same. Same.
Rob Valincius: I think that that's
and you have people, you know, I, I would like, and that's why I think Joe Rogan got as big as he was. He's just authentic.
He says some crazy shit.
Stefs Rock Show: Same with Tim Dillon. He's nuts and I love
Burley: Tim Dillon's the G.
Stefs Rock Show: I just, I have a crush. Like I'm going to hit it even though He's, not into women. I
am. Like that's my
Burley: only gonna, he's only gonna fuck your butt. I
Stefs Rock Show: I don't care. If it's Tim Dillon,
Sarah: it works. It's fine.
Stefs Rock Show: I will give it for him or I'll strap
on and hit
Burley: He would like that. Maybe.
Stefs Rock Show: mean, look at my
shirt. Like I'm
made for
Sarah: Power bottom power right there. That's what you got to get.
Burley: could be, you know what? I heard Yubin is a sloppy party
Stefs Rock Show: Oh
Yuban Whakinov: and you heard you heard correct.
Stefs Rock Show: I'll lube it in.
Yuban Whakinov: Hey, massage
my prostate
Rob Valincius: Tim
Dillon in
this. I'll tag Tim Dillon
in. this when I post it.
Stefs Rock Show: Very new pla I could tag him in everything. I still haven't got him
in my DMs. I'm waitin I'm waitin
Burley: So what about, what about
Sarah: so I figured it was coming my way. Look. Uh,
Stefs Rock Show: Close your eyes when it
comes your way.
Burley: Yeah. Just blinked
Stefs Rock Show: It'll burn. It'll burn.
Sarah: burned for a
long time. Uh, for
Burley: me to come back to that after we do our thing. I got a dick thing I want to ask about.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay.
Sarah: you go.
Rob Valincius: Something tells me it has
Sarah: Now I'm like,
Rob Valincius: so.
Sarah: uh, for IAP, David's doing it for a while by himself and I was like, you know, I'm back in the sports game. I would like, let's do a podcast. And he's like, why don't we just revamp IAP? Because he was just doing full stories of just like tragic downfalls of athletes.
And I was like, okay, well, let's, Try to reassess
this and we just were like, all right, the less glamorous side of sports and we were trying to figure out what was working and what wasn't, but carrying on
stories, we'd have less listens and less downloads. So when we were doing all the headlines
and following up,
Stefs Rock Show: froze.
Sarah: Oh no,
Stefs Rock Show: oh.
Wait. You guys, does she
Sarah: I'm here
Stefs Rock Show: Is she autistic? Is this Netflix on the spectrum?
Burley: You
Sarah: a little bit.
Stefs Rock Show: no, but like this
though, like she's got down syndrome
Burley: She's saying that that's the size of Euban's
Yuban Whakinov: That's pretty generous. That's actually double the size. It's, it's more of an any,
Stefs Rock Show: Oh
Burley: she wearing black face straight to
black face.
Stefs Rock Show: Well now we have different
Rob Valincius: You're up, Euben.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah Multicultural,
Yuban Whakinov: well, um,
Oh, nope,
nope, nope,
Burley: Yes.
Sarah: All right, my frickin shit flicked, so I was like, oh great, here we go. Um, I was like, think, think, think, um, I don't even remember what the fuck I was saying. Oh, basically.
Talking shit about athletes, talking shit about big
Burley: Wait. So y'all went from the less he's doing, he was doing the less glamorous side of sports and then
you decided let's do a
Sarah: doing it, but we revamped it, so it's, it's quicker, cause everyone's fucking got ADHD, and yes, I do have slight autism,
cause it is, and I'm slightly fucking special, so it is what it
is. So, um,
Rob Valincius: We are inclusive in the Drinking Clock podcast,
as you can see.
Sarah: on the spectrum for most things. I'm like, fucking textures and shit. Fucking can't handle that
Yuban Whakinov: Let's
Burley: what about Indian people?
Yuban Whakinov: Do you like macaroni and
Sarah: do like macro I don't have a pasta problem like you, sir. I have a tomatoes problem.
Yuban Whakinov: You know what? I thought you were cool for a second, but go ahead and
Burley: What about curry?
Yuban Whakinov: I was like, yes. I thought it was
like simpatico
that we got
Sarah: it also depends upon the mac and
Stefs Rock Show: I
like the sound of stirring
mac and cheese.
Yuban Whakinov: bet you do.
I bet
Rob Valincius: I'm sure
Stefs Rock Show: wet ass pussy. My walk.
Yuban Whakinov: We saw that hairy pussy
up a second ago.
You probably, you showed
Rob Valincius: No
Stefs Rock Show: hair
Yuban Whakinov: starting to get gray. It was like white in, it was
Stefs Rock Show: as
fuck. I got a 24 year old coming over in a little bit, man. You got to keep it tight and
Burley: Sy has alopecia.
Yuban Whakinov: That's how I like it too. I like it as bald as a basketball court, but preferably with black men on it. You know
what I mean? Like that's what I
Stefs Rock Show: age of the guys I
You know what I
Burley: Oh.
Stefs Rock Show: No hair on the field, baby.
Rob Valincius: Where's Diddy when we need
Stefs Rock Show: I know I never got invited
to a ditty party
I'm upset about
Yuban Whakinov: I know. She's,
Rob Valincius: She's like, okay, um, where's my drug and my drink? They're
Stefs Rock Show: yeah. I never got drugged. I would've loved to get
drugged. You know how many girls got drugged.
at the parties I was at? And I didn't? That was bullshit.
Yuban Whakinov: I know, you know, she's like, oh no, let
Stefs Rock Show: Maybe I didn't know it. And it was just like me,
like, acting normal.
Burley: Turns out you have a high tolerance. Yeah.
Sarah: yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Burley: That's what happens when
Rob Valincius: out you've been drugged your whole life. You're
Stefs Rock Show: I've been drugging myself.
Burley: for 10 years.
Stefs Rock Show: I did X for five years, so like you can GHB me, and I'm like damn, it's feeling a
Burley: Dude, I knew girls that would never pop a ecstasy pills. They would only boof them. They would all just go to the bathroom altogether.
Stefs Rock Show: I've
Burley: That's how they
Rob Valincius: wait, wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold What the fuck's
a boof? What are you
Burley: You're sticking up your butthole. I
Rob Valincius: What?
Stefs Rock Show: guy friends that dipped tampons in vodka and put them up their butt,
Burley: that was a thing. We would call you a gay
if he did that.
Stefs Rock Show: was Sigma Chi
and I'm like that's nuts
Burley: would, I would. It's more, okay. It's more hetero to stick a silly straw in your own butt and
let your buddy blow vodka up there than to jam a loaded tampon up your
own asshole.
Stefs Rock Show: but it's your bloodstream, man. It's quick. You're
trying to
Burley: It's your butt stream.
that's a
dude! That's a phallic thing!
Rob Valincius: Me and Sarah are making the same face right now. I'm so fucking confused, because, I'll tell you this. Anything that goes near my ass is an instant, I'm
gonna punch you in
Burley: Uh, you're not having enough fun in
Stefs Rock Show: you don't let your woman
go down on you on your butt.
Rob Valincius: No!
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my
Rob Valincius: I don't want a tongue, or anything near
Burley: Well, you also have you also have a mudflap. We've talked about this numerous times.
Rob Valincius: I, yes, okay, so I have a hemorrhoid, okay.
Burley: Heh.
Rob Valincius: We all know I have a
Burley: Heh.
Rob Valincius: She's
She's never seen my butthole,
Yuban Whakinov: Yeah, but think about
Rob Valincius: know why she's laughing.
Yuban Whakinov: she's going to eat your salad,
Stefs Rock Show: My ex had
hemorrhoids. I still went down on
it. You know, just gonna
make sure
Rob Valincius: are a fucking drooper, bro.
Sarah: A little
Burley: Listen. Listen. Gross. For real. Ugh.
Rob Valincius: Oh,
Stefs Rock Show: I've done a lot weirder shit than that
Rob Valincius: licking, it's like
licking a wet
Stefs Rock Show: Well, no, he didn't have
one during i'm just saying he suffered with chronic hemorrhoids And so, you know, I
Burley: For sure. Somewhere. Somewhere. Somebody
is really into rigorous, just hardcore rimming. And it's popped in her mouth for sure. At least somewhere one time in life.
Rob Valincius: Jesus fucking You bin, you're up!
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah,
Rob Valincius: with hemorrhoids,
Stefs Rock Show: us about your growth.
Sarah: yeah.
Rob Valincius: heh heh heh heh
heh heh heh
Burley: How has it
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: the fuck.
do you follow the, how the
fuck do you follow that?
Rob Valincius: heh heh heh heh heh heh
Yuban Whakinov: If you want to eat my ass, I got a hemorrhoid on there too. It's like just gnawing on a gusher. You know what you want to give her a
Stefs Rock Show: flight to Kansas, baby. I'm in.
Yuban Whakinov: He's just
Stefs Rock Show: Let's go.
Yuban Whakinov: this dirty little Oreo hole. It's got a little bit of hairs around it.
Okay. Imagine an Oreo that rolled underneath the couch and you're like, ah, fuck. And there's a little bit of dust bunnies on it. That's my asshole.
Stefs Rock Show: I will
Burley: Keep talking. Keep talking.
Yuban Whakinov: And all that spit on it, spit on it.
Stefs Rock Show: called second base.
Burley: So apparently in the porn
world, that's the reason that they're constantly spitting on the b hole because it doesn't smell great the entire three hour filming session. So that they, they often chew a lot of spearmint gum and they'll spit on the butthole a lot so they don't smell it.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
A lot of butthole always smells bad
Yuban Whakinov: I'm aroused.
Burley: Dude, I'm like the black guy from Star Trek, dude. Just teaching you things on PBS. Let's go, dude.
Sarah: Yes.
Yuban Whakinov: Well.
Burley: I'm the only black
Sarah: Fucking compared himself to fucking reading a rainbow. Hahaha.
Burley: the only black guy in space and I'm the only black guy on PBS. Let's
Rob Valincius: Burly is the Mace Windu of buttholes, okay? That is your new fucking name, I'm never gonna forget it.
Burley: got a purple lightsaber and I'm black.
Rob Valincius: alright, alright, enough about fucking buttholes, god damn it. You've been talked to
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: well, so, I mean, again, I, uh, I got kind of roped into a podcast just because, uh, of Matt, uh, he reached out to me 1 time and he was like, hey, man, do you want to, uh, hop on our show 1 time? And I was a guest on a couple other podcasts that did kind of like games and stuff. And I would just get baked and have fun.
I was like, okay, this is fun. Whatever. Uh, and he asked me just to do 1 show and I was like, it's cool. He's like, hey. Hop on again next week. And the next thing I know it's been like five years later. Uh,
Sarah: ha ha ha
Yuban Whakinov: and then again, so it's just like, it's probably not been fired. It's probably damn it's probably, I don't know.
It's been close. It's been fucking close. But, uh, and then again, I just, I made that joke of just being like, Hey man, uh. Fancy football podcast would be really cool. And then now with us, it's been, it's been over a year since I've been hanging out with you guys. So, uh, I just can't say no. So I will be raped eventually.
And I'm not even upset about it. Honestly, it
Rob Valincius: You know what, though? Dude, body wrong is, it's just for me, it's so much fun. Like, I can't like if we
don't have a show on a Wednesday, it throws my whole fucking week off.
Yuban Whakinov: I
Rob Valincius: it's, it's weird without having it. I don't know. But if I add another podcast at this point, I don't know. She's gonna literally
stab me in the throat.
I will
Burley: Oh yeah, it was negotiations. There was negotiations for tonight. I'll be honest with you.
Rob Valincius: was. Oh, there was. We ran dates, we checked calendars, we're good. So,
Burley: I look like a real piece of shit.
Rob Valincius: uh, well,
Yuban Whakinov: like little,
Rob Valincius: shoe fits.
Burley: itching, dude. It's so sugary, it's so bad.
Rob Valincius: Um, so I thought it would be fun to go back
to when we were younger and to start the show off with a fun game
called Never Have I
Stefs Rock Show: Oh god.
Rob Valincius: I don't know if we're gonna. I don't know if we're ever going
to beat Stefan anyway, so
Stefs Rock Show: suck at this game. Oh
Rob Valincius: we're, we're going to go
Yuban Whakinov: I don't know about Sarah.
Rob Valincius: like we're going
Yuban Whakinov: quiet ones.
Stefs Rock Show: my
Rob Valincius: yeah, it's typically the quiet ones.
No, actually, it's going to be
between Stef and Burly, because Burly's done some fucking crazy shit too. So, um,
Burley: His name was Russell.
Stefs Rock Show: I don't know,
man. Do
Rob Valincius: How
do we want to start
Burley: So we just hold them up five.
Sarah: No?
Rob Valincius: we're gonna go five. Yeah, We'll
go five. Um All
Yuban Whakinov: explain the rules again. I'm
Stefs Rock Show: I get an extra
hand? Because I'm a whore?
Yuban Whakinov: Hey, Hey, I'm really.
Burley: I'm going to bloom
Rob Valincius: get 10 fingers
Stefs Rock Show: I get ten to your guys five.
Rob Valincius: 10 you
Yuban Whakinov: I'm uh, I'm
not into feet
Stefs Rock Show: After you Jake the Craydor girl's gone wild long enough,
get ten fingers during your five.
Rob Valincius: So
Burley: had to punch my grandmother to be on Girls Gone Wild. to be the cameraman. Oh man. I had to went down on my own
Stefs Rock Show: fucking hung. He is so hung. I love Joe.
Rob Valincius: All right,
all right, so we're
we're Yeah, we're not, we're not Joe Dicks here. We're, we're average, we're average Joes. We're not, we're not big Joes. So, um, you know what, Steph, since you have
10 fingers, you go
Stefs Rock Show: Okay. Okay. We
get to do it. Okay. Um, and wait, I haven't done this though.
Rob Valincius: you haven't
Stefs Rock Show: You really put me on the spot Rob. Okay. Um, never have I ever
been faithful in a
Yuban Whakinov: Wait, so,
Sarah: Might never have a
Stefs Rock Show: So have you been faithful in a relationship? Not cheated. Okay.
Sarah: Oh, yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: So hold on, so hold on, so if I've been in a relationship and I've cheated, Before I have to put a
Stefs Rock Show: No, you leave, you leave your finger up if you cheated.
never have I ever been faithful.
So if you've been
faithful, you'll keep it up.
Rob Valincius: Alright,
Burley: Wait, if I've been faithful, it stays
Stefs Rock Show: Yes,
Rob Valincius: Alright, so you
Sarah: Well, in our relation Wait a minute. But in our relationship,
Stefs Rock Show: In like,
Sarah: In
any, right?
Stefs Rock Show: person thinks they're in a relationship with you and you have not cheated. Oops,
Rob Valincius: Alright, so Steph Stephen Burley, you take a hit or drink? I don't know what you're gonna do.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, okay
Yuban Whakinov: so hold on. So let me explain this
Rob Valincius: You ate you drank that whole bottle already?!
Burley: It's not, it's not much left. I don't know if you can see
inside this very expensive
Rob Valincius: You're a fucking animal.
Burley: risk Sata.
Yuban Whakinov: it again. High and autistic. Um, so you guys are taking a hit because you have cheated before.
Stefs Rock Show: because we needed
Yuban Whakinov: of a bitch. Okay.
Sarah: Oh, so then wait a minute. I have, yeah. I'm like, wait a minute.
Burley: So
take a jug.
Sarah: yeah.
Rob Valincius: So I'm the only one? What the fuck?
Yuban Whakinov: Wow.
Sarah: in this relationship I've been fine, but
Burley: Yeah. And do we like to have fun? So you're supposed to have one down, right, sir?
Sarah: Yeah. I
Burley: Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: This is high school. Don't fucking judge me.
Sarah: that one down. Hold on. I'm gonna do that.
Rob Valincius: you see the shocker?
Uh, Burley, you're up. I'll
Burley: Okay.
Okay. Let's take an easy one. Never have I ever done cocaine.
Rob Valincius: drink to that.
Yuban Whakinov: I've I've never done cocaine, so I have to
Burley: You've never cheated or done cocaine.
Yuban Whakinov: I've never done cocaine.
Sarah: I've
Burley: Wait, have you ever cheated?
Rob Valincius: I've also never
Yuban Whakinov: Yes.
Burley: You've been, then put your finger down.
Yuban Whakinov: Okay. I had my thumb down originally, but I was confused about what the fuck was going on. I'm confused.
Burley: Right. Right now. I got Ewok hands.
Rob Valincius: listen, let me explain the game to Youbin, okay?
Youbin, you autistic, high fuck.
Yuban Whakinov: Am I froze?
Rob Valincius: If someone says, I have never had a finger in my ass, but you've had a finger in your ass, you put a finger down.
Yuban Whakinov: Does your own count?
Rob Valincius: Yes! In that context,
Burley: It has to go. It has to be two knuckles, two knuckles or more, two knuckles or more.
Yuban Whakinov: Either way, I was guilty.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, were you deep cleaning in the shower?
You know what I
mean? Like that's
Rob Valincius: Alright. You're a fucking crazy man.
Yuban Whakinov: gotta put a finger down because it has to happen. Oh no, I have to hit a bong again. Oh,
Rob Valincius: God damn it.
Yuban Whakinov: it.
still counts.
Stefs Rock Show: So you finger your ass like a lot.
Sarah: Yeah, right. I'm
Yuban Whakinov: now.
What the fuck are you talking about? Have you seen my other hand at all during the
Burley: I,
Rob Valincius: So,
Sarah: care of that
Rob Valincius: Yubin, you're up.
Yuban Whakinov: Oh shit.
Rob Valincius: Something you haven't done that you hope other people have. That's the goal.
Burley: Oh, I fucked my question up then.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah
Yuban Whakinov: never been out of the country. Let's go, let's go.
Burley: to two.
Yuban Whakinov: one doesn't count.
Burley: supposed to drop one, right Steph?
Stefs Rock Show: what?
Yuban Whakinov: putting
Burley: one now? Have you been out of the country? Huh?
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah a lot. Yeah,
Burley: you didn't drop a finger.
Stefs Rock Show: I did.
Burley: done
two of these
Stefs Rock Show: guys my
first question you guys didn't get I said never have I ever
been Faithful, so
i've never
been faithful So I don't drop a
So as i'm
Burley: Oh, so
Rob Valincius: doesn't drop a finger.
Burley: All right.
So i'm back to, I love you
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, so if you
drop a
finger that means that
you have been faithful.
Rob Valincius: Yes.
Burley: All right. Bob's going to come in and be like, what the fuck's going on here guys? All right. I'm back to three.
Sarah: Right. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: You're up. You're up,
Burley: Sarah's up. Sarah's up.
Sarah: Christ. Um,
Burley: never,
met him.
Sarah: never have I ever driven my car into three parked cars.
Burley: Oh, that's very specific.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah I thought you're gonna say drunk driving or
Burley: you,
Rob Valincius: was on this show, he would put a finger down.
Burley: are you Asian?
No, you like dogs. Nevermind.
Sarah: No. No, it's a random trend up here that everyone who is under the influence and or just sober hits three parked
Stefs Rock Show: That is
Rob Valincius: Yeah, my brother, my brother's done that. my brother's done that.
a hundred
Sarah: It's always fucking three.
Burley: imagine if it was children or like orphans.
It would have been really bad.
Stefs Rock Show: that'd be more exciting
Burley: Yeah. No shit. All right. So you're up Rob.
If you've hit an
orphan, any orphan.
Sarah: Right, right. Your friend? Have I ever
Burley: hit white Annie, I hit black Annie. I hit them all.
Rob Valincius: Okay, uh, never have I ever, hmm, I've never done ecstasy.
Burley: Well,
Rob Valincius: I knew I'd get at least two. so we're back to
Stefs Rock Show: Um Never have I ever
Had an
orgy with three men and one female.
Burley: of course we all lose that.
Sarah: No. Ha
ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha
Stefs Rock Show: I had to think numbers game. Yeah.
Burley: So if, if we haven't done that, we
put a
finger down.
Stefs Rock Show: No. If you have had an orgy with
Burley: Oh, well then.
Stefs Rock Show: girl.
You put a finger down.
Burley: well that's like me saying I never have had,
I never.
Rob Valincius: attendant and then
Stefs Rock Show: I've done everything, you guys! You're supposed to not have done what you bring
Burley: I never stood over Whitney Houston if she took that last.
Stefs Rock Show: I have fogged half of L. A. and a lot of different, so that, this is hard.
Rob Valincius: All right, Burley, you're up. Jesus Christ.
Burley: This is a possibility for maybe two other people other than Steph, but I
Rob Valincius: remember, this is something you have never done.
Stefs Rock Show: Yes,
Rob Valincius: Okay,
Stefs Rock Show: which is difficult for me.
Burley: Never have I ever lit a cigarette and put it in Lemmy's mouth at the rainbow.
Stefs Rock Show: Five.
Burley: Now, no, no, no. Did I want to do it? Yes, I did,
but I don't smoke. And there was nobody around me smoking
Stefs Rock Show: I
literally just
Rob Valincius: know what that is.
Stefs Rock Show: with McGlocky. It's like a thing you gotta do now with the
Burley: Whenever you, whenever you have, there's a statue of let me kill my sir from Motorhead and he used to go to the rainbow lounge. On Sunset Strip every day of his life, he lived right near it and he
Rob Valincius: you specifically did this to fuck Steph
Burley: and they put it, you know, and, and he put a, he put a, he put a, they put a statue up there when he died and I didn't know if y'all ever been there.
I know you're a fucking rocker, Sarah, so I thought maybe you would have done that if you went down there. So that's why, that's why I said I
Sarah: not been down there. It's on the
Stefs Rock Show: I'll be back for their big party, their 53rd anniversary party. I'm going to help host in April, April 13th. So everybody go
check it out. And yeah, you've got to smoke a cigarette and then put it in Lemmy's mouth and then take a photo with him.
Burley: I just got a picture with the statue. I didn't
put a cigarette in it. I was supposed to get
the cigarette. Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: little work.
Sarah: He's
Burley: So anyways, I got AIDS that night. Eh,
put a finger down.
Stefs Rock Show: I just don't get tested for HIV and then I
don't have
it. You know what I mean? If
you don't
Rob Valincius: You're up
Stefs Rock Show: know.
Burley: Doing the same thing with warts, but then it just gives it away.
Sarah: Um, I'm trying to think I'm trying to go back to like fucking let's be all right. You've been hasn't had anything. Anyway, never have I ever ordered downloaded every fast food app that exists.
Yuban Whakinov: Okay. Specific.
Stefs Rock Show: That's such a stoner call out
Yuban Whakinov: Damn. Hey, I'm a sucker for savings. Jesus Christ.
Sarah: Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: I like a lot of food. You know what? Did I get some McDonald's today?
Stefs Rock Show: That's
Yuban Whakinov: Fuck.
Rob Valincius: he's just like, never have I ever downloaded Wendy's app. Oh
shit. You've
Yuban Whakinov: You guys name out restaurants you think that I don't have in my phone.
Rob Valincius: Oh,
Burley: a really good
Yuban Whakinov: Yay.
You know.
Burley: I can, can we, can we have a hint of how many restaurant apps do you have? Just the number. Don't tell us the.
Rob Valincius: we got to
guess. Closest one wins.
You count.
Yuban Whakinov: Do you want me to count while you guys are
Rob Valincius: count. It's gonna take
Stefs Rock Show: I'm guessing
Yuban Whakinov: might be a while. You know what?
Rob Valincius: I'm going 12.
Burley: 10. I'm going
to, I'm going to take 10. I'm going to take 10. Even that looks nice
to me.
Stefs Rock Show: I've never downloaded a
Sarah: I'm gonna say that's
Burley: No, you know why you haven't
stuff? Cause you're a goddamn adult.
Stefs Rock Show: I know, but I don't like you. I don't even
like it.
Sarah: gonna say closest to like 15. Cause remember while he was in Vegas, he also downloaded that Starbucks app,
Burley: ah, what a queef. Okay.
Stefs Rock Show: I only download
apps to get laid. Like, not to get food. That's fuckin weird.
Yuban Whakinov: Priorities, bitch. Priorities.
Rob Valincius: alright, so I said 12, Burly, you're 10,
Burley: I'm going
Rob Valincius: Sarah, you're
Stefs Rock Show: I said seven, cause I don't, I don't get it.
Rob Valincius: 7. Okay.
Yuban Whakinov: I'm still counting.
Rob Valincius: waiting on
Burley: Are you really still
Yuban Whakinov: Yeah. Hold
Rob Valincius: this is Crisis Right
Rules, okay?
Burley: a folder in your shit?
Yuban Whakinov: No.
Burley: Goddamn androids,
dude, tell
You what. This,
Stefs Rock Show: sense. You're not actively dating while you're like, all
these food apps are on your phone. You know what I mean? Like, that's not
sexy. I
Rob Valincius: your life is over,
Yuban Whakinov: Oh, it's been over for a long, long time.
Stefs Rock Show: Like,
Burley: I, he's playing it off well, but this is hurting a little bit. Oh
Stefs Rock Show: getting laid and you're just like fucking on Wendy's and Burger King and
Okay, how many?
Yuban Whakinov: That took,
Rob Valincius: Nine?
Yuban Whakinov: that took, that took a minute. Okay, do I, alright. You guys, you guys ready
Rob Valincius: Charlie wins!
Yuban Whakinov: You guys
ready for
Burley: How many was
Yuban Whakinov: Jesus.
Rob Valincius: Woo! Oh my god, okay so Sarah wins,
Stefs Rock Show: That's the age of the guy I'm fucking.
Burley: that, dude,
that's, you know, that's a problem,
right? You know, that's a
Sarah: a
Stefs Rock Show: Oh.
Rob Valincius: hold on.
Burley: Dude, you could watch Keeper Sutherland every hour to finish an entire season.
Rob Valincius: D
Burley: he just deleted one of those every
Rob Valincius: apps do you think Euben has on his phone to
order food?
Stefs Rock Show: How are you not more overweight? That's
what I don't
Yuban Whakinov: I am. It's probably misleading on
this camera.
Maybe. I don't know. I
Rob Valincius: There's more than five, I can tell you that.
Burley: He hasn't walked in six months.
Sarah: Damn.
Burley: This is a
Rob Valincius: Just food in general. Eleven. four, you were wrong.
Stefs Rock Show: Wow.
Rob Valincius: Eww, oh
Burley: Don't you
Yuban Whakinov: Okay, hold on. I didn't realize
Burley: town? How many restaurants are there?
Yuban Whakinov: I just didn't realize that whenever you guys invited me to this, this was an intervention. I didn't realize. I was, I was going to get lambasted about my
Rob Valincius: You name a
fast food
chain, he probably Do you have an Arby's app on your phone?
Yuban Whakinov: Yes.
Rob Valincius: He does! Hahaha!
Burley: guess what he doesn't
Rob Valincius: favorite restaurant,
Burley: Let's let's guess what he doesn't have. Uh pizza hut pizza
Yuban Whakinov: I
Rob Valincius: Oh no, he's got a Pizza
Yuban Whakinov: I mean, there's, there's, so there's, I have dominoes.
Rob Valincius: Jesus Christ.
Burley: dynamos All
Rob Valincius: Panera bread.
Yuban Whakinov: No,
Rob Valincius: There you go, alright.
Burley: right, rob wins.
Rob Valincius: No, that was T Dog.
That was T Dog. Not me.
Burley: fuck rob
Yuban Whakinov: no, again, you guys have to understand too. I can't just go to a restaurant, like in two minutes, the nearest place to like, I can't even get milk in 15 miles. So the convenience for me is to place the order on the app, have it ready by the time I
get there.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay. That
Rob Valincius: gotta remember, like,
you're the only person that
remotely like we
do. So
like, there's Boston,
Stefs Rock Show: shit everywhere.
Rob Valincius: Steph's in a huge city, Burley's in Houston, but Burley, you're kind of
Burley: I'm on the outskirts dude. I have a way out if shit pops
Rob Valincius: in the city, but
Burley: I live in a neighborhood? Am I in the suburbs? Yes. Do I work in the city every day of my goddamn life? Yes, I do. Cheers. Fags.
Rob Valincius: Uh, yeah. Cheers. So, uh, where were we with Never Have I Ever? Um, we're on, you've been, right?
Yuban Whakinov: Shit. So now I'm down to three
Rob Valincius: Cuz Sarah,
Burley: Never have I ever downloaded 24.
Stefs Rock Show: Like I was gonna have sex with you and
then I heard that and I was like, ew, I wouldn't hit it. turn off.
Rob Valincius: Just so you know, she's
wearing an I Love Peggy Med shirt, and she called you gay.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: The, uh,
uh, I never have I ever
slept with a
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my
Rob Valincius: Oh,
Yuban Whakinov: bitches.
Stefs Rock Show: There's one
Rob Valincius: Burly, if you put a finger down, I'm calling you gay for the rest of our
Yuban Whakinov: Oh, you went
Burley: I mean, it depends on how political you want to be fluid. How about fluid? Huh? They're just
Yuban Whakinov: Hold on, hold on.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: man counts too,
Stefs Rock Show: better all move
to Cali.
Burley: what about trans women?
Yuban Whakinov: Yes.
Burley: Oh, boo. Finger down.
Stefs Rock Show: Some of them look so much like females.
Oh, it's
Burley: Dude, some of y'all, some of you girls don't stand a chance to the science. I tell you
what, science has gotten good as fuck and y'all are fucked.
1980s trainees versus like, what happened to transvestites? They disappeared.
They just disappeared.
Sarah: Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: We're Dr. Frankenfurter's out and it's just really hot
chicks on TikTok. And I'm like, damn, how does that girl do her makeup? And then I find out later she has a dick
and I'm
Burley: Yeah. It turns out dudes do it better. Turns out
Stefs Rock Show: against you.
Yuban Whakinov: Don't.
Rob Valincius: Hehehehehehehehehehehehe
Stefs Rock Show: The one
Yuban Whakinov: was
Stefs Rock Show: hand's down. Do I have another hand? Do I
Rob Valincius: You have another hand! Yeah you're good.
Sarah: Yeah, you got a
Rob Valincius: started with two hands yeah. Alright so, I'm up, um,
Sarah: what I had. Film?
Yuban Whakinov: sticky dick again. This thing is getting weak.
Rob Valincius: let me, let me get the mashed
Stefs Rock Show: Let me use my stronger hand.
Rob Valincius: Heh heh heh
heh Heh heh
heh heh.
Stefs Rock Show: That's what I thought
Rob Valincius: man, I don't, I
Stefs Rock Show: I know, it was hard to think of what happened there.
Rob Valincius: hmm. Never have I ever
Fuck! I don't know.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, I fucked. Yeah.
Burley: too. I've been there. I've, I've, I've actually done that before. I've done these
Rob Valincius: have Never have I ever had
anything up my butt.
Stefs Rock Show: So how does it count?
Yuban Whakinov: count fingers again?
Rob Valincius: Fingers?
No, you weren't supposed to put a finger down before, because that was just an example. Now I'm using it as a real
thing. So just keep that finger down. You don't
Stefs Rock Show: what about the tip? Like, I've had a lot of tips go in and then like
literally my butt just rejects it. Does the tip count?
Rob Valincius: Okay, so hold on.
Burley: I've done. I've tried this before. It's just the tip. It always
the whole thing. Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
cause like I haven't had full on anal sex,
I've just the tip and
like I
Yuban Whakinov: Are we already playing this lie game? Because I don't believe you. Don't
Burley: it's just
Stefs Rock Show: for a while,
Burley: running. Get it? Poop.
Stefs Rock Show: running in
That I have pegged
so many guys and girls, but like, when I've tried it a couple times, it just doesn't work.
Burley: Well, it's because you're getting pegged to get a dick. Um,
Stefs Rock Show: I don't know. I think it's a power play too. I like to be in control. I like
Burley: you got it. Here's the deal. Something tells me that girls want to get ass fucked by like an Asian and not necessarily
a black date.
Rob Valincius: Alright, so then me, Youbin, and you are in!
Burley: Yeah, dude. We're like, we're, dude, we are. Goldilocks porridge is just right. Dude.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah,
no, I tried
Rob Valincius: want to point
Stefs Rock Show: small
Burley: this Dick's too small. This Dick's too big. This dick is just right. That's
us. That's us three. That's us. That's us.
Rob Valincius: I want to point out that, uh, Sarah is down to one
Burley: I know.
Stefs Rock Show: had
it in the booty. Well, that's normal I feel like
i'm missing
Yuban Whakinov: I knew it.
Burley: Well, I'm down to
Rob Valincius: let's go with the correct Never have I ever, you know, fucked a clown while I was in
the Tilt A Wheel.
Stefs Rock Show: No, okay. I'll go to normal because I am i'm gonna go non sexual which is not like me Never have
I ever been late on a bill
Rob Valincius: well you're talking to
Yuban Whakinov: Honestly,
Burley: All right, so I think Sarah wins or lose this. How does that work?
Stefs Rock Show: Sarah,
she likes it up the ass and
she doesn't pay her
Burley: Wait, how?
Sarah: Fuck
Burley: on. You've never, you've ne you've never been laid on a bill ever.
That's craziness. That's cra
Yuban Whakinov: Jesus Christ. I might get a one 800 call while we're
here. Like
Rob Valincius: Hold on.
Sarah: I
Stefs Rock Show: high. Like, that's why I'm a cougar. Like, I use cash, though.
I'm a
Rob Valincius: You might be a little autistic then. You might be on the spectrum if
Burley: How do you feel about trains and not like a German just as a, it's just
a person.
Stefs Rock Show: Are you, like, running on me?
Rob Valincius: Oh, she loves trades, sir!
Stefs Rock Show: do! Oh, my God.
Burley: Holy shit. I forgot Rob. She knows the fucking
renaissance fair autistic guy
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, James. Like,
he's sliding in my DMs
right now. Like, he wants to date.
And I'm like, if
Burley: the, uh,
Stefs Rock Show: show, I'll go on a date with
Burley: from the, what's the, what's the name of the show? Love on the spectrum.
Stefs Rock Show: on the
Rob Valincius: the spectrum.
Stefs Rock Show: I love, and I'm having Connor on next
Yuban Whakinov: McGregor.
Burley: the bottle's gone.
Rob Valincius: I
I love those people!
Stefs Rock Show: do. They're so funny. Like, uh,
Rob Valincius: of our homework for
Rage and Pillage was he made me watch like four episodes of Love on the Spectrum. And I'm watching this and I'm
like, what the fuck
Stefs Rock Show: it's so sweet and endearing. I just
Burley: Also, that Asian girl that came as soon as she held that guy's hand,
That ruled. That ruled.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Burley: nutted so hard in public, she just went, I
Rob Valincius: Sarah's like, what did I sign myself up for? I'm never coming back on
the Drink O'Clock
Sarah: it's glorious. It's fucking glorious. I'm like, I can't stop, like I'm crying right
Stefs Rock Show: Aw.
Burley: think, I think, I think me and Steph are just trying to out dirty each
Stefs Rock Show: This is just a normal Monday conversation for me. I don't know.
Sarah: now. Ohh it's glorious.
Stefs Rock Show: dirty.
But no, I kind of want to fuck James from Love on the Spectrum. Like, we've been talking for a little bit. He's
come by
Burley: What are the legalities on fucking a retarded person?
Stefs Rock Show: I I'm kinda retarded, so I
like, we're
Yuban Whakinov: your eyes,
Stefs Rock Show: level,
Yuban Whakinov: show your eyes,
Burley: turns out, turns out, I learned this yesterday. This is a work conversation. Uh, can you have sex with a retarded person? So Google came up.
Stefs Rock Show: Can
Burley: So, well, it turns out a girl, cause I was, my whole head was like, I think they're fertile, like a liger,
you know, when you when you breed a lion and a tiger together, they're
Yeah, they're not the way they infertile. What's the word? Sterile. That's
the word.
Stefs Rock Show: I'd wanna fuck them even more.
Burley: Retards love the banana ones. Um, but
Rob Valincius: doing, I'm taking another shot. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Burley: so what we're talking about, like, can you get a down syndrome girl pregnant legally? Turns out legally is yes. Second is you're going to make another down syndrome person most likely by the odds. Down syndrome dudes, usually infertile, usually
Stefs Rock Show: Damn, that's why
Burley: So they're, they're not making, they're not making super
Just so, just so you know,
Stefs Rock Show: So if I only bang down
to new guys, I won't get pregnant and they
can come inside me.
Burley: can you imagine two extra chromosomes? Dude, they'll pet you too hard. I'll pet you to
death. Oh,
Stefs Rock Show: That's cute.
Burley: I don't think you want to,
but Lenny.
Stefs Rock Show: I I don't know. Why not?
Burley: All right, that was a
deep joke. If anybody
Sarah: Ya snaps the neck. Shannon
Stefs Rock Show: Of mice and ninja. Yeah,
Burley: read a book.
Sarah: Shannon
Stefs Rock Show: grade.
Sarah: Mmm
Yuban Whakinov: Not
me. Uh,
I want to fuck somebody with, I'm going to fuck somebody with Parkinson's. So it's
a built in vibrator. And you know what I mean? Like
Burley: no, it's just like sticking your dick in a blender. It just goes
Stefs Rock Show: Michael J. Fox it. Back to the future me.
Yuban Whakinov: but all those chromosomes and everything, professor X might
become, you know, come calling and everything. If they get too much of your powers from all the down
Burley: Professor Triple X, dude, let's
Yuban Whakinov: the recharge
Rob Valincius: I'm, I'm very good at reeling in conversations. I can't, I can't, I don't even know what I'm doing. I don't know what to do in my
Sarah: go. Roll with
Rob Valincius: Um, all right. So listen. Let's play a game called Hypotheticals.
Yuban Whakinov: Conor McGregor,
Burley: It's always Conor Dade. He's a rapist. Now, if you like Conor
McGregor, you like rape. That's the
Stefs Rock Show: Right? That's the clip, bitch. No,
Rob Valincius: It's always rape. it's always rape, Burly!
Stefs Rock Show: Conor McGregor cannot rape. He's too hot. I'm gonna go against
Burley: you've never, you've never been fucked by a leprechaun. The worst, the gold coins coming out of your butthole. Oh, it's too tight. Nevermind. You just got to save them.
Yuban Whakinov: who are they? The chocolate coins. Cause I'd eat them still. I mean,
Burley: they're definitely, they're definitely chocolate
Stefs Rock Show: I do feel bad for his wife though and Beyonce because it's like, it's like, you know your man raped somebody and they're married and you're at home. It's like, ouch. That's a low blow to you as a wife. Like
your pussy's literally in bed waiting for them.
Burley: Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: I
Stefs Rock Show: Nah?
Burley: That, that that's what, that's what he said when he came. He's a leprechaun, remember? Nah,
Stefs Rock Show: I don't know.
It's like, no big deal.
Rob Valincius: enough about
dicks and buttholes. So, um,
Hypotheticals. We're gonna Euben, I actually, um, I made this one just for you, so we're going to start with you. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, and it's calorie free, what meal are you going to pick?
Yuban Whakinov: Pussy. No.
Rob Valincius: I assumed Steph was going to say semen,
but, uh, we'll go with whatever
Stefs Rock Show: I'm gonna have a lot of that tonight. I'll tell you
Yuban Whakinov: No. Um. Damn, man. It would,
I gotta go nachos, dude. I'm a slut for a good fucking plate of nachos. I'm going to
Rob Valincius: agree.
Stefs Rock Show: It's got to be heavily loaded though. I want
all the fixings and
Yuban Whakinov: Fuck.
Burley: Vix
Rob Valincius: No comment.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: Sarah, you're up.
Sarah: Um,
fuck. Probably peanut butter and fluffed sandwiches. I don't know. It's just super, it's easy.
It's fucking, toast that shit, melt the peanut butter, get a little bit of a sweet tooth with the fucking fluff. It's beauteous. Um,
Stefs Rock Show: just the letter B. Have you
seen the
Bum Wine Bob: I got in here, Steph's already got the I I Love
Pegging Men shirt. Well guys, it was great to see you I'm heading out of here, alright? I don't know what I'm getting myself into here.
Stefs Rock Show: Are you ready to
Bum Wine Bob: I didn't know I didn't know it was that kind of
party, you know, but hey.
Stefs Rock Show: Bend
Rob Valincius: It's a shit show,
Bob. It's a shit show.
Bum Wine Bob: cheers, to the,
Burley: what a pegging party is.
Stefs Rock Show: it's been
Rob Valincius: Cheers to Bob.
Bum Wine Bob: brought along my, uh,
Burley: I've finished my whole bottle.
Bum Wine Bob: my,
festive holiday of Fireball, and ginger ale to start things
off here.
So, red,
Rob Valincius: Let's go.
Stefs Rock Show: I
Bum Wine Bob: you go, red red and green, you know, perfect for the holidays, you know,
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah,
Burley: Are are you acidic, Bob?
I saw you have Jews on your
Bum Wine Bob: juice, juice, these.
Rob Valincius: Jesus Christ. Don't mind him. He's already had a bottle
of the cheapest wine you could think
Stefs Rock Show: like Moscato. He's a drunk white
housewife, like right now. The real housewife of Houston joined
Rob Valincius: He's two seconds away from having fucking a small peepee in his butthole and being
Bum Wine Bob: there we go.
Stefs Rock Show: Are
Rob Valincius: Bob, Bob, you
Yuban Whakinov: this.
Rob Valincius: in at the right time. Okay, so, holy shit!
Yuban Whakinov: Well,
Rob Valincius: We're doing hypotheticals. You missed Never Have I Ever.
Okay, so the question is, if you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, and it's calorie free, What would it be?
So, Euben is going with nachos, Sarah went with, uh, peanut butter and fluff. Bob, you're up. What do you, what would you eat for the rest of your
Bum Wine Bob: tough. I The first thing that popped into my mind, which I just had for dinner tonight, was pizza. Now, are we limiting it to any specific, like, only one type of something? Like, if I say pizza, can it be any type of pizza,
or is it just like cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza, like, like
Rob Valincius: Yeah, yeah, you, you, you can't be a fence sitter here. If it's pizza,
what kind of pizza are you
Bum Wine Bob: I do pepperoni
Rob Valincius: Fair.
Stefs Rock Show: year old? You're a 12 year old boy.
the fuck?
Bum Wine Bob: you, you, you see, you've,
Stefs Rock Show: Add some
Rob Valincius: Yo, it's,
Bum Wine Bob: you know, around here. I mean, I'm not, I
mean, look, look at this stuff. I mean,
Rob Valincius: he's a cheap date. Yo, you're such a ball buster, Jeff.
Stefs Rock Show: I am. I am. Well,
Rob Valincius: what, what, other than buttholes, what is your preferred? He, he, he, he, he, he,
Burley: dude, it's gotta be a smash burger. Just the cheeseburger. Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: Ooh, yum.
Burley: It's that's my favorite food in the whole world world.
Rob Valincius: Hehehehe
Burley: Oi! You cunt. Oi, cunt. Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Rob Valincius: Alright, Steph, other than dicks, what is, what is your prefer Hehehehe
Bum Wine Bob: right?
Stefs Rock Show: know
Bum Wine Bob: yeah.
Rob Valincius: Those are low calorie.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, you're such a good friend. I'm feeling like loved.
Burley: That very low calorie.
Stefs Rock Show: Somebody looks at my page.
Nobody calling you out. Stalker.
Um, it's, it's octopus leg, which I know is, is
Burley: fucked with, I fucked with octopus. Yeah, I
Stefs Rock Show: fucking love an oven roast and octopus leg with like a little bit of olive
oil. And cow tongue.
Those are the two things I prepare the most that just
fuck with people,
Burley: I don't Crave cow tongue but I do like
Rob Valincius: babe.
Stefs Rock Show: I'm low in
Rob Valincius: octopus leg. Ew! So, so, funny story.
Stefs Rock Show: I have an
octopus tattoo. That's one of my
Rob Valincius: funny story.
Stefs Rock Show: to
Rob Valincius: So,
Burley: That's why I have a tentacle look at
Rob Valincius: Ah! No chicks on the podcast! No chicks! Um, so, so, so T
Dawg's, uh, the thing she's afraid of, her number one fear,
by the way, is, uh, octopus. Or squid. Technically squid.
Burley: That's her number one fear not
Rob Valincius: one fear I
Bum Wine Bob: Yeah.
Burley: or trafficked or raped
Rob Valincius: being raped, sex trafficked, nothing.
A squid,
giant squid, is her And I
shit you not, she's had legitimate conversations with my family on Thanksgiving about the eye and beak of a squid and how scary
it is
Burley: okay Ask her
Sarah: is
Rob Valincius: running thing.
Stefs Rock Show: She's really pretty.
Burley: as tea dog this question as tea
this question
Rob Valincius: on, Burly wants to ask a
question, babe.
Burley: Would she rather spend the night with an octopus in her bed or get female
circumcised go?
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah. Right,
Rob Valincius: know what, I don't know what that means, but okay.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my gosh.
Rob Valincius: would you, would you, rather
uh, spend a night with a squid in your bed or
get female circumcised?
Stefs Rock Show: clit cut off by a rock
in Africa. No, you want to
Rob Valincius: Okay, so she would sleep with the squid. It's okay. Alright.
Burley: dude! We tricked her! We get it!
Stefs Rock Show: It's not a legit
Burley: squid's here right now! The squid's here right now! ha ha Ha ha
Stefs Rock Show: You guys know what pissed me off? The guy going around asking all the chicks Would you rather be alone in a forest with a bear
or like a white male?
And i'm like, are you
fucking kidding me? All the chicks said bear and i'm like we're
Burley: you don't know this, but in the gay world, i'm a bear.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, you are
you're a hairy gay
Burley: Rawr! Ha ha ha
Rob Valincius: yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: rather be with a
Burley: ha!
Rob Valincius: We're bottoms. We're bottoms
for sure.
Stefs Rock Show: yeah,
Burley: dude
Bum Wine Bob: ready for that pegging right there. He's ready. See?
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, I am. I'm in,
baby. Lube it up.
Burley: Can
Rob Valincius: All right.
Burley: Can Can you Nah, nevermind. Alright.
Rob Valincius: You're not gonna finish your
Burley: tell a guy's age by their butthole?
Stefs Rock Show: No. So
Burley: like Is it like rings? on a tree? It's like rings on a
Yuban Whakinov: the
Stefs Rock Show: You're born with it. So you know how people joke like, Oh, that person's loose or whatever. No, like, I've been with virgin women that are really loose.
And I've been with guys that it's their first time that
Burley: Nope. Nope.
Stefs Rock Show: I swear. I have fucked probably more than you dude.
Burley: Talk to me.
Watch this. Whenever you turn from male to female, you have a Open hole in you, right? You know, they have to dilate that thing. They have to like walk around with a dildo up their fucking new wound, right? It's called keeping it dilated. Okay. Now,
Rob Valincius: know
Bum Wine Bob: me neither.
Burley: oh,
Rob Valincius: very innocent in this
Burley: it looks, it looks like different colored dildos.
That's what it looks like.
So they just got to put them up in there and walk around.
Stefs Rock Show: or it'll close up.
Burley: Yeah, exactly. They have, it's in your piercing in your
puss hole. Okay. Where your dick used to be. Yeah. It says, this is a tale as old as time, dude.
Bum Wine Bob: Must
Stefs Rock Show: you got to get it
Burley: um, but,
Bum Wine Bob: that
Burley: but my point is, yeah, it
Rob Valincius: and Snow White, I think I missed the one
Burley: was called,
Rob Valincius: peepee
Burley: it was called song of the South, if you know what I mean, um, so if, if a dude is with a giant big ol fat dick.
Is fucking you enough. You're going to essentially dilate yourself to where it stays open and wide and loose and nasty and gross. That's the point I'm making here. You have to fucking fuck different
people or not
Stefs Rock Show: get that. I
think that means
you have to stay in a relationship for a long time for it to affect you
Burley: Gross.
Rob Valincius: Hold on, hold on. Let me, let me, let me talk. I, I'm a
habitualistic, is that what they say? Um, relationship person. And, um, my prior relationship, she had the widest
vagina on the planet.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah. No I've been with
lesbians that have never fucked men that
have massive vaginas a lot of
Burley: Those are gold. Those are gold star lesbians.
Rob Valincius: We were
Stefs Rock Show: been with a lot of
Rob Valincius: so, like, you know, you're 18, 19, 20, like, her
vagina should not have been that loose, of course, I'm pretty sure she listened to this podcast, and, uh, this is going to
be a hilarious conversation
at some point in the future, but, um,
I'm not saying her name,
Stefs Rock Show: Let's tag her tag her in the
Rob Valincius: say this though,
I will say this, T Dawg
is like this. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, you know, and it is what it is. So that's why we've been together for 14 years. Um, But yeah, and there's no way she could have been with like 100 people before me the
last one So,
Sarah: She
Burley: Or at least
Rob Valincius: some people just have naturally big vaginas. It's
Stefs Rock Show: I don't
know. I get proposed to in
four months and
then in seven months and I fucked hundreds of people and That's all the guys
say they
Burley: hundreds, like more than, more than a hundred, more than 200.
Stefs Rock Show: five to six hundred easy.
Burley: That's sweet. I wish I could
fuck that
Rob Valincius: good. I'm at
Stefs Rock Show: so many
I heard the normal seven
and I like spit out my drink when I
read that
Burley: Well, no, that's the age of consent in India. Not the number of people you sleep with.
Stefs Rock Show: I'm Like
I don't even know my favorites are
like the famous people and I don't remember the other
Like with their
Bum Wine Bob: Not important,
Burley: poor, poor Tanner. Poor Tanner.
Stefs Rock Show: We're Tanner and Chad and Michael
the guy coming tonight,
Zach, whatever his name is. He's hot. I'm
Rob Valincius: Alright, so, back to hypotheticals.
Stefs Rock Show: Hypothetical.
Rob Valincius: Um,
I thought this
one would be really funny, and Steph, we're gonna start with you on this one.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh God,
Rob Valincius: Uh, if money didn't exist, and everyone had to trade for services or goods instead, what would you offer as your trade? Hmm?
Stefs Rock Show: know, I mean, so I if I wasn't from money like I'm a rich bitch I would have been a whore I like to watch prostitution Documentaries because crackhead on the side of the road if grandpa didn't say here's a
Couple dollars, baby, so I would trade Sonic I would, I love sex. The
Burley: My grandpa told me the same thing, but it was
very violent.
It was so violent.
Bum Wine Bob: different.
Stefs Rock Show: I mean, I got on my knees for my grandpa, but he
gave me a lot of money and now I don't really have to work a lot. You know, whatever.
Burley: Once again, it's deja vu. I,
Stefs Rock Show: Bills are paid, baby.
Bum Wine Bob: Man,
Stefs Rock Show: not getting into my childhood, but I got the money.
Burley: Somebody got, somebody got into your childhood, but you did get
Rob Valincius: was like candle let me put on my trap stick
Stefs Rock Show: It's lipstick. Oh, you set me
up for that one.
Rob Valincius: U
Burley: Um, I mean, I got a mixture of things. I think I feel like, wait, what year is it?
Bum Wine Bob: What? Where?
Rob Valincius: It's, there's no year, it's
Bum Wine Bob: Today?
Rob Valincius: you
Stefs Rock Show: It's 2024. Did you
Burley: In my, in my head, I was like, okay, I could probably like put,
know, horseshoes on horses. Put horseshoes on a horse or something. I could be a whitesmith. Um,
Rob Valincius: A white smith? What the fuck is that?
Burley: It's the opposite of a blacksmith, sir. I kind of just run things.
Bum Wine Bob: he has people do, He
has people do it for him.
Rob Valincius: He
Yuban Whakinov: He's a white Johnson.
Stefs Rock Show: black guy putting the
Burley: No, I'm totally cool
with people. It's only white
horses. Y'all are all racist, dude. Y'all are so racist. Black beauty, get the fuck out of here. Alright?
Rob Valincius: Jesus Christ. Sarah, you haven't talked in a
Burley: like I just, I think I just try to
Bum Wine Bob: comedian? He'll be a comedian.
Sarah: dying over here. Oh,
Rob Valincius: it's,
Burley: killed the
insurance boy. I killed the insurance boy.
Stefs Rock Show: He's
Yuban Whakinov: Woo hoo. Um,
Sarah: good lord.
Yuban Whakinov: I mean, uh, I would, I would start, uh, at church. I mean, really , I mean that's,
Burley: I've been, I've been pushing this at Rob. Like we could start a religion dude. If you started,
Stefs Rock Show: start a cult where everybody has to fuck me, and they can't fuck anybody else, but all 40 guys just have to fuck me,
and I'm gonna start a cult.
Burley: I'm not joining your gay cult because I want them to fuck me.
Stefs Rock Show: like, just everybody
has to
Yuban Whakinov: mean, the only thing is though, I
feel like if I'm starting religion, what I have to offer is more than
likely, no offense, better than
Bum Wine Bob: Oh,
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my god!
Bum Wine Bob: Comin in
Stefs Rock Show: That's,
Yuban Whakinov: It's just, I'm just
saying that
Stefs Rock Show: I like it.
Yuban Whakinov: I'm offering divine, like peace and everything
else. And then, and then you're saying like,
Stefs Rock Show: Like,
Yuban Whakinov: then yours, yours is going to say, Hey, okay.
700 dicks have been in here. You know what I mean?
Burley: no, but I really, when I joined a religion, when I joined a religion, my first thought is
what's going to make this little
baldy guy come. Nah, no. Yeah.
Sarah: Didn't you guys discuss that?
Burley: I've been trying to start a religion with Rob forever.
Bum Wine Bob: for
Sarah: Yeah, I thought you guys had proposed that where
Burley: I'm tired of fucking him and trying to fuck other people. You know,
Yuban Whakinov: how you make a lot of money. Have you seen Joel Osteen's house?
Stefs Rock Show: yeah,
Burley: I actually literally in person have
Stefs Rock Show: Dude, that's
Yuban Whakinov: and
Rob Valincius: It is in Houston, isn't it?
Yuban Whakinov: If it ever floods, I'm like King Leonidas. I'm kicking motherfuckers out. Bam, bam, bam. No way. No, I'm not sharing this house
Burley: now, if you remember
Yuban Whakinov: but pray
Burley: kicked in the pit was a black guy. You racist,
Rob Valincius: Alright, you racist fuck. Sarah,
you're up.
Sarah: Uh,
Rob Valincius: are you trading for services?
Sarah: Um, I'm going to provide the ladies abortions. Let me show you the stairs.
Rob Valincius: You're gonna be the Grim Reaper of babies. I love it!
Burley: you could do like scorpion. Get over here.
Sarah: I'm just gonna,
Rob Valincius: she's gonna she's gonna be the abortionist.
Sarah: Push them all down
Rob Valincius: She loves, T Dog's approval. And what about you,
Bumwine Bob?
Bum Wine Bob: are doing A
church, I am an ordained minister. So I can, I,
I, so we, so look, we have it, we have it right here, I mean, it was through
Miller High Life and the Church of the
High Life that I do, I
did get my, my paper, so,
Stefs Rock Show: you can do my third wedding.
Bum Wine Bob: I can do that.
Uh, I was
Stefs Rock Show: I would love that.
Bum Wine Bob: being the town drunk, does that get you anything?
I mean, I think that
fit me perfectly, I mean, I could
trade, uh,
That for, I don't know what, but
Stefs Rock Show: Bad advice.
Bum Wine Bob: I, could be like a, a, actually
a therapist. There we go.
town drunk therapist. That therapist, not the rapist therapist.
Let's not get confused with that.
Stefs Rock Show: I'll take the rapist for 400. So we, we want to be like a sex worker, abortionist,
A cult
leader, a blacksmith, and a
town drunk. This
is, this
Yuban Whakinov: Well, hold on. Hold on. He's He's kind of like Dr. Phil, but he's Dr. Pill. He's going to rape you. Okay. He's
Burley: Yeah,
Bum Wine Bob: a little that Cosby, uh, juicy. A little. Hey, put a little in there.
Hey, have,
have a sip. You know,
Stefs Rock Show: guys, I might
Yuban Whakinov: part of
Stefs Rock Show: the only ones. I hit on my therapist. I went to therapy
in Beverly Hills for sex addiction. And then I tried to hit and fuck my therapist for sex addiction. And he was like,
this is part of the problem. And like, literally was like the one time I got denied
Bum Wine Bob: was gonna say,
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, I need a new
Bum Wine Bob: he didn't give in. Wow.
Stefs Rock Show: No, he didn't.
Rob Valincius: a good therapist!
Stefs Rock Show: So
Bum Wine Bob: he do it?
Burley: don't they have like, don't
Rob Valincius: Did you bang the second one,
Stefs Rock Show: I yeah,
Burley: don't they have like
they have like those alcoholics anonymous things, but for like sex addicted
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, I've
Burley: you could go there and clean up.
Stefs Rock Show: So no they separate us So I did a two month program
even and it was all females And then it intrigued me because it
was all hookers and then me that was just like, oh,
this is
Burley: me that something tells me if you're a sex addict, you're not picky on
the type of
hole. So I'm still going to clean up. I'm cleaning it
Stefs Rock Show: I can be picky but in
another 20 years I'm, not going to be able to be picky. I just take whatever comes my way, but I
Burley: See I get that. See you. MS. Um,
Rob Valincius: so, Jesus
Stefs Rock Show: Rob, what about
Rob Valincius: to stick with, uh, did I say it? Um,
Burley: Oh, yeah,
Rob Valincius: uh, so you guys know I'm a nerd, so I would, um, it's actually probably my, one of my dream jobs. I would
build computers.
Burley: in my head, this whole thing is happening in like Game of Thrones time. There's no goddamn computers
Rob Valincius: this is, this is any
time, this is
Burley: here denying black horses to my stables. And you're building
Stefs Rock Show: And I didn't know I was
Rob Valincius: you're, if you're,
Stefs Rock Show: I didn't know I was in a
Rob Valincius: you're black, you must, you must go to the, the place in the back to
get your
Burley: Sarah would probably be the richest person in the olden days because the abortions weren't really a science. So she just, you know, she really was just uppercutting pussies
Stefs Rock Show: that's just called a murderer back in
those days. You're just killing bitches. They're not surviving That's
Burley: it's like a wishbone. It's like a wishbone. Grab the baby. Hope the whole uterus didn't come out you.
Stefs Rock Show: Like when they were like we're gonna have to cut the baby out in the 1800s, honey Just the baby's making it not you.
Burley: throw it in the stew. Um,
Rob Valincius: Burly, Burly, we're gonna, we're gonna start with you on this one, because I feel like this is, uh, something you
probably have thought about. If every time
you entered a room, a theme song
played, what would yours be?
Burley: love on the Ritz.
Rob Valincius: Love on the
Burley: Love on the road.
Rob Valincius: You said that so fast, bro, Jesus Christ! Hold on, hold on, T Dawg, what's yours?
Bum Wine Bob: Milkshake.
Rob Valincius: Milkshake by Khalees.
Stefs Rock Show: Brings all the boys that want to fucking build computers to the yard.
Wrong kind of dudes.
Rob Valincius: Alright, Steph, what's yours?
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, Tiny Dancer by Elton John. Love
Rob Valincius: Tiny Dancer! Such a good song.
Stefs Rock Show: that's that's me.
Rob Valincius: it. Sarah?
Sarah: here comes the hot stepper by, what is
Amizi Kamosi?
Burley: You're just
making up
Stefs Rock Show: I don't know that. What is
Burley: in a row.
Sarah: You know, here comes the hot step, I'm murderer, I'm
the lyric, I'm kind of murderer,
Rob Valincius: Murderer.
Burley: That's a fire song. Okay. We're back. Here comes the hot step. Uh, murder.
Okay. All right. I'm with you.
Sarah: na, na, na, na, na, na,
Yuban Whakinov: damn. I don't know why. So
Sarah: na,
Yuban Whakinov: but that kind of switched me with the karaoke that we got going over here. So I'm going to change mine to a tub thumping by Chumpawumba
Rob Valincius: Let's go!
Stefs Rock Show: I've had Dan from Chumbawumba by three
times, and I love him, and I love Chumbawumba. Huge
Rob Valincius: Chumbawamba! Holy
Yuban Whakinov: how was the semen?
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my god, no! I have, he's too old
Burley: whiskey drink and a vodka
drink. Oh,
Yuban Whakinov: hey, what was the viscosity? What was the
Bum Wine Bob: so there we go.
Stefs Rock Show: good.
They're you know that he makes so much money off royalties from that song being in movies
still, not even performing anything, cause so many movies use, I get knocked down, but I get up
Burley: it's it's it's gotta be it's in uh,
it's in every
Stefs Rock Show: no, he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars for 20 years and doesn't work
because of that one song being used. Isn't that cool? I think that's cool.
Burley: like the rick roll guy.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: All right. Bum wine, Bob,
Bum Wine Bob: go with uh, Night Train, Guns N Roses.
Burley: on a night train Do
Rob Valincius: that because your
Bum Wine Bob: Yes, it would be.
Rob Valincius: night train
Bum Wine Bob: Yes.
Burley: you drink nitrate?
Bum Wine Bob: it right here.
Rob Valincius: drink it, take a shot.
Bum Wine Bob: commodities here.
You can't, you can't, yeah, you can't
Rob Valincius: that's right. It doesn't exist anymore.
Burley: Oh, pull out the Spanish fly. Let's go,
Bum Wine Bob: in the, in the fridge
upstairs, but then I gotta get up and
walk, you know, so It's a lot, it's a lot of work,
Rob Valincius: no,
Stefs Rock Show: That's a
lot. That's a lot of work, Yeah.
Bum Wine Bob: heh.
Rob Valincius: All right. All right. You've been, we'll start with you on this one.
Yuban Whakinov: fuck.
Rob Valincius: If you were invisible for 24 hours, what's the first thing you'd do?
Burley: Oh,
Stefs Rock Show: Oh man.
Rob Valincius: I didn't start with Burly because I knew that he knew what he was going to
Burley: It's going to be that 70 show. I'm going to see all your bushes.
Yuban Whakinov: I mean, damn. So if I
could, I'm going to rob a bank for sure. I want to be able to, I want to be able to have a lot of money because that's going to solve a lot of my issues. Um,
damn. I
Stefs Rock Show: Are you guys all poor? Is that what
Bum Wine Bob: we, we can't all, we can't all be like you Steph. all right.
Rob Valincius: Do you see my green
screen with nothing on it?
Stefs Rock Show: the chick is too hot for you, Rob. So I know you have three, $4,
like, you know what I mean? Like
Rob Valincius: There's a little bit. There's
Stefs Rock Show: she's
Yuban Whakinov: debit card was a dick that's been in you. I'd be a wealthy fucking man. If I
could just put that into the ATM, I'd be able to get some fucking money. But no, it's I'm trying to think. Hold on. So I would say, um,
I don't know.
Yeah, I would. I would rob. I would rob a bank. I would. Damn. That's the only thing I think
of is
Burley: Here's
the deal though. They, they will see you. They will not see you, but they will see floating bags of money
coming out of
Bum Wine Bob: gonna say, yeah.
Burley: I just want you to know that.
Bum Wine Bob: you
or is there anything you would touch? I, I, I
the same idea too. I was like, oh, definitely. I'm gonna go rob a bank and get money somehow
Rob Valincius: They're gonna see floating money.
Burley: Yeah. Why would you go to a bank? Just go to
Bum Wine Bob: Steph, what's your address?
Yuban Whakinov: no, because I mean, there's yeah.
Bum Wine Bob: yeah, yeah.
Burley: out.
Yuban Whakinov: Yeah, do you have a dog?
I'm not trying to
run away from a fucking dog or
Stefs Rock Show: I have a dog, and seven guns, so that's not good.
Sarah: Oof.
Yuban Whakinov: let's like, is there, is there, is there a grandma with a whole bunch of money in her mattress? Like, first of all, is she alone? Is she down to fuck?
Burley: Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: she'll be like, think about it.
She, if she has Alzheimer's, she thinks it's a ghost. You know what I mean? Like I can commit
any crime within 24 hours. So I'm doing that and getting the money out of the
Bum Wine Bob: a, yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: So that, that's
Stefs Rock Show: Fucking a grandma that's incapacitated and
stealing her money, that's like the first thing that
comes to mind.
Rob Valincius: You're talking to
Stefs Rock Show: quality group of people tonight.
Rob Valincius: You're talking to the guy that has 24 food apps
Stefs Rock Show: You're right. And
somehow is
Rob Valincius: there's
Stefs Rock Show: How
Yuban Whakinov: If you don't find Betty White
attractive, I don't know what
Stefs Rock Show: my god. I don't know
how you got married,
Yuban Whakinov: that is honestly,
Stefs Rock Show: I think it's legit. Did
you drug her? And you're continually drugging
Yuban Whakinov: honestly, she has like Stockholm syndrome is what it is.
Stefs Rock Show: I know, she's just in the closet right now.
can hear slight
clapping in the background. That's the noise we heard when he first logged
Yuban Whakinov: She's honestly, she's kinda like a hillbilly. She likes to chew tobacco. She doesn't really, but I'm hung like a skull can.
So she likes to get a little bit of dip.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my god.
Rob Valincius: Alright, uh, Sarah, you can go.
I'm beginning to think by the way that we should do
this once a
month instead of once a year or
once every two years
Stefs Rock Show: let's do it.
And I don't feel like an alcoholic when I log on with people. So I like this.
Bum Wine Bob: Well, we we know your track record Steph, so I mean it's uh, I mean
Stefs Rock Show: I know, but we gotta wrap it up at 7 because I have a new hot
Bum Wine Bob: get her at least you're not at least you're not drinking for loco tonight You're not passing out into the mic with
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my
Bum Wine Bob: and then and randomly logging
Stefs Rock Show: that was so
Bum Wine Bob: like, okay steph and
Stefs Rock Show: I passed out,
blacked out, and
then I come to at a Papa
Roach concert
downtown, and I was like, what the fuck happened? I was on a podcast. That was like the most epic blackout
Bum Wine Bob: You've been there?
Stefs Rock Show: 30s. Yeah.
That was legit.
Rob Valincius: laughing
Burley: Puerh Loco and played who's in my mouth? Come on
Stefs Rock Show: it had been a while.
Rob Valincius: Alright Sarah,
what would you do? People laughing
Sarah: at this point, I just, I'm going to go to Steph's house and just hang out. I'm not even going to fucking like, I'm not even going to steal anything. I'm just going to sit there
Rob Valincius: She's just gonna be
Sarah: it all in.
At this
Rob Valincius: like Well, that's a lot of dicks.
Sarah: I'm like, all right, I'm here.
Burley: Oh, friendly fire, friendly
Sarah: Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: I have a dungeon room, so it's
Rob Valincius: Jesus Christ. Hold on,
Burley: do the, why don't you do the podcast in there?
Stefs Rock Show: there's uh,
Burley: go. Let's go. Let's go to the dungeon
Rob Valincius: Time out. Walk us
through the fucking dungeon room. What's in it?
Yuban Whakinov: Please. I wanna see this. What's the cam
Stefs Rock Show: closet that I
converted into
Rob Valincius: all the questions I have
for this.
Tell us what's in the dungeon room. So,
Stefs Rock Show: you can just get
chained up to and just a small leather whip and you know, of course my pegging stuff and
vibrators and nipple clamps and you know, wax and just stuff like
Rob Valincius: Burly's camera, he paused it, he's gone, and he's driving to your house
for the nipple clamps right
Stefs Rock Show: 22 hours
from Houston to Sacramento, but
Burley: Yeah, you've never been shrimp fucked as hard as this ever.
ha Ha ha Ha
Stefs Rock Show: I can come with shrimp deck
if there's
Rob Valincius: do you like tail, ma'am? Do you like tail?
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Burley: the red lobster. No, it smells like shrimp. I don't know what size it is. I haven't seen it by my gut in years. But ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. It's probably numerous colors like Dennis Rodman's hair in the 90s. But ha
Rob Valincius: Okay, Jesus fucking Christ. Uh, Burly, what would you do if you were invisible for 24 hours?
Burley: You know what I, you know, in all life, I'm being one hundo, I'm going to get into like, I'm going to go into like the Pentagon or the white
house and try to see what's going on. If I got 24 hours,
pretty sure I'd get decent way in, you know,
Stefs Rock Show: It's
Rob Valincius: there's a lot of random fucking drones
flying on
Bum Wine Bob: here, they're in my backyard
flying around. So I mean, they're here.
Stefs Rock Show: whoa.
Burley: why aren't y'all getting footage of this in showing
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah,
Rob Valincius: I was getting videos from my buddies. They were in their fucking backyard, like
Bum Wine Bob: see them. I was outside when I got home before, you can see them. Yeah.
Burley: around here. Tell you that much. Tell you what.
Rob Valincius: I didn't do that much right now. There be no guns in my place. I blew it right up. Def, what about you? What would you do if you
were invisible?
Stefs Rock Show: Okay, that's what I was just thinking. It would to be the guy I'm currently fucking at that time to go to him and his bros area the next day and hear what he says when I'm not there about the sex or the wild experience
of me.
I would
love to be a fly on the wall and hear about it.
Rob Valincius: that could be a positive,
Burley: give me a negative. Dude, I would never wanna I would never want to hear what a JTaz say about me when I'm done.
Just like Oh, it would I would fucking you just see blood splatter on the wall from an invisible place. You know what I'm saying? AHHHHHH! Pfft! Just chocolate cake on the wire, and fucking red velvet cake everywhere.
Fucking Pfft!
Stefs Rock Show: god.
Burley: Pfft!
Rob Valincius: velvet
Burley: Pfft!
Pfft! Pfft!
Pfft! Pfft!
Bum Wine Bob: I love some red velvet
Stefs Rock Show: It is
Bum Wine Bob: Me
Rob Valincius: It's actually
Stefs Rock Show: my
favorite. It's my
favorite too. Wow! We can agree on something.
crazy. I didn't know I got along with poor
people this well.
Rob Valincius: Bob,
Burley: You know what? I'd never really agreed with Bernie till just now. Fuck you.
Rob Valincius: would you do
Bum Wine Bob: going to say, I, was thinking about, I don't know what concert, but I would like to go to like either a concert or a couple con like concerts, like some big shows, something, it wouldn't be like Taylor Swift, right? Even though those Eras Tour tickets, you know, were thousands and thousands of dollars, I still wouldn't do that, but like, I'm thinking like going to a concert, going in there. and just being able to enjoy that experience for something big, something big band, something that's big
Uh, because, I mean, it's like, you're invisible, but, how are You are you, like, able to float through walls? Is that the, is that
Burley: You still, yeah. As I say, you still take up mass. People are going to be
Bum Wine Bob: like, what is
Burley: an invisible thing. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: you guys are asking a lot of
white guy questions, okay? I need you
to be pretend like this is just normal Visible
Burley: Well, he answered it, but I think he's wanting to like sweeten the pot. He's got questions. You have to answer, dude. You're the meat mediator here.
Bum Wine Bob: I don't, I don't want to step on your
Rob Valincius: you can't you can't walk through shit. You're just invisible people
can't see you
Burley: You
can't handle walking through
Sarah: this is the freaking going to Neverland part two.
Burley: Oh, what would you do if you were in Neverland and Michael was still alive? Let's
Sarah: That's
Stefs Rock Show: Corey Feldman and go down on him.
Burley: I'd let
Rob Valincius: How many buttholes would you see?
Burley: I let him do some
Bum Wine Bob: say are we getting
paid for this that would be
Burley: Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh Yeah.
Burley: Yeah. dude.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, yeah.
Rob Valincius: Uh,
Burley: don't want to grow
Bum Wine Bob: when it comes to a paycheck or if there's money involved
Sarah: Yeah,
Burley: Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: and I'm like, I'm not gonna get on OnlyFans,
but if someone came up to me and was like, hey, a
million dollars to start on OnlyFans, I'll do it, for sure. There's a price, I think,
on everybody.
Burley: But who gets that offer?
Stefs Rock Show: No, I mean, and not me. I'm
Burley: Do you see that? Do you see that
bitch that made 45 million last year on
Rob Valincius: said she's lying. They said she's lying.
Stefs Rock Show: But that's
Burley: I've been giving her all my money,
Rob Valincius: it's
like a made up fuckin shit. Like, doctored or whatever.
Stefs Rock Show: Hmm.
Rob Valincius: Was it, um, Adam22? Or whatever? Said, like, whatever you posted is fake. Show real receipts.
Burley: Yeah. That dude lets black girls, black
dudes fuck his girl. So
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, that's
Burley: anything he says.
Stefs Rock Show: Don't take advice, life advice, from that
Rob Valincius: I would agree.
Stefs Rock Show: In
Rob Valincius: Alright. So we're gonna switch over to a
game I like to
call Questions. So I will be the moderator. Okay?
Burley: This is just a generic word. Is it
Rob Valincius: know what, T Dog? It's gonna work!
I'm gonna give you guys a sentence about what it is. You're gonna have 20 questions that between you guys To figure out what it is.
All right.
Bum Wine Bob: yeah. Yeah,
Rob Valincius: doesn't know the fuck I'm talking about. It's okay. All right So I'll start with this one. All right, I speak without a mouth Hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind What am I you have 20 questions and I'm counting
Burley: a wind instrument?
Rob Valincius: what
Burley: Is it a, is it a flute or a horn or something? Like it's a wind instrument.
Yuban Whakinov: wish you could
type this because, so I can remember what the fuck you said.
Burley: I think it was like some Navajo prayer. I don't know what the fuck's going
Yuban Whakinov: I already forgot that you said something about
Stefs Rock Show: Pocahontas, Colors of the wind.
Yuban Whakinov: Yeah,
Burley: one.
Bum Wine Bob: yeah,
Yuban Whakinov: just beyond the riverbed, you know what I mean?
Stefs Rock Show: Have you ever cried to the blue, cold
Burley: On that note, I'm
Stefs Rock Show: Oh,
Bum Wine Bob: we
go. Think, think of it
Stefs Rock Show: I go to pee too.
Rob Valincius: it's, it's, alright,
it's under undefined, I
don't really know what that means, I've never chatted, I've never done anything that we're doing right now, I've never done with this fucking software at all, because normally it's just me and someone else, I've never had this
Bum Wine Bob: weren't, asking questions
Rob Valincius: alright, so, yes,
Bum Wine Bob: and
invisible people.
Rob Valincius: yes, I've never had people talk about buttholes as much
as I have in a span of an
Stefs Rock Show: There was a lot of butthole
conversation the
Rob Valincius: A lot of, way more buttholes than I thought was going to happen. But here we are.
Bum Wine Bob: Man, that was That was quick! Wow!
Rob Valincius: the quickest piss.
Yuban Whakinov: your fucking hands, you animal.
Rob Valincius: Oh, he didn't wash
his hands.
Stefs Rock Show: I don't wash my
Rob Valincius: wash his hands.
Stefs Rock Show: hands.
Burley: My dick's clean, dude. Turns out
if you have a clean dick,
you're good to go.
Yuban Whakinov: Mine tastes like garlic,
Burley: Fried chicken and McDonald's apps.
Rob Valincius: done with talking about dicks
Bum Wine Bob: yeah, yeah, clean it up. Clean
Yuban Whakinov: My dick's been sticky lately, I don't know what the
Rob Valincius: All right. I posted the question in the chat
and we, we have one question. You have 19 more.
Stefs Rock Show: No, I asked, is it a leaf?
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Burley: Where the hell is
Rob Valincius: not a
Stefs Rock Show: Okay.
Sarah: I know, I'm looking
Rob Valincius: it is not a dick. T Dog asked.
Bum Wine Bob: yeah.
Burley: Wow. I'm not in this group. Messages can
Bum Wine Bob: Yeah, I don't see any, there's nothing in the chat. There's, there's, I don't see anything.
Sarah: I don't see
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, Rob, doesn't know how to work his own
Rob Valincius: everyone, oh
Burley: Rob, you got to go. Chad, is this real
Rob Valincius: there you go,
Bum Wine Bob: Oh, There!
we go, I, there it is, now
Stefs Rock Show: He's like, it's in the chat, but you can't see.
Rob Valincius: I got it, I got it, I
got it, I got it.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay.
Burley: We're drunk.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: Yes, 100%.
Burley: I speak without a mouth.
Bum Wine Bob: I come alive with the wind. What am I?
Burley: It's a Bop It. It's a Bop It. Is it a Bop It?
Bum Wine Bob: Uh, is it a
Burley: Okay.
Rob Valincius: Not a
Burley: Hey, Hey, Hey, that word's on your hat, but you can't say that
Stefs Rock Show: Mm.
Rob Valincius: more, boys and girls.
Stefs Rock Show: He quits on a mouth, here without ears, and I have no body, but
I come
alive with the wind.
Burley: I'm alive. It's a flag.
Rob Valincius: 6, no.
Burley: Wait,
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, that was a good guess.
Burley: It's a song.
Rob Valincius: no.
Burley: I'm talking to the fucking
group. Yeah.
Bum Wine Bob: but hey, it's okay nobody else has any ideas so we're
Burley: Where's the else fucking
Sarah: weather based?
Burley: that's on his hat. They control that.
Sarah: aside from the wind, is it weather based?
Rob Valincius: no,
Stefs Rock Show: A
Yuban Whakinov: it an electronic?
Rob Valincius: no.
Bum Wine Bob: I
know you're gonna say it and we're gonna be like we're we're
Burley: Is this, yeah, that's what I say. Is this going to be really obvious and stupid when we find
Rob Valincius: Yep.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, I think I've heard this, but I
forgot because I did too many drugs what the answer
Bum Wine Bob: that'll happen
Stefs Rock Show: I've heard this.
Bum Wine Bob: Yeah.
Yeah! Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: I can't, No, so, my, my, no, I can't, I promise.
Rob Valincius: cocksuckers. What?
Burley: Oh, okay.
Yuban Whakinov: read what the fuck it is. I'll even keep my hands like this. Is
Stefs Rock Show: Hmm.
Burley: Come alive with the wind. I'm really focused on that. Come alive
Bum Wine Bob: alive with the wind.
Stefs Rock Show: I
just keep thinking dick, and you
said no.
Burley: That's all I, that's all I could taste
right now
Stefs Rock Show: I can think. I know,
Burley: after all that fucking Moscato, Musk, Muskomo.
Stefs Rock Show: I just
Rob Valincius: Christ. If, if I never have to
talk about dick and buttholes ever
Bum Wine Bob: know what type of people not to invite to your podcast.
going forward, you know? You wanna Ha ha ha
Rob Valincius: Oh no, these are the
Stefs Rock Show: Wrong group. Wrong group. Unearthworm.
Burley: got nothing here, guys. I had nothing.
Bum Wine Bob: Uh.
Rob Valincius: Nope,
Stefs Rock Show: Damn. I don't like uncircumcised anyways. Fine.
Burley: does? Who does? You European freaks.
Stefs Rock Show: I don't like
Rob Valincius: well then you guys are not going to like me.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay.
Burley: my God.
I knew you had an
Stefs Rock Show: You just found out raw is uncircumcised. Extra
Condom attached.
Okay. I'm
Yuban Whakinov: Is it leaves?
Sarah: already asked that,
Steph already asked
Yuban Whakinov: she? Fuck! I
Rob Valincius: Eleven. Doesn't count.
Yuban Whakinov: Damn
Stefs Rock Show: up. I'm going to go pee.
Bum Wine Bob: Yeah, maybe
Rob Valincius: Think about it while you're
Bum Wine Bob: be like,
Burley: Speak without a mouth, hear without ears.
Bum Wine Bob: This is
Burley: Jones? It's never Alex Jones.
Sarah: Is it a tree
Burley: tree, mason.
Sarah: I mean,
tree, I mean,
Bum Wine Bob: one mouth.
Burley: Is
it in nature? Is it a natural thing in nature?
Bum Wine Bob: Okay.
Rob Valincius: Let me give you a hint. Okay.
It's something. It's something. It's something a sound or voice can do.
Burley: Whistle. I said whistle earlier. Moan. Yeah!
Rob Valincius: Yeah, no.
Burley: I don't know.
Bum Wine Bob: Yeah, are you yelling over there?
Burley: Oh, that was my, that was my kid. That was my kid.
Bum Wine Bob: She's trying to yell,
I know what it is!
Stefs Rock Show: Okay. What was
Bum Wine Bob: don't know. We're still waiting. We're
Burley: We're still guessing.
Bum Wine Bob: it
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, you
Burley: He gave a hint. It's something that something. What'd you
Rob Valincius: I said, it's something a
voice or a sound can
Burley: Yodel.
It's never you. It's never yodel. I'll tell you what. I think I've guessed the most of all of
Yuban Whakinov: him say,
Stefs Rock Show: Hmm?
Rob Valincius: All right,
Burley: Is it, is it that sound that the disturbed guy makes that? Is it that one?
Rob Valincius: Yep.
Stefs Rock Show: did down with the downness, with the
Burley: Yeah. Yeah. down
with the downers. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: I'll give you a hint that, that might give it
Yuban Whakinov: Is it a fart?
Rob Valincius: so,
Burley: Is it a fart?
Rob Valincius: wish it was. If, if you were to do this around a mountain
Burley: avalanche.
Stefs Rock Show: Yodel
Burley: ay hee hoo.
Rob Valincius: Oh, she got it!
Burley: said yodel
Yuban Whakinov: said that already!
Rob Valincius: Echo! No one said
Sarah: Oh, I said echo.
Stefs Rock Show: echo.
Sarah: echo. Echo.
Yuban Whakinov: Echo.
Rob Valincius: Echo. Alright.
Let's go with the easy one, you
Burley: yeah,
Rob Valincius: Heh
Burley: I'm with T Dog on this. It's not going to work.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, we're still retarded.
Rob Valincius: said, I'm going with you, this isn't gonna work.
I can fill a room.
But take up no space. What am I? It's not fart. You guys lost one already.
Burley: Hold on. I've heard this one. I've heard
Rob Valincius: know you have. Most of these are very easy. I can fill a room, but I take up no space. What am I?
Sarah: Oh
Yuban Whakinov: Light.
Rob Valincius: Light.
You bid what is! Let's
Yuban Whakinov: not retarded. This was the autism test and you all fucking failed, bitches.
I'm gonna start thrusting, bitches! I'm
Stefs Rock Show: guy got
Yuban Whakinov: thrusting! Definitely don't get wet! Don't
get wet! Oh! God, I'm so fucking smart. Oh, God, I'm so
Stefs Rock Show: god. Okay, You can let your wife out of
the box now because you got it right.
Rob Valincius: You can let your
wife out of the escape room now
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Sarah: man.
Rob Valincius: Oh my god, okay, alright, here's the next one.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay.
Rob Valincius: I'm always running. But I never move. I have no legs, but I travel far. What am I?
Yuban Whakinov: Water.
Stefs Rock Show: Paraplegic.
Burley: A river, river,
Rob Valincius: No and no,
Sarah: It's over.
Rob Valincius: Nope.
Yuban Whakinov: Hold on, say it again. What was it again?
Rob Valincius: All right. I'm always running, but I never move. I have no legs, but I can travel far. What am I?
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah,
Burley: this for? It comes friend. Lieutenant Dan.
Yuban Whakinov: A joke.
Rob Valincius: Lieutenant Dan!
Stefs Rock Show: joke?
Yuban Whakinov: Is it a
Burley: Joke's good. Joke's good. No rumor.
Rob Valincius: No.
Burley: Say it one more time. Did
Sarah: I'm always trying to remember
Stefs Rock Show: I
Rob Valincius: did this specifically at this point because I
knew that
Bum Wine Bob: And you would
Rob Valincius: harder.
Yuban Whakinov: Words are
Bum Wine Bob: constantly. And, what'd he say
Rob Valincius: I'm always running,
I'm always running,
Burley: the gas meter,
Rob Valincius: have no
legs but
Bum Wine Bob: wanted to say refrigerator at first, but I know
not that.
Rob Valincius: Nope.
Burley: Jerry's kids. It's
Stefs Rock Show: Oh,
Bum Wine Bob: yeah, you better
go catch
Rob Valincius: Nope.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Sarah: Uh,
huh. Uh,
Bum Wine Bob: it's not a fart? A shart?
Rob Valincius: positive. It's not a shart.
Burley: Olympics, special Olympics, special Olympics.
Yuban Whakinov: know, I know you're going to hate me say one more time.
Rob Valincius: It's not a fart!
Yuban Whakinov: not that
Rob Valincius: I'm always running, but never move. I have no legs, but travel far. What am I?
Burley: News. A leg to stand on. What's, you don't have a leg to stand on an idea. Art.
Sarah: road.
Burley: A river. Did we already say river? I feel like we did.
Rob Valincius: Alright, I'll give you a hint. It'll give it
Yuban Whakinov: time.
Rob Valincius: Um, ooh, close.
Burley: Machines. Time
Sarah: clock.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: Clock! She's got it!
Yuban Whakinov: Hey, I'm getting half a point on that shit.
Burley: ha
Stefs Rock Show: You, you
started it.
Rob Valincius: Alright, we'll do one more because you
guys are
retarded. Um,
Burley: Man, I had my two truths and a lie all lined up.
Rob Valincius: Okay,
Yuban Whakinov: I know me too. We did homework for
Rob Valincius: ready? I fly without wings, I cry without eyes, And wherever I go, Darkness follows me. What am I?
Stefs Rock Show: Batman.
Burley: It's always
Stefs Rock Show: It's always Batman.
Bum Wine Bob: I'm Batman.
Stefs Rock Show: wings.
What is it again?
Rob Valincius: fly without
I cry without eyes, And wherever I go, Darkness follows
me. Where am I?
Stefs Rock Show: Oh, the night moon.
Yuban Whakinov: bad.
Burley: Night
Bum Wine Bob: Bob
Stefs Rock Show: the night ranger, the night stalker.
Rob Valincius: No.
Burley: Was it the Ramirez brothers? Were
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, no You're thinking you got Menendez
Burley: there we go. Yeah.
up. You know, I prefer the Menendez
brothers. Their work was
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah, yeah,
I like people to get molested before they kill I
Burley: yeah, dude. doesn't like a good molestation?
Stefs Rock Show: it's a good revenge
Rob Valincius: our parents, right?
Stefs Rock Show: Literally,
Burley: I'm with Bob on this. Everybody
likes a
Bum Wine Bob: yeah, . Yeah,
Burley: and just like,
it's a real pick me up when you're hung over. If you know what I mean,
Yuban Whakinov: Fly
Rob Valincius: Sarah, I would understand
if you never come back to anything that we
Sarah: Oh no, this is glorious. What are you talking about? This
Bum Wine Bob: Hey, she's not,
Sarah: the fuck are you talking about? I just take it all in, man. I don't
Bum Wine Bob: I
mean, she said she was giving out abortions before, so I mean,
that's, yeah.
Rob Valincius: I know. Oh, oh, I
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Burley: that's the name of the episode, double fist and abortions.
Sarah: Boom boom.
Rob Valincius: can't wait
Sarah: you first,
and then
Rob Valincius: shut me
Sarah: Yeah.
Burley: keep the people guessing, dude. Alright, time flies, uh, river cries,
Stefs Rock Show: It's dark. Darkness.
Burley: clowns never left before, beanstalks never grew, um, I don't know.
Stefs Rock Show: daylight savings time.
Burley: Ooh, that's a
Rob Valincius: no, I will give you a hint. It is, um, for the ladies. It's annoying. Oh,
Stefs Rock Show: Wait, something dark?
Rob Valincius: it's It's, it's annoying when you've done your hair really nice.
Sarah: Wind.
Rob Valincius: Hey, T Dog got
Burley: Wait, what was
it? What was it?
Rob Valincius: The wind.
Burley: Oh,
Stefs Rock Show: wind
Burley: wind talkers. Of course. Indians always
Rob Valincius: I don't know why darkness follows wind. Ask ChachiBT.
All right. So we're we're going to we're going to move on to rank these. And I thought that we would have a feel a field day
Burley: pictures of my balls.
Rob Valincius: It's like, what are these? What are these sexy balls pictures? And it's just all
Sarah: You say to put the balls. with the person? Is that what we're
Burley: That'd be fun. I mean, could you pick your own butthole out of a lineup? I
Rob Valincius: no.
Stefs Rock Show: I,
look at it a lot.
Sarah: don't
Stefs Rock Show: take a lot of photos to send to rock
Burley: I've only taken,
like, a couple.
Bum Wine Bob: Yeah,
Yuban Whakinov: my hemorrhoid from a mile.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh
Bum Wine Bob: that's me. I know that one.
Burley: Call it Mount Euben.
Ha ha.
ha. Alright.
Yuban Whakinov: Always
Rob Valincius: all right. So I put it in chat, uh, rank these fast food
Bum Wine Bob: Okay.
Rob Valincius: Uh, you've been, we're going to start with you
because you were
Sarah: You're the professional.
Burley: Let's look at your history.
Rob Valincius: McDonald's, Chick fil A, Taco Bell, Wendy's. And you know what? I'm going to make
Bum Wine Bob: Just Subway's garbage.
Rob Valincius: we're going to make it Arby's
Yuban Whakinov: you say subway
Sarah: I don't have Arby's, man.
Rob Valincius: gonna make Arby's because T Dawg's favorite restaurant is
Yuban Whakinov: Okay.
Burley: Sarah doesn't have Arby's.
Sarah: I don't have
Stefs Rock Show: fuck with
Rob Valincius: You know what, Sarah? Move into
Sarah: you've been up here. You didn't see a fucking Arby's
Bum Wine Bob: Abbey's
Sarah: here when you were here, right? Did you not?
Stefs Rock Show: the
cab's here.
Bum Wine Bob: Abbey
Rob Valincius: listen, listen,
Yeah, you know
Sarah: Sorry.
Rob Valincius: never been here, but, but, but go to Arby's if up, if it's up here. Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: instead of subway, it's substitute, you can choose whatever the fuck the alternative
Burley: Submissive.
Bum Wine Bob: card wild
Yuban Whakinov: All right.
Rob Valincius: All right. Wild card.
Yuban Whakinov: this is wild
Stefs Rock Show: could be any fast food? Is that what
Yuban Whakinov: any, any, fast
food, you can choose it. So if it's a local one and everything else will allow
Burley: What, what, what constitutes fast food? We need to describe what fast food is.
Stefs Rock Show: a
Yuban Whakinov: doesn't have an app.
Burley: It has to have a drive thru, has to have a drive thru. Okay.
Bum Wine Bob: fast. We not like that. Yeah
Burley: The subway does not have a drive
Yuban Whakinov: Ooh, uh, some, some little Cesar's don't have
Burley: Good point. So now we need to, we need to have a full definition of what fast food is.
Sarah: Right.
Bum Wine Bob: not like like I'd like
Burley: Is Wingstop is Wingstop fast
Stefs Rock Show: God, I
Bum Wine Bob: like a, like
a Chipotle.
Yuban Whakinov: Yes. Wingstop has fast food?
feel like
Sarah: You can get, yeah, Togo.
Stefs Rock Show: No, but I would say, like, I don't want to get out of my car. I don't want to get dressed. For
me, it's fast food. Like, I can stay in my car and run through a drive thru and get it quickly.
Burley: Okay. So subway is not fast food.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah. Damn.
Bum Wine Bob: Or why don't we just do,
why don't we just do the first four.
Why don't you do the first four? And we'll just
wipe off that fifth one. just do the
Rob Valincius: I agree. All right.
Bum Wine Bob: We're making it too difficult for ourselves here.
Sarah: you go. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
Yuban Whakinov: We're going to, we're going to just dive too deep
Burley: I
was, I was going somewhere, Bob.
Yuban Whakinov: so,
Bum Wine Bob: Alright, then you can give an honorable
mention to whatever one you wanted to bring in.
Stefs Rock Show: And mine's in.
N Out burger and it's like only in Cali and
spreading out.
Burley: We got In and Out here. We got
in and Out
Stefs Rock Show: Finally.
Yuban Whakinov: So, uh, if I had to rank them, I would say, uh, I'm going,
number one, I hate to do it. McDonald's just because of the consistency of it. Uh, it's always consistent. Two Wendy's because it's fucking cheap. Uh, three Taco Bell for Chick fil a. Fuck Chick fil a. Uh, their waffle fries are ass and their chicken sandwiches
are so
Bum Wine Bob: take over there.
Stefs Rock Show: I was thinking about fucking
Yuban Whakinov: customer service is, hey,
Rob Valincius: dug yourself
Yuban Whakinov: you'll either way, you'll regret
it. You'll regret it either
Stefs Rock Show: You don't like Chick Fil A?
Yuban Whakinov: I, I would just disappoint.
And, uh, but it's. The, the service at Chick fil a top notch. I will, I will not discredit that their ice cream people sleep on their fucking ice cream, bro. It is top tier, but
their chicken sandwich, you can Chick fil a.
I mean, it's
everything else. They're like, Oh, Hey, you want
Rob Valincius: their chicken is a blow. And like, if you're looking for chicken out of those four restaurants, it destroys them. If it's anything else. Okay. I agree. But their chicken
destroys all of
Yuban Whakinov: yeah, that's okay. That's
what you're only getting chicken, but you can still go to
McDonald's and get burger, chicken, fry breakfast, whatever, you know what I mean?
Rob Valincius: be honest though, like their burgers aren't real food.
Yuban Whakinov: Doesn't matter.
Rob Valincius: plastic. And other
things that aren't burger.
Stefs Rock Show: I'm curious, is Chick Fil A a huge statement, like a political statement for you guys in your state?
Bum Wine Bob: No. Okay,
Stefs Rock Show: massive political statement.
Burley: We just don't let gays
in there.
Stefs Rock Show: I mean,
Yuban Whakinov: Which is really weird though, because every time that I go to a Chick fil A and everything else, the person handing me my food is obviously gay.
And I'm really, really confused
Burley: I definitely get stopped on my way in. I check a few boxes. I have to talk my way into getting that chicken sandwich every time. No dude. No pickles.
Rob Valincius: I mean, typically, when I want to order Chick fil
A, like, the
most, it's on a Sunday, and they're never open. So, like, that's like when I'm like, oh, I, like, after an Eagles game, I'm like, man, I really wish I could order Chick fil A. It's not available.
Burley: you've been put which one first? Mickey, mickey d's.
Rob Valincius: yeah, we knew he was going to pick Mickey D's
based on
Burley: Okay. Okay.
Rob Valincius: Sarah,
you're up.
Sarah: All right. Number one, Taco Bell. Number two, Chick fil a. Number three, Wendy's. Number four, McDonald's.
Yuban Whakinov: Bitch.
Rob Valincius: That
is the same
Stefs Rock Show: it a
Burley: that's the incorrect order.
Rob Valincius: person. Way to go. Uh, you know what, bum wine. Bob,
Bum Wine Bob: gonna go, number one, Wendy's, two, Taco
Burley: Yup.
Bum Wine Bob: three, Chick fil A. And four McDonald's.
Burley: hmm. I
Bum Wine Bob: It was
Burley: thought we were gonna be friends dude. I thought we were gonna be friends
Bum Wine Bob: I'm, it's a toss. It's a toss up. It's a toss up those last two. I was like
Burley: Don't talk about tossing anything dude,
Rob Valincius: Burleigh, you're up. Let's hear your, your, let's hear your gay
Burley: That's wendy's Then it's Taco Bell, then it's Mickey D's, then it's Chick fil a.
Rob Valincius: Oh my God. That's, that might be the gayest thing I've
read since I've seen
Stefs Rock Show: I know I
Rob Valincius: Steph, you're up. .you're up.
Stefs Rock Show: taco
bell chick fil a mcdonald's wendy's
Burley: Have y'all had the Taco Bell
Stefs Rock Show: it's so good Yeah, I
Burley: It's solid. It's fucking solid. It's solid.
Stefs Rock Show: even their coffee. They're set up on coffee's
Rob Valincius: yeah. Do you want diabetes and to be overweight? Eat Taco Bell breakfast. Um,
Yuban Whakinov: near there. I mean, this foot, this foot. I mean, I'm just, I kind of want to take pictures of my feet just so I can remember what it was like to have both of them. You know just.
Stefs Rock Show: I'm in my thick bit area. I like I want to get thick it's cool
Rob Valincius: so for me, I would say Chick fil
A, Taco Bell, Wendy's, McDonald's. McDonald's is left. McDonald's is like what I would eat when it's like midnight and I'm drunk. And Uh, T Dog wants a fish filet
that doesn't exist anywhere else,
Stefs Rock Show: What's she order? Fish fillet.
Rob Valincius: she's getting a fish filet with extra cheese and extra
fucking, what is it?
Burley: Fish filet sauce?
Bum Wine Bob: Tartar
sauce. Yeah
Rob Valincius: sauce.
Stefs Rock Show: her. I like
Rob Valincius: that's, that's, yes.
Bum Wine Bob: At
Stefs Rock Show: order fish fillet, they go down good. They go
Rob Valincius: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I'm
sure she
could fucking kill a vagina. Alright. Um,
Yuban Whakinov: Fucking
Burley: That's animal, that's animal cruelty, dude. Over there killing beavers.
Rob Valincius: here we go. Um, Let's, let's, this is going to be a fun debate. Rank these childhood board games. Burley, we're going to go with you first. Monopoly,
Sarah: Oh, Scrapple. Scrapple's a great.
Burley: food.
Stefs Rock Show: Do you mean scramble?
Rob Valincius: Whatever.
Yuban Whakinov: scratch an
apple? Well,
Rob Valincius: Clue and connect four. Fuck you guys.
Eat a
Burley: Okay, connect four. Wait, what was the first Monopoly, Monopoly.
Wait, now I got a countdown.
Sarah: Same.
Rob Valincius: I don't know why I did that. Okay.
Stefs Rock Show: Where is it?
Burley: All right. Okay.
Scrabble. Number one,
Rob Valincius: Okay. That's
Burley: four. Number two
clue. Candyland monopoly.
Rob Valincius: Damn. Monopoly last.
Burley: is too long, dude. It's too long of a game. You got to really like for a board game, you really got to put some time into goddamn monopoly because there's manipulation involved. You got to make enemies of your family for weeks is a whole thing. You, you were putting in time for
Bum Wine Bob: least you know
Burley: I'm too good at it. I'm too good at it, dude. Buy me a goddamn monocle in a top
hat. Cause I am the monopoly
Bum Wine Bob: at least you didn't pick
Rob Valincius: are doing that by the way. We're going to buy monocles specifically for the podcast.
Burley: in.
I'm in.
Rob Valincius: Uh, Steph hit us.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay, Clue, because I'm obsessed with Tim Curry and I played the video game and the board game a lot and I love the movie. And then Candyland, me and the kids play all the time and I love it. Um, then Monopoly, I love Monopoly, I kill it. Um, and
then Connect Four
and Scrapple, not really big on those two.
Burley: Scrabble rules.
Stefs Rock Show: I don't
Burley: Nobody pisses a woman. Nobody pisses off a woman more than me because I'll I'll make a two letter word may triple the points of whatever
long ball shape she put on the screen.
Stefs Rock Show: I like Words with
Burley: all about placement.
Where's the
friends is
how old are you?
you got Farmville as well.
Come on
Stefs Rock Show: No, I don't.
Rob Valincius: Jesus
Stefs Rock Show: have Yahtzee,
Rob Valincius: All
Yuban Whakinov: love Farmville, motherfucker. Don't be
Stefs Rock Show: I love Yahtzee.
Rob Valincius: What are you going with? What are you
Bum Wine Bob: All right, so I think i'm gonna go
think i'm gonna put monopoly first I think it's a tough one But uh, I think monopoly Candyland because it's basic simple can't go wrong uh clue
Connect four and then scrabble because who wants to be sitting
there trying to make words and being like responsible Yeah, exactly.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yuban Whakinov: First of all, uh, let's take a shot for Bob here because that was an intelligent fucking list
Rob Valincius: That was, that was a
Yuban Whakinov: that was,
Bum Wine Bob: what i'm here for
Rob Valincius: Good ship up.
All right. Now, Steph,
Burley: You know what I'll do? You know what I will do? I'll be a good guy. I will pop another edible to that.
Stefs Rock Show: Ooh.
Rob Valincius: Um, we're going to go to, to Sarah first. Cause she's on the spectrum. Sarah, what do you think, uh, would fall under these rules?
Sarah: do I think? I go Connect Four, Scrabble, Candyland, Clue, Monopoly.
Bum Wine Bob: Blast
Burley: A woman, a woman of taste, a woman of taste,
Rob Valincius: Okay. All right. Steph.
Burley: scrabble
goes hard, right?
Sarah: It does. In my family it does. It's
Stefs Rock Show: I get, you know, my ex husband wanted to play Scrabble all the time, and so that's probably why, like, he made me play it a lot.
And so now I just have a bad taste in my mouth for Scrabble. I got rid of him and the
Burley: What was he making you do to it?
Stefs Rock Show: Well, just like me. You know, those people that he's super smart, he's got his master's in cognitive science and he's a teacher, but he's one of those people that brags about how smart he is and has to play a game that is intelligent based 24
And you're just like, okay, I
get it, dude. You're smart. Kind of brag too much that he
Burley: Yeah, regular burly. I get it.
Rob Valincius: All right, you've been hit us,
Yuban Whakinov: Okay, so, uh, after, uh, careful consideration, I'm going to go ahead and say, uh, Monopoly number one, uh, Connect four, number two, Candyland number three, Clue number four, and Scrabble number five, because fuck word.
Exactly. I don't want to work
Sarah: it hat time? Did I miss a memo?
Stefs Rock Show: it's hot.
Yuban Whakinov: Monopoly shouldn't take that long. If you're good at it.
Burley: You don't play
with kids. Yeah. Look at
Yuban Whakinov: I do. I mean, they're like, Hey dad, can I do this trade?
Rob Valincius: hat, Sarah. I like that hat.
Stefs Rock Show: That
Burley: Hey, you gotta put on a funny hat. Can I put
Rob Valincius: alright, so, um, no one asked me, but I'm going
Bum Wine Bob: No one cares.
Stefs Rock Show: Nobody cares.
Bum Wine Bob: Oh, Batman's here.
Where'd he come from?
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my
Rob Valincius: Candyland, Connect Four, and Scrabble,
because you're
Burley: Scrabble last again? That's fucking crazy.
Get it. I love Scrabble.
Stefs Rock Show: I was forced to play
Burley: Whoa,
Rob Valincius: I I, we're
Stefs Rock Show: I got scrabble raped,
Rob Valincius: forced.
Burley: Spell rape
Stefs Rock Show: in my marriage for three
Burley: He wrote rape.
Stefs Rock Show: scrabble
taste in my mouth. I don't want to play anymore.
Rob Valincius: I, I am done with Scrabble and buttholes.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah. And he always won. Oh yeah.
Burley: You wrote goodbye when you walked
out the door.
Stefs Rock Show: In
Burley: Triple word score. Triple word score.
Rob Valincius: Because we're close to
the holidays, we're gonna rank the
holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, and Christmas.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my God.
Rob Valincius: we are gonna start with, uh, the We're gonna start with Euben,
Bum Wine Bob: Cause look at his hair now. Look at that hair.
Rob Valincius: black.
Yuban Whakinov: Well, hold on. Whoa, I just packed a bowl. Hold on. I don't want to be, hold on. Do you guys mind
if you hear the bubbles? Is the
Rob Valincius: No, no, hit the
Sarah: I ain't going to do it.
Rob Valincius: go, go.
Bum Wine Bob: look
Yuban Whakinov: call me Bob Ross bubbles over here. Bob Ross, Batman bubbles. That's a lot of bees, bro.
Stefs Rock Show: we'll just make it burnt.
Oh my
Bum Wine Bob: Hittin those bows.
Yuban Whakinov: From the bomb. Another
Burley: Dude, is this the only podcast you're allowed to do that on?
Yuban Whakinov: it is. I'm fully taken advantage and I'm having a great time. Uh, so wait, what? Let's see. So we're ranking, uh, what was Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, new Year's. Valentine's. Okay. Uh, Valentine's Day is the worst. So, um,
Rob Valincius: I figured that would be
last for most people.
Stefs Rock Show: What? I
Yuban Whakinov: I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, uh, damn. Let's go Halloween. Number one. Um,
Stefs Rock Show: You're mentally unstable.
Yuban Whakinov: I fucking love it.
I knew it. I, Hey, honestly, I could, I could see your t your tits perk up every time I say something unhinged because I
can tell you like it.
Stefs Rock Show: You said Halloween and they're like, Woo!
Bum Wine Bob: need, we need that, that Steph cleavage
cam that we, we discussed that we're going to have on when Steph comes back on my podcast with me And Roadhouse. We're going to get that
separate camera just
for the cleavage.
Rob Valincius: Roadhouse.
Stefs Rock Show: you send
Bum Wine Bob: I will talk, I will talk to Roadhouse and tell him to, to make that, that happen
you Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: that'd be hilarious.
Yuban Whakinov: So I'll say, uh, let's go with Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, new Year's. Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: Okay. Um, you know what, uh, Bob
Bum Wine Bob: say Christmas,
Halloween, New Year's, Valentine's Day.
Burley: So he's not what that hat
Bum Wine Bob: Hanukkah! It wasn't on the list! I'm like
Burley: We're going to figure out if you control the weather or not. I'll find out.
Sarah: Uh, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day. Let's
Burley: I want, can I, can I, I'm going to, I'm going to, Drop one in my birthday, then Christmas,
Stefs Rock Show: It's
all about
Burley: then it is about me. Do you have no fucking
Stefs Rock Show: I love that. I have massive birthdays. I
love it.
Burley: about me, please.
Stefs Rock Show: I've arrived.
Burley: all of us podcasts because we're all full of
Yeah. You realize that you all realize this, right?
We are
all sucking. We love sucking our own dicks that
much that we get on camera and
Bum Wine Bob: Yeah, yeah, hearing ourselves
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah. There's
Yuban Whakinov: could, I would.
Stefs Rock Show: that watch a
show and I'm like, fuck yeah, I'm
Burley: That's
Bum Wine Bob: Yeah, yeah.
Burley: great.
Stefs Rock Show: fans.
Bum Wine Bob: That core group.
Burley: I'm Burley Rogan. I'm pretty much Burley Rogan.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh,
Burley: Um,
Stefs Rock Show: Steph Caller, daddy. That's fine,
Burley: Valentine's day's last a hundred
Bum Wine Bob: I don't know who would rank that first. If you
rank Valentine's Day
Rob Valincius: Well, Steph, you're up then.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay. So it's a close though. So Halloween first, cause like I said, I'm
mentally unstable, but Valentine's is a close second. I think what shocks people about, even though I'm promiscuous, I'm super romantic, like I'm obsessed with like romance and like huge Valentine's trips and like Valentine's in love, you know?
So I, I like falling in love every like six months. Um, then New Year's Eve. I do something pretty fun, and then I absolutely hate Thanksgiving and
Christmas. So, tie for last. Absolutely hate them.
Rob Valincius: okay,
Burley: like the
Stefs Rock Show: Well, because I don't have family. So, everyone posts they're with their family, they're out with their family, you know.
And so, I'm at a bar drinking with like old guys that got home from war. A lot on those days. So, it's, it's very
depressing for me. Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Rob Valincius: I think, so, I would go
New Year's, um
Burley: Do any of you own anything that is nightmare
before Christmas?
Rob Valincius: Day.
Stefs Rock Show: A lot, I have a whole tattoo of night, of Jack. Wait, can you
see him? Right there. He's my cherry in my cupcake.
Rob Valincius: you guys talk, I'm gonna
Burley: Hold on. I was, I was, I was leading into what you were
talking about.
Yuban Whakinov: Bring your mic with you. I want to listen to your stream,
Rob Valincius: NO!
Stefs Rock Show: it's a live
Bum Wine Bob: a livestream.
Burley: sounds like
Yuban Whakinov: dog.
Rob Valincius: gonna
Burley: Just
Bum Wine Bob: Coming in hot.
Stefs Rock Show: come
Yuban Whakinov: If you can hear us, you're not real. We know you're not real.
Stefs Rock Show: He does control the weather.
Rob Valincius: Uh,
Stefs Rock Show: two
truths and a lie. That's
the whole thing
Burley: That's the whole thing I've been pumped on. If
Yuban Whakinov: for. nothing
Stefs Rock Show: And then we got a hurt. I
I pushed back the
dick appointment another ten minutes. Like, what's going on guys? What's
Burley: had a funny bone in your body, you'd let them on.
Stefs Rock Show: I will. Oh, I will. If he wants to go, I don't,
like, he's like conservative,
quieter. I will.
Burley: is?
Stefs Rock Show: The, the new
the new
Burley: Oh, gross.
Stefs Rock Show: I know.
I love them. I like them
I'm so wild and crazy. So I like them
Sarah: Hmm.
Rob Valincius: my foot,
Burley: Well, what is Jesus nonsense on here? I'll tell you that much right
Stefs Rock Show: like
Yuban Whakinov: he getting pegged tonight?
Stefs Rock Show: And what,
Yuban Whakinov: getting pegged tonight?
Stefs Rock Show: um, I don't know yet. So this is, he's going to stay all weekend
So first weekend we met last weekend. And so it's his first weekend living with me.
Rob Valincius: I was working on
Stefs Rock Show: I
Burley: zero chance.
Rob Valincius: Oh yeah.
Burley: Okay.
Stefs Rock Show: What
Burley: As I said, there's zero chance. If I met a chick and she said, come
spend a whole weekend with me
next weekend. I bet. No, you're going to murder me. I've watched enough movies.
Rob Valincius: Oh my god, I was going to be in my pants.
Stefs Rock Show: house
Burley: Yeah. That's you Lorena Bobbitt
Stefs Rock Show: not at all. They're going to have a good time. It's actually the opposite. I get scared. The last guy got really weird on me last weekend. Cause I said he couldn't
come over and tried to show up. It was wild.
Burley: That's weird.
Rob Valincius: alright, so,
we'll end with this, guys, because we're at
the, we're at the, we're at the, yes, we're going to end with two truths
and a lie. So, um, do you guys, does everyone know how this game works before we finish?
Burley: I'm pretty sure I wrote it down the way that
I remember it. So you might want
Yuban Whakinov: just for
Sarah: go
Stefs Rock Show: one of them's a lie. So one of the
Rob Valincius: things that you say are
true one thing is a lie.
We all have to guess whatever one is the law. Okay. So, uh, you know what? I prepped, I prepped everybody.
Bum Wine Bob: some of us didn't think of it, So I gotta think.
Sarah: All right, you're gonna
start with me.
All right. Um, so one, I spend New Year's in New York City every year. Um, two, I attempted to commit arson. And three, I have never been arrested and booked.
Rob Valincius: Hmm.
Burley: the end booked part is the
Stefs Rock Show: It's like a crucial detail, but
Burley: Yeah. You've been arrested, but you
weren't booked.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah,
Burley: I think it's that one. I'm calling that one.
Stefs Rock Show: I'm gonna call that one too.
Rob Valincius: Yeah. I'm, I'm
Yuban Whakinov: say it was
Rob Valincius: one as well.
Yuban Whakinov: What was the second one
Stefs Rock Show: I got booked.
Sarah: to commit
Yuban Whakinov: one is, I think, the lie.
Bum Wine Bob: think
they're getting arrested and booked.
Burley: All right. What are we at?
Rob Valincius: one. What are you going with,
Sarah: so I've never been in New York
Rob Valincius: Oh,
shit! Oh!
Stefs Rock Show: What were you
light on fire?
Sarah: um, some chick's house.
Stefs Rock Show: Did
Sarah: Yeah. So,
Stefs Rock Show: boyfriend?
Sarah: oh, well, I fucked her
boyfriend, but it was a whole
other thing. So, um, so instead of doing that, I, my best friend caught me, it was a whole whole debacle. So, instead of doing that for the next year, I just kept pushing her air conditioners in her house every summer. So, cause she had window
Stefs Rock Show: I
don't It's still It's poor people talk. I don't understand it,
Burley: You've never seen, hold
on, stop, stop
it. The
richest people in New York city, the richest people in New York city
have window units.
Sarah: now window units, man. Push them shits in.
Stefs Rock Show: damn, that's crazy.
Rob Valincius: Uh, Youbin,
Yuban Whakinov: when I was a toddler. I seen the Backstreet Boys in concert and I wanted to. Became a father at 18.
Sarah: Oof. Oh.
Stefs Rock Show: Nobody would
let you come in them. So I don't think it's number three
Sarah: I'm doing the math.
Stefs Rock Show: or they'd abort it if it
Burley: last one.
Sarah: I'm here to get
punches. Where's
that chick?
Where's she at?
Yuban Whakinov: it. The viscosity of this, these loads are thick. You know what I mean? It's like, imagine a cinnamon roll. Those buns are going to be covered in
Burley: but it tends to squirt out when you don't you punch.
Yuban Whakinov: I have that Bob Ross wig. Okay. I like to paint.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my
Bum Wine Bob: and the chicks love it, and the chicks
Yuban Whakinov: Okay. Uh,
Stefs Rock Show: What was the first one again?
Yuban Whakinov: okay. Uh, so I burned my house down when I was a toddler.
Uh, I seen the Backstreet Boys in concert because I wanted to. Um, became a
father when I was 18.
Stefs Rock Show: I think two is a lie. You didn't want to see Backstreet
Sarah: I think it's the
third one.
Rob Valincius: going with
burned his house down
Bum Wine Bob: with the ha I'm going with the house
Burley: I'll go with the third one
Rob Valincius: Let's go.
Burley: I had the third
Sarah: Third one.
Yuban Whakinov: Okay. Uh, I did not
become a father at
Sarah: math. I was doing the math in my head.
Burley: 34 earlier and I was 31. No, I'd know if he ever did that old.
Rob Valincius: Jesus Christ. That was a good one. That was a good one. Uh, but my Bob,
Bum Wine Bob: come back to me,
I'm still thinking of my, uh, T hahahahaha
I didn't do my homework,
Rob Valincius: Barely, barely. What do you got for us? Oh,
Burley: woken up in more than one abandoned building in my life from partying.
Stefs Rock Show: It's called raving.
Burley: My friends and I would drive around throwing bread at the homeless and prostitutes.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh God.
Sarah: This feels like a good time.
Burley: I drink
for hours with a homeless man and he gifted me his deodorant.
Stefs Rock Show: I would say yes to all of these for you. So this
Rob Valincius: Yeah.
what the fuck? What are we supposed to say no
Sarah: Right.
Yuban Whakinov: I feel like all of these happen, but you just changed
item it was. You know what I mean? Like it's like that did happen, but I was actually throwing, you know, cans of Mountain
Dew or something. You know what I mean? Like,
Stefs Rock Show: yeah,
I'll say you, you weren't
actually throwing bread at
homeless and prostitutes
Sarah: go with that one too.
Rob Valincius: I will go with that one
as well.
Burley: Yeah, Bob.
Yuban Whakinov: I'm going to go with the bread.
Bum Wine Bob: man and his deodorant. Ah ha ha ha ha
Burley: I could just want all
I've never woken up an
abandoned building. I'm not trash.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my God.
But you've literally messed with the
as California says, but you.
Burley: Dude, we would, we would, we would get old. The, there's a bakery that used to just toss their shit in the dumpster. We would go in there and grab all the old bread. We could toss in the car and we would drive around to the in. Find these, there was an area of, of Houston where we lived that had all the prostitutes and all the meth heads and stuff in the homeless people.
We would just, it was so funny and it still is now when I say it out loud, we would go bread motherfucker and just pelt them with handfuls of loose slices of bread.
Rob Valincius: Jesus
Stefs Rock Show: know, you're feeding them.
Burley: It was, yeah, it was funny. We would all do also did the dry ice bombs, but I left that apart.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: uh, Steph.
Stefs Rock Show: Donnie and Marie Osmond booked me a flight. I was a backup dancer for Too Short. I interviewed Offspring.
Bum Wine Bob: this is tough.
Stefs Rock Show: My life is insane.
Burley: What was the first one again? Say the first one again.
Stefs Rock Show: Donny and Marie Osmond
booked me a flight. I backup danced for Too Short or I interviewed Offspring.
Rob Valincius: I'm going back up
Sarah: going to. I'm going back up dance for too short.
Bum Wine Bob: Oof.
Burley: Just too
Bum Wine Bob: Probably, probably,
Burley: Great question. They all do. Um,
Bum Wine Bob: Interviewing the offspring.
Yuban Whakinov: That one's cool though. I fucking love the offspring. So I'm going to say it's Donny fucking Osmond.
Burley: I feel like it's the offspring. By the way, do you see the lead singer of the offspring singing with the Beach Boys on TikTok? That ruled.
Yuban Whakinov: No, I didn't
Burley: that
ruled. Yeah.
Uh, I mean, I'm going with the offspring one. I don't feel like I've seen a video clip of you interviewing the offspring.
Stefs Rock Show: Okay. Is that everyone? Rob,
did you say? Okay. I, yeah. So I have not
interviewed Offspring,
which I
Burley: I knew it!
Stefs Rock Show: well.
Rob Valincius: it.
Stefs Rock Show: I back up dance
Yuban Whakinov: fucking New Year in useless. This is bullshit.
Stefs Rock Show: It's crazy. And I was like, I forgot. I was like, if you guys saw me on the Donny
Marie Osmond show, then you would know that they booked that flight in 1999.
Burley: Did you did they try to
recruit you?
Stefs Rock Show: No, cause they wanted Weird Al's number one fan. So they found me from like, remember dial up internet. We like went on random sites and just typed, like they found me from a dial up site that I talked about Weird Al nonstop. And that's how Donny Marie Osmond's manager found me. Messaged me and said we want to fly you out and then they called me because I didn't believe
them To book me a flight to meet weird al on tv.
It was just the funniest weirdest
thing Yeah, yeah, I have it on
Rob Valincius: All right. Uh,
Bum Wine Bob: yeah, I
got it, okay, I got
Burley: I'm a Roberto.
Rob Valincius: Hey, blah, blah, blah.
Bum Wine Bob: so. Have I got, uh,
I spent Halloween in Las
I had a, beer with Stone Cold Steve
and I saw Squeeze in concert.
Burley: the last one is lost on me. Hold on.
Yuban Whakinov: Squeeze.
tempted, tempted by the root of love.
Burley: I'm back. I'm back. We're
Rob Valincius: All right, I'm going with, uh, I'm going with number
Stefs Rock Show: What was
Burley: was the
second one? Sorry.
Sarah: Yeah, I was going,
Bum Wine Bob: Vegas.
Stefs Rock Show: i'll say that one you didn't go to vegas on halloween
Bum Wine Bob: Uh,
Burley: What was the second one?
Bum Wine Bob: Cold Steve Austin.
Burley: I don't believe you.
Yuban Whakinov: I'm going to say that one was technical. I'm going to say he drank a beer at the same stadium as Stone
Burley: Yeah. Yeah. Like did you, did you sit and have a full beer with him? That's hard to believe. Dude. Yeah.
I like, I like you. I really do. You seem like a nice guy. I like, I like you. I really,
but they don't have a lot of time on their hands.
Okay. I'm going the Halloween.
Sarah: going one, Yeah.
Burley: She's talking a dick right there.
Yuban Whakinov: I'm going with Steve Austin. Steve Austin.
Bum Wine Bob: that everybody? The, the lie dea
Stefs Rock Show: I said vegas.
Bum Wine Bob: The, the, the lie, the
Beer with him, but I mean, I, I So technically, I mean that's like
Yuban Whakinov: Give me two points.
Bum Wine Bob: building drinking a beer at the same time he was drinking a beer, but not like at the
same bar I would love to though
Yeah, yeah. we're practically
Stefs Rock Show: yeah
were docking at one
Bum Wine Bob: I mean that's like
Stefs Rock Show: it.
get it.
Rob Valincius: The other guys don't know because they know me so
Burley: Y'all were basically college roommates. I.
Rob Valincius: okay, so, I owned a Mercury Topaz with teddy bear spinner rims. I vacationed in Germany. And my grandma made me poop my pants.
Bum Wine Bob: Like like recently poop your pants or like
Sarah: yeah.
Bum Wine Bob: is there an age range in this I mean
Stefs Rock Show: The topaz
Rob Valincius: not giving you any sense.
Stefs Rock Show: What was The second one? He found
Bum Wine Bob: Germany. Yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: was
Bum Wine Bob: Yeah.
Sarah: in Germany. Okay. Bye.
Stefs Rock Show: to Hitler.
Sarah: Bye.
Burley: Rican Hitler, oi vey!
Rob Valincius: so you guys know, I'm fucking
Rican. Just so you
Stefs Rock Show: You do not look Puerto Rican.
Rob Valincius: I
know no one knows
Yuban Whakinov: I've
Bum Wine Bob: the,
Stefs Rock Show: You look like such a
cracker, like a
Bum Wine Bob: I'm gonna go with the
Rob Valincius: big time cracker.
Bum Wine Bob: bear
rims. Well, sounds sweet. I'm going to say that's the lie. Yeah.
Burley: it's too specific. I feel
like he built he built that, yeah.
Stefs Rock Show: Unless you're trying
really hard, you did good because it is detail oriented.
Burley: I'm going with Germany.
Stefs Rock Show: I'm
Yuban Whakinov: I feel like he told us that before. That's the one I feel like he's told us
Burley: You frankfurter bitch. I
Stefs Rock Show: I love Germany. I I'm going to go with number three.
Burley: forgot I was wearing this bullshit. Y'all
gotta stop me from looking dumb,
Yuban Whakinov: Say them one last time and I'm gonna I'm gonna pick the right answer.
Rob Valincius: I, my grandma made me put my pants. I owned a Mercury topaz with teddy bear spinners and I vacationed in
Burley: the only story I want to
Yuban Whakinov: I'm gonna say the grandma poop in the pants.
Burley: God rest, God rest your soul.
Rob Valincius: Are we good here? Uh, the lie is I
Bum Wine Bob: Oh, okay.
Yuban Whakinov: of a bitch! My memory fails me one again Like, God, fucking Once
Rob Valincius: so if you guys want to know, my grandmom, God rest her soul, she's an awesome person, but she's dead and this bitch was fucking shitting or pooping for the longest time ever and I'm like, grandmom, I gotta pee. Grandmom, I gotta poop. Oh, I gotta poop. I gotta poop and I'm knocking on the door and this bitch didn't get out and I shit my pants.
Stefs Rock Show: my God.
Bum Wine Bob: Happens.
Rob Valincius: uh,
I love her to death.
Stefs Rock Show: I went in a trash
can at a hotel room cause my girlfriend was taking forever and we were like driving on the road for a long time. So I had to, so I took the trash can
and then I, I, um, tied up the trash and I threw it over the
Bum Wine Bob: got a bonus there.
Stefs Rock Show: in
Burley: I just
Rob Valincius: Okay,
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah. Surprise.
Yuban Whakinov: you guys
Rob Valincius: this is a me
this is
a me and youbin shit. Like, there's, it's not like a, a poop poop, it's like a spray of, like you don't know
what's coming out. It's
Sarah: just had a lot of cheese and milk,
Rob Valincius: it's, it's water and, oh yeah, there's no solid, there's
no solidarity
Yuban Whakinov: The only vegetable I'll eat is probably Helen Keller, honestly,
like that.
Stefs Rock Show: We had,
Yuban Whakinov: Really? I mean, honestly, I bet she's pretty salty. You know what I mean? And I don't believe any part of her book. If we're going to dive into it, that's, you want to talk about two truths and a lie, one truth is I'd eat her out too.
I'd probably do it twice. Three. She never could read any fucking thing. Where's my
weed? What the
Burley: This whole time I was thinking, about Anne Frank and I'm like,
Bum Wine Bob: they'll hear you
Burley: if you do that, dude, they'll hear you.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh my God.
Rob Valincius: Jesus Christ. All right. Listen, um, as much as I don't want to end this, this has been a lot of fun. I want to thank you guys for everything. And, uh, fuck man. I don't, I don't know what's going to happen over the next fucking year, but hopefully everybody's podcast fucking blows up. We all have. Insane growth and you never fucking know with dicks and, uh, buttholes and where that's going to end up.
So, uh, before we, before that's like, yes,
Bum Wine Bob: Nice.
Stefs Rock Show: happening. So I'm
Rob Valincius: uh, before we end everything,
can all of you, Steph, you can start tell everybody where they can find your content and, uh, if it, if you have anything going on in the near future.
Stefs Rock Show: So haven't made it officially, but I'll find out pretty soon in the next three or four months and then we'll film and, uh, it's a show kind of like love is blind, but with different age ranges that are far apart. So we can't see each other and we're dating through a wall. So that will help the podcast.
You can find me at Steph's rock show stuff with an F S D F S R O C K S H O W on Spotify, YouTube, Instagram. And, uh, I'm working right now on bloodhound gang and Chevelle. Those are the two I'm really excited for January and February scheduling.
Sarah: Nice.
Rob Valincius: shit. Burly?
Burley: I am in stage four of a show about horoscopes called cancer.
Stefs Rock Show: And it's incurable. it's
Rob Valincius: I was waiting for it! Burly Burly Burly
Burley: it's just me bald,
me bald being
sad. I'm just sad. and nauseous. And I'm like, Oh, it's Chucks. Nobody will fuck me.
Stefs Rock Show: guess.
Rob Valincius: Burly has a cleft lip. Burly has a
Burley: Do you got a cliff lip? You could just, you could floss with spaghetti and fucking chips.
Stefs Rock Show: Oh
Burley: Uh, anyways, uh, rage pillage podcast. I'm there with
Max or Rob, whatever you
want people fucking call them over
Sarah: you today,
Rob Valincius: fuckin know, man. I'm just here. I don't fuckin know, man. I'm just here.
Burley: Um, yeah, just go over there. If you like dicks and farts,
come on over. It's fun.
Stefs Rock Show: Our hashtag girl's gone wild. That's how
Burley: I have to go, let's go the
Rob Valincius: As much as we know that you're on the spectrum, and you apparently love vagina as well.
Yuban Whakinov: Get it, girl.
Sarah: know,
Rob Valincius: Get it?
Sarah: uh, you can find me at daddy with sports cards. You can find me at AIP at AIP. Yup. IAP radio. I'm doing awesome.
Bum Wine Bob: Hey peepee, cuz
Sarah: Uh,
Rob Valincius: had ZERO alcohol,
Sarah: no, none, nada.
Yuban Whakinov: how it works. Yeah, girl.
Sarah: And, uh, over at a generation mixtape, you can also find me there. So that's where I'd be.
Rob Valincius: awesome shit too. We, we love your shit. Uh, uh, we're going with, uh, Bum Wine Bob because,
Bum Wine Bob: why not? right?
Burley: bubbler.
Rob Valincius: someone's
Bum Wine Bob: you can find me at at bumwinebob On all the social media and on the the bumwinebob YouTube channel, which we are pushing. We are 86
subscribers away from 1, 000 and the Edward Forty Hands Challenge is on tap. We're
Rob Valincius: Let's go! Hey, T Dawg has done the Edward Forty Hands
herself over
Burley: I have
Stefs Rock Show: did it
in college.
Bum Wine Bob: challenge once we hit that we're Roadhouse and myself, we're
opening the channels to anybody who wants to join in for a, a variation of it. We're not gonna be too strict on, you know, due to legalities and safety reasons of wrapping people's hands with the 40s since we're not all there in person with it.
But, uh, yeah, if you can subscribe
to the BumWideBob YouTube channel or tell your friends, that's where you can find their BumWithBobCat. Check
it out.
Stefs Rock Show: I passed out on four Locos on it
Bum Wine Bob: can see That
You can check that out.
Stefs Rock Show: was the biggest shit show. Like the worst I've ever been on anything.
Bum Wine Bob: And
there's a clip. You, I condensed the hour and change episode into a one five minute clip. You can watch and, and track Steph's drunkness as
we go through the episode,
Rob Valincius: T
Stefs Rock Show: dinner
and have a Mickey's and two Four Locos. Like I
just fucking don't remember an hour
Bum Wine Bob: didn't know you, we didn't realize you had a four Loco beforehand too, and that's why you were like gone
Stefs Rock Show: I
didn't eat dinner. that's for me. The big kicker is I need to eat a meal. If I don't need a
Bum Wine Bob: you need, that base. You need that coat in there to really soak up the alcohol.
Stefs Rock Show: Like, I didn't want to scare the guy coming over. So I'm like hiding the
Burley: I was like, that's why, that's why I started laughing. I was like, did you just put on the shirt to hide from that
dude? I needed to know.
Stefs Rock Show: I don't want to
Rob Valincius: she put on his band shirt right now, and she's like, oh my god, you're wearing
my band shirt? Oh
my god. Uh,
Stefs Rock Show: such a fan.
Rob Valincius: been,
Stefs Rock Show: I would never wear a derogatory towards men
shirt like ever.
Rob Valincius: you've been hitting us with where we can find you,
Yuban Whakinov: Yeah, you can find me on the BeardLaw Studios as a part of the, uh, Stay Out of the Fridge podcast and the Body Wrong podcast. And you can also find me on TikTok under stillwhackanoff. You've been whacking off, was banned.
Bum Wine Bob: You, you, can't be whacking
Yuban Whakinov: shit. I'm still salty about it. Fuck him.
Stefs Rock Show: that. TikTok's lame.
Rob Valincius: You can also find him on
the autistic fan page of
because he can barely open his eyes. Um, so
Yuban Whakinov: OnlyFans as well. I do have an OnlyFans.
Rob Valincius: I love you guys. Thank you so much. Uh, this was a shit show. It was fun. I assumed we would get into some retarded shit and we got to even more retarded shit. So, um, I appreciate everybody and anyway, I can help you
guys. I
Burley: More black French DJs. I am.
Stefs Rock Show: Yeah. I'm excited for the clips and you two come by my show January 4th. So that'll be cool.
We'll do dirty
Rob Valincius: Yeah, yeah,
Stefs Rock Show: bullshit, you know, fun stuff. So thank
Rob Valincius: We'll say,
yeah, we'll say dumb shit and,
I'm sure the internet will love Burly because
Bum Wine Bob: How can you, how
can you not, how can you not
this guy? I, I, first of all, I've actually talked to the guy and I love him now too. So
Burley: I get a pass for wearing people of color on my shirt. Now you say lots of things.
Bum Wine Bob: over there. You're, you're very welcoming.
Burley: Yeah,
I am a POC dude. A Pirates of
the Caribbean. Dude, let's go. Oh,
Bum Wine Bob: right. Thanks, man. Yes. Congrats. Cheers, guys.
Yuban Whakinov: Yes,
Bum Wine Bob: man. Yes. Congrats.
Outro Music