Drink O'Clock

Preston Lee

Rob Valincius Season 2 Episode 29

Preston Lee is a professional gambler, psychic channeler, and energy healer. Ever hear someone commune with spirits on a podcast? Check out Preston Lee's amazing capabilities for yourself! If you're interested in learning more about his talents, you can find that on his website luckify.me. You can also check out his new crypto project Here.

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Rob Valincius: We are coming at you on another episode of the drink o'clock podcast. I'm stoked man. I got a bunch of questions for you today Uh, but we got an exciting one for you folks. I have preston lee now Preston you're a professional gambler, which you know If you've listened to my show, uh, I talk about gambling all the time because I love doing it. Um, what I like to call a degenerate, but, uh, I don't have a problem. Uh, you're a psychic channeler, an energy healer, and a father. Welcome to the podcast, brother.

Preston Lee: Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that

Rob Valincius: Um, it's an interesting concept you got there. You got a lot going on. So, uh, where I like to start with this show is talk to me about growing up, you know, where'd you grow up and what made you gravitate towards, uh, poker slash gambling? Cause I think everyone always has their own little story spin of how they got there.

Preston Lee: Yeah, absolutely I grew up in san francisco was born and raised there lived there basically all my life I live in vancouver now um, but um for the first kind of like 33 years of my life, I I really didn't know anything else except poker Like, I wasn't spiritual, I was pretty much just kind of agnostic, like, I just believed that if there was something to believe in, like, you know, then, then I'd have to have the kind of proof to, to believe it.

And so, like, I started playing poker, like, God, I think, I think I won a party poker cruise when I was like 18, and then I went on that. And then, um, I just, I just realized that I was making a lot of money playing online poker. And, and this is when online poker just started. Um becoming a thing, um, and and so I was just saying like why do I need a job when i'm making thousands of dollars Every day, right like there's there's no reason so then I was just like i'm just gonna play poker and And i'm just gonna make it my career.

So like I played poker like all the way up to like um around four years ago not to say that I stopped playing poker, but i've i've kind of moved on to to better things and And so, um, so yeah, up until then I was just playing cash games and, and tournaments and just, it was my whole life, you know, it was, my life would just go to Vegas every year for like a month, just grind, grind it out, you know, and just kind of degen, to be honest with my friends, right.

That, that was my life for, for a long time.

Rob Valincius: I mean, that's a fun life.

Preston Lee: Yeah, but it's stressful, but yeah, it's fun. It was definitely fun for sure.

Rob Valincius: Well, the funny thing is too is in, uh, I did, so I'm in Philadelphia, so we have a parks casino here, which is probably, in my opinion, it's the best casino. Um, at least on this half of the state, um, and they have a poker building basically. And, uh, it's a wild place, man. Now I'm, I'm a small fry here. So like I'm rolling in with two, 300 bucks.

And I know the one time I probably sat at a table for. I only brought like a hundred bucks. And I sat, I probably played for six hours. I was like, yeah, I'll go in, I'll play for two or three hours. And then it was like this. I just kept, I figured I would lose it pretty quick. Um, the problem is when you're playing with such a small stack.

Like, you know, I'm playing at a low limit table, you know. But you have people that have been sitting there for 10 hours. And they have, their stacks are this big. So it's tough to battle against somebody. Um, without having to like go all in. You know. Um, So, Talk to me about, did you, like, figure out that you kind of had abilities?

Was it early on? Was it more later in life?

Preston Lee: Um, you know, as, as a poker player, like it's, it's, it's funny because like, I didn't really think I had abilities. I just always thought like when I was in like a really big hand and it was just kind of like on the river and you know, you're just like, you're sitting there thinking about, should I call or should I fold?

Like, what should I do? You know, and, and the really big pots when I reflect back on it that, that I want, I just sat there and said, this just doesn't feel right. Or this just does feel right. Right. And, and, and oftentimes like, cause I'm a very logical person, right. I would say, okay, like screw, screw the mental logic.

Like nothing in this hand makes any sense, but the gut says, you know, like this guy's fearful or the gut says like these things are happening. And so at that point, I think that I, I recognize that I was using intuition, but I couldn't understand it logically. Like I couldn't understand what was happening, but I knew that there was something more essentially.

And so. You know, up until like, I kind of had a, uh, had a kid, right. I didn't, I didn't really explore that. But once I started, um, a family, then, then I kind of pivoted to like, I just want to kind of be, become my best self. Right. I want to become my best self for my wife, for my children. And, you know, just work on a lot of, um, a lot of like mental and emotional and, and, and, you know, other things to, to become, to, to become my best self.

And so that's kind of when my, my journey started before that. It was just. You know, it was just curiosity, but it wasn't like I was born psychic. I, I firmly believe that everybody is psychic I firmly believe that everybody has intuitive capabilities And and it's just really about figuring out how to open them and and how to explore them And that's kind of what i've grown to uh want to become a Channeler and and a psychic to really kind of help people Discover their own abilities to discover their own talents to discover, you know, what makes them unique?

You know, amongst the world, because I believe that everybody has those gifts and really it's just, you know, it's undiscovered and it shouldn't be.

Rob Valincius: Yeah, I would agree with you. I've had a couple psychics and healers on my show in the past, and a lot of them think like you do, like everyone has something. It's not a gift that only a select few get. It's learning how to tap into it. Now, obviously, you know, when you're talking about being a gambler, like a professional gambler and having these abilities, um.

You know, had to give you some, some pretty crazy intuition. What's, what's the largest pot you've ever won?

Preston Lee: Largest pot I ever won, I think must be like, uh, well, I, I, I, I want a tournament for a quarter million dollars in Vegas, but that's technically the largest pot I ever won. So that was the 1, 500 shootout, I think five or six years ago. And so I have a W I have a world series of poker bracelet. So that that's my crowning achievement for sure.

Um, I think in terms of cash games the biggest pot I ever won was probably like, um, a hundred a hundred thousand u. s. Dollars. So that that's pretty nice. Um,

Rob Valincius: Now, you hear some pretty crazy stories with like being in Vegas. Did you ever have, um, you know, the hotels do crazy shit for you if you wanted?

Preston Lee: Oh for sure, you know when you're gambling that much and you're just like throwing money and especially back in the days when i'm young and dumb You know, I would just be like, Oh, like 5k Bellagio bill. Sure. Why not? You know, nowadays I'm like 5k Bellagio bill. No way. You know, uh, I'd rather spend that, you know, on my family or something.

So definitely, you know, they, they, they, uh, they give you perks, but poker players don't really get that many perks. It's if you're like gambling, like in the casino that those kinds of kinds of things happen. But, uh, but yeah, you, there's still, there's still perks that you can get. Yeah.

Rob Valincius: obviously they expect poker players to end up gambling a lot because you're just kind of sitting there like you're not wandering around you're not aimlessly like and you're not also playing against the house right you know you're playing against other people the house gets their cut so they're not making a ton of money um I mean they are but they're not it's not like they would if you're playing in like a high limit you know roulette room

Preston Lee: yeah, I kind of have a cheat code for, for getting the things that I want in Vegas. So I'll, I'll, I'll let you know what that is in the sense that like, um, so for like the Rio, like I used to play, um, high limit, uh, video poker. Right. And I was looking online, like, what is the, what is the one game that I can play with the best odds to not lose all my money and to get the highest VIP level.

Right. And I, and I recognize that as video poker. So then I was like, okay, now what's the fastest way I can get to the highest VIP level without, you know, wasting all my time. And so it was like, okay, I could play video poker and I can play like a hundred or 200 a hand and I'll be done in two hours. And then I will have the highest VIP.

Uh, kind of, uh, status. So, so I did that and it was so scary because it was like, you're sticking in, like, you're sticking like 5k in there and like, you're losing, you like lose like 5k in like 30 minutes. You're just like, Oh God. And then you're just like, you're just praying. Right. But somehow at the end of that, I ended up winning three jackpots because you've played like a hundred hands.

And like, so I remember like. Like two of those hands, I got dealt quads just off the bat. So then I could hold it and then you can win like quads, like a hundred times over. And then, so basically after all of that, I think I won like 4, 000 luckily. And I'm like, I'm never playing this game again.

Rob Valincius: But that's cool, so, so that's a, that's kind of a cheat code to, to get like that high crazy status.

Preston Lee: absolutely. You're still gambling, you know, don't get me wrong. And obviously gamble responsibly to, to everybody who's listening to this. But you know, if you're going to do something like that, look for, you know, look for the math, you know, at the end of the day, it's all about math. And it's all about like, okay, like what is the best avenue to get here?

So, yeah.

Rob Valincius: Yeah, I, I think my, my crowning achievement, I think the most I ever won, we liked, we're roulette players, me and the wifey. So, um, we actually really enjoy online right now because, uh, there's, I don't know if you, if you ever, uh, play online so you don't really gamble as much anymore, but they have, uh, lightning roulette. don't know if you've seen this. It's, it's pretty cool. So, uh, it's spun now. It's spun by the, it's like one of those roulette tables that spins itself, but it's not like one of the cheesy ones with like a plastic covering and shit. It's like a legit, uh, roulette table orientation. Um, it's spun without the person.

Uh, but every time it spins, they'll give you, uh, Numbers. It could be one number. It could be five numbers, and so it's less odd. So instead of it being 37 to 1, it's 30 to 1. However, every hand there's a special number that gets a bump, and the bump could be anywhere from 50 is the lowest. All the way up to 500x. And, let me tell ya, there's some guys that fuckin I don't know what they do in life, but they definitely throw some crazy fuckin hands down. Now, we play 12 hands. You know, cause like For me, gambling is, yes, at the end of the day, you want to win money, but for me, it's an experience. You know, for like, the wifey, it's like, you know, it's exciting, you know, you go into it thinking, I'm probably going to lose money.

Now, I know roulette's like, what, it's like third or fourth in the casino in terms of odds, uh, which isn't bad. Uh, I think blackjack's number one, right?

Preston Lee: Uh, I, I think so. Yeah. I, I would imagine so.

Rob Valincius: So, but I'm terrible at blackjack and I don't want to fuck anyone else's day up, you know, where they're like, you know, you shouldn't hit there. You should have doubled up. You know, people get so fucking crazy mad. Um, if you're doing the wrong thing, like, I know the basics enough to be dangerous. Um, and if I was just playing for myself, it'd be different, but I don't want to fuck anyone else's hands up.

So for us, roulette's the way to go. And the lightning roulette, if you ever, I don't know, do you ever, do you like roulette?

Preston Lee: Uh, yeah. I, I like roulette. I definitely love, love roulette. You know? And I, I know what you're talking about. I've seen it in like, the online casinos, for

Rob Valincius: Play it, dude. Like, if you get, if you get bored, you wanna throw a hundred bucks in. It's, it's fun. Because, dude, I, we've hit five hundred a couple times. Like, not many. But, uh, there was this stretch. I, and I wanna say it was two months. Where we were winning. Cause like, we would, we would, uh, the one day we each had like a hundred or two hundred bucks in.

And then we lost it. And then we put another hundred or two hundred bucks in. But then we kept hitting. And then one of us, or both of us, hit the 500x. So we each had like over a grand in our accounts. And that actually got us through. Like, we probably gambled every day online for like a month and a half.

With just, with the money that we had earned from hitting the crazy numbers. And then eventually the luck runs out and you lose it. But because of that, my fucking status on my account. Like went pretty high, you know, uh, and they were giving me comps, you know, cause I was using MGM. Um, so I would get comp rooms if I wanted to go to Vegas and we're close to Atlantic City.

So, you know, if we wanted to go there, you know, you get a bunch of comp rooms and yeah, it was cool. But, um, for me, I'm like a streaky gambler. So like. I'll get an itch, I'll gamble for a couple days or whatever. I'll lose money and I'm like, alright, I'm good. And then I won't gamble, like, I won't legitimately gamble.

Like, maybe once in a while we'll throw a little bit of money in, but I won't, like, actually put money in for a while. Because I get my fill. D Gen meter goes up, I'm like, alright, I'm cool, you know. And then, uh, it gets to a certain point where you gotta do it again. But, um, any crazy Vegas stories you wanna tell us?

Preston Lee: Oh, crazy Vegas stories. Um,

Rob Valincius: My favorite place on the planet, by the way. We love Vegas.

Preston Lee: I'm thinking it's like sometimes you like you live there and it's just like every day is like lights and action and you just kind of zone it all out. But I've definitely seen some stuff on the table. I've seen people fight on the table. I've seen some guy like seize and you know, the hospital, the paramedics have to come.

Um, Like it's, it's, you see a lot of like personalities on the table for sure. Sometimes you even see celebrities. Um, and then, you know, you see like drug dealers, you just see, you just, you get everybody, which is, which is kind of the beauty of, of Vegas or just playing poker.

Rob Valincius: Well, if you see Bruno Mars, you should probably go the other way because he's not a winner. He's in debt. What was it? I think it was like 30 or 50 million to MGM and, uh, in order for him to pay, he couldn't pay them back. So that's why he does shows in Vegas all the time now. That's how he pays Vegas back because he gambled so much and he couldn't pay them back.

Preston Lee: That's unfortunate.

Rob Valincius: Um, but it's wild. I see TikToks and stuff of some of those guys that bet like shit tons and they'll get private jets and like all this crazy shit. And it's like, these casinos, man, they play like, oh, woe is me, but they make so much fucking money. Like

Preston Lee: They, they just, you can't beat them. There's, there's no way to beat the casino really, because they just, they make so much money off of every single bet. It's just like, imagine all the bets that are being made at any given time. They're making like two, 3 percent off of that. It's just like, you're just, you're just literally a money printing machine, right?

You can't like, at the end of the day, you can't beat the odds, right? Like, you know, even as a psychic, like there's only so much I can do. Right to to kind of gain an edge with that and so everybody's like why don't you just go play slot machines? Why don't you just do this like it doesn't really work like that Although, you know, I do have some theories as to how you might you know find the right slot machine and things But really like if you want to win in vegas, like you You should be prioritizing living your best life.

You should be prioritizing You know bringing out a vibe that's helping yourself and helping people around you and the money will just come Like you'll just recognize that luck just happens for you and maybe that might not even show up in money Maybe that will show up in another way, right? But it definitely increases your increase your chances of winning just period in in life Uh, and and so like that's that's kind of how I you know That's kind of how I see everything nowadays in in the sense that life is just energy and you know, we attract you know what we uh, what we go what we we do, you know, we are kind of like our aura and um, And luck is manifested.

Rob Valincius: I, I, I kind of start to believe that because you know, you got a lot of people that are, you know. I've, I've always considered myself bad luck because my dad is bad luck and I know he's going to listen to this and he's probably going to laugh because, um, he's had some, he's had some pretty fucked up shit happen in his life.

And I'll tell you this, I, I saw a psychic, um, I want to say 15 years ago now. And, uh, you know, I sit there, I'm like, look, I need you to help me. You gotta know, I feel cursed. You know, my family feels cursed. You know, my dad has always got some crazy shit that happens. And, you know, do you see anything?

And she's the only psychic that ever told me this, which kind of fucked me up a little bit. You know, she said, um, I, I feel that your family has been, was cursed. Your lineage. Long, long time ago it was cursed, and that curse just carries through, and because of that, that's why you guys see, and, uh, she tried to help me break the curse, but she had, she wanted me to do some crazy shit, man, so I, I didn't, I didn't trust her enough to, to know if what she was going to have me do was, was good.

You know what I'm saying? Like, cause there's some, there's some pretty fucked up shit out there. That, that could also, cause I also believe in, in the bad side of those things. And I didn't want to do anything that was gonna let shit in. You know, but it's like, you know, you bathe with sugar and, you know, do this.

And, you know, she took a t shirt of mine to like pray with it. And, I don't know man, I just, uh, I didn't get a bad feeling from her. She was probably a good person. Um, but she said that to me and I'm like, damn, that's kinda, that's kinda fucked. You know, to be paying for someone else's choices that you've never seen, met, or even know existed.

Preston Lee: yeah, and you know, and I, I feel like that's really unfortunate that she, she said those things because I, that's not, that's not how I believe it works at all. Like, we're not just cursed. Right? Like, sure, we can have like, what I, what I might call karmic debt. But karmic debt doesn't mean like bad things are going to happen to you.

It just means that there's going to be a lot of work that you're going to have to do in this life. And, and that debt is, doesn't, you know, come in as something bad. It just comes in as struggle. Like it comes in as like emotional resilience. It comes in as understanding yourself from a much, much deeper level, and then overcoming those challenges.

Right. Like you don't, you're never going to have to bathe in salt or do weird things like that. That is not happening. You know, I've talked to enough interdimensional entities to, to under kind of understand, like, you know, what is, you know, kind of the purpose of life or what is the purpose of this existence or this reality, you know?

And, and so, you know, everybody has, you know, yeah. An opportunity to live their absolute best life, right? There's no generational curse No, no, nothing like that You know, like it's it's just it's really something that if you believe it then then it might actually come true because you really do You know operate under what you think right?

And if you don't think that then it's not going to happen to you and you don't want to perpetuate that

Rob Valincius: Yeah, have you, have you ever heard of, so I read a book and, uh, you know, it's funny that you mentioned that, that kind of blew my mind a bit. It was, uh, called Many Lives, Many Masters. I've talked about that on the podcast before, but, um, it's by Brian Weiss. He's a doc, Dr. Brian Weiss. Have you ever heard of him?

Preston Lee: No, I haven't.

Rob Valincius: Um, he believes in, and there's a couple different books about this that, um, that we live many lives and, uh, you know, we come back and, uh, a lot of people feel that we come back because we have a mission and, um, like, Yes, there's certain things that like, if you do, like if you kill someone, right, when you come back, your debt is going to be, your life is going to be much worse and your mission is going to be different, but you're going to have to atone for that.

Um, but in his book, he, uh, he was a psychologist and he was interviewing, um, this woman. And they were doing the, uh, the hypnotist, the hypnotism, and he was trying to, she had like a fucked up life. And, um, he started to talk to prior, her prior selves. So, past lives that she had. Uh, and she would explain every single time how she died.

Um, and then eventually he tapped into speaking with, The Masters, which are like, almost like the Yodas of souls, where they, they're like the people that guide you back to the other, whatever it is, right? Whether it's a reality or realm or, um, you kind of review your life and then you go back, um, and you're reborn.

And, uh, some of the other stuff that he believed was that, like, you know, everyone in your life is people that have, that you want in your life. They're people that have been with you. So, you know, your brother now might have been your dad, you know, in another life. And, um, you know, but these are people and, and you have the option once you get out of this life to wait for those people.

So if you die before them, you can wait for them to come back, they debrief, and then when everyone's ready, you can go back. And, you know, live another life, which I thought was pretty cool. What are, what are your thoughts about that?

Preston Lee: I think I think that's exactly correct. You know, oftentimes the people around us Are just playing this grand game with us, you know, we die, you know, and then, and then, you know, and then, and then we just kind of wait, I mean, and, and waiting is relative, right? Because the way I see death is then we're living, like, in the space of time.

And then there is no time above, you know, our existence. So, so that everybody's just kind of, like, figuring out what game they want to play next for essentially, uh, their, their, their evolutionary growth. Right. The way I see it is that when, when I'm communicating, I'm usually communicating to my higher self.

And so my higher self is a collection of all of my lives, past and future. And so when, when I'm communicating that, um, and so like it's giving me guidance and it's, and it's often telling me like, um, just, just lots of things to kind of help me along the way. And, and so there's, I mean, there's, there's a lot of layers of dimensionality and I've kind of mapped all of this out, but I don't want to get too deep into it.

But. I understand that there are angels above that, and then there are angels above that, and basically there's just like 12 layers of dimensions, and like, the game just keeps going and going and going. My philosophy, really, is that we live in a simulation. But I don't want to say simulation as something that sounds so like, simmy, or like, artificial.

I want to say that it's kind of just like the grand game of the universe or the grand game of our, our, our dimensional existence. And that we're here to just continually leveling up. We're, we're essentially eternal. You know, there is no true death. There's only leveling up to the, to, to the grand design of, of who we will become.

And and so, you know the so then, you know when I understood that when when the dimensionals told me these things, right? And I I don't have any masters. I don't have any teachers. The only masters I have are up here right and nobody teaches me any of this stuff except except the spirits and my angels and so um, I just understand that, you know life is just about living it to your fullest and it doesn't matter like What that might be, you could be living on a farm and, you know, like, just, you know, happy with your, your cows and your animals and, and that's your life that, but live that life to the fullest, you know, live in that happiness, right?

And when you do that, you know, you're, you're evolving, you're evolving in a way that you don't quite understand at that moment, but, you know, it's, you know, you're also then attracting everything that, that, that you want in, in your life, right? Everybody has has different. Wants and needs and motivations.

Rob Valincius: So do you believe that there's like a heaven and a hell, or do you think that that is relative, like, you know, hell could be here on earth, the physicality of it, and then when you leave, everyone goes kind of back to the same place, but with different objectives.

Preston Lee: Uh, I yeah, I don't I don't believe that like a hell on earth I believe that that I mean, I don't believe in a hell I believe that like the hell you're talking about is like yes, somebody may have committed like a murder You know like in their past life and now they're incarnated in this life and they have they have lessons to to overcome It doesn't mean that bad things are going to happen.

It just means they're going to struggle Right. They're going to have to get through very difficult emotional and mental situations in their life to, you know, to, to evolve. And, or they, you know, they, they have to come in and really do good in the world. And by good, you know, it just means like giving back to the community or, or helping others.

Right. Like, you know, like I. You know, sometimes I say like, Oh yeah, like, you know, Hitler, he must have a terrible kind of karma when he comes back, but maybe Hitler becomes like Mother Teresa, you know, like, because then she, you have to be there and you have to give back to the community and you have to do good, right?

There's a balance to everything. You know, there's a push and there's a pull. It's, you know, everything in the, in the universe is balanced. And so you never know, like, you know, what, what kind of, um, person, Or or energy that you you come back as all you need all you know Is that you have to evolve at the end of the day?

And and so if you do one side of it, you're gonna have to kind of do the other and um, And so yeah, there's no heaven. I mean, there's no hell necessarily and and heaven. Well, you know Heaven is is is something that you can live on earth. I think You know, and, and once you die, then, then it's, then it's anybody's game, right, like, you're, it's all bliss up, up there, right, I, I guess you could consider that heaven, um, you know, you, you don't, you won't have anything to worry about, you know, you don't definitely won't have to worry about dying, right, um, you, you're just kind of leveling up for the next game, whatever that game might be,

Rob Valincius: so, yeah, so, um, you know, what's it like to be able to talk to spirits? So, like, is it something that you have to channel? Does it, do they come to you? Is it something, is it a feeling you get?

Preston Lee: um, yeah, it's, it's, well, with the, with intention, like, they just come in, so, like, um, at any point, For me and it might not, you know be so much with other psychics But i'm able to bring in any kind of spirit Like if you wanted to bring in jesus, I could bring him in now and we can have a chat You know, it's, it's kind of like I haven't, I haven't inkling that, that they're coming in and it's kind of just like a, it's almost like a telepathic link where it's like, Ooh, I feel something coming and Ooh, now they want to say something and, and so oftentimes like I'll get like goosebumps on my arms or, um, I'll just, I'll just hear something.

The kind of psychic I am, I guess you can consider it's claircognizant. So claircognizant is somebody who's telepathic, just, I just have a knowing of things, not, not really understanding why I have a knowing of them, um, other people, they might hear things, other people, they might smell things, some people even might taste things, right?

So there's, there's different kinds of psychics out there, but, but basically, you know, I've kind of. Evolved my, my spiritual abilities to really be able to channel at, at kind of any given time and the way I channel is, is kind of like a, uh, it's a, it's a conscious channel. So, like, we can be having a conversation, but their wisdom would be moving through.

Rob Valincius: That's wild. I, I, the, you know, I've seen psychics throughout the years, um, because I, I am fascinated with stuff like that. Um, and, uh, I've, I've had a couple psychics tell me, um, and I, I gotta, you know, I, I've always, I, I think I'll, I'll see a medium at some point. Um, but they always told me I had, I don't know if it's technically a guardian angel, but I've always had a older male figure with me. Now they're not, they're not able, yeah. They're not able to tell me who it is, but they're like, you have someone that's like always watching over you and I'm like, I've tried to ask my mom. And, uh, she's like, maybe it's your, you know, maybe it's my dad, you know, or something. But she, no one, no one could tell me, 'cause I've never been to an actual medium, you know?

So. That's like one of those things that's always, uh, I have to pull the trigger at some point cause I'm sure it's gonna, I'm sure it's gonna fuck with me. You know, I'm gonna be like, aw shit, you

Preston Lee: Yeah, absolutely. I mean like look I I can I can help you discover those that kind of information So like I I i'm a channeler, but I'm also can tap into mediumship There's a little bit of a difference in the sense that when you're doing mediumship You're you're tapping more into the fourth dimension Which means you're tapping into like past souls like loved ones and and I found that they communicate a little bit differently Um, but usually I, I talk to the higher, higher dimensional beings and, and.

So the information comes in a different way, but I can tap in. And if you were interested, I don't know where this podcast, um, you know, I could kind of see, um, what they might want to tell you about that.

Rob Valincius: You know what? Go for it, man. I've never, this will be a first. If you can do this on the podcast, I've never had a psychic that has done anything on the podcast. They normally say stuff, but I've never had any, yeah.

Preston Lee: I mean, we gotta have fun with it, man. Like, you just, yeah, just let it go. And, and when I say stuff, it's nothing is gonna come out that, you know, that's gonna be, like, bad. Right? It's gonna be for your best good. And, and, you know, and I always just wanna tell people that, you know, whatever comes through, it's just, it's, it's, It's for you to hear because this space is a sacred space.

Everybody's watching it. If, if somebody wants to come in and give you information, it's to give you information at this exact time, you know, for this exact reason, and, you know, and, and tell you something that, that you might need to know. So with your permission, I'd love to just kind of tap in briefly, see who's just hanging around you and you know, if they have anything to say,

Rob Valincius: Let's do it, man. Full permission, brother.

Preston Lee: Okay. Thank you. All right. Give me a second.

Rob Valincius: This is cool. I like this.

Preston Lee: Okay. Well, first of all, there's massive feminine energy coming in. Um, and, um, okay. So oftentimes they, they start by kind of introducing themselves. And so this entity is from, I believe they're called lyrins and lyrins are kind of like a, a feline, um, dimensional entity. Um, and so they say that your ancestry or your, what I call star ancestry is, is from there is, is from the lyrin, lyrin collection.

And, and so, you know, they're also saying that that kind of makes you, um, someone who, you know, might can, can be fierce when you need to be fierce, but also kind of calculated, you know, when, when you go about things and, and that shows up a lot in, and it, and it, and that, that kind of energy, right, can show up a lot in your ancestry, uh, because, you know, it's, there's, there's a balance between like genetics and, And, uh, and, and dimensional ancestry that, that, that has this kind of great interplay now in terms of the, uh, the older figure that you were talking about.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Okay. They're saying it's like a, it's actually like a, like a great, uh, grandfather. Um, somebody who, who had a lot of, a lot of wisdom, a lot of power, a lot, a lot insight, he was a pioneer. Um, in his, in his day. Right? And, and he often, and he often shows up to, um, just kind of check on you and, and, you know, make sure that, um, you know, you're, you're, you're on that path and, and, and moving in the right direction and, and just, you know, living your best life, right?

Oftentimes they just kind of show up to check and, and, and they're really just, um, they're kind of plotting and plotting. Your timeline with you in a way, it kind of feels funny to say, but it's kind of like you are the architect of your own design and they are plotting with you, but you just don't recognize it when you're in this life.

Right. And so, you know, he pops in all the time to just, you know, to kind of plot with you and be like, okay, here's a checkpoint. Let's go kind of get to this checkpoint, you know, he's really. He says that, um, he's saying something about fun and he's saying something about, um, um, how, uh, what is it? It's like, I want to say it's like you're, you can have more fun in the things you do. Oh, okay. No, no, maybe this is what he's saying. He's saying that you can turn a lot of the things. You, uh, find boring or you find mundane and you can turn that into fun, turn that into creative expression, turn that into, you know, something to look forward to, you know, and, and that's, and, and, and so this is kind of like luck advice, I guess he's giving you and saying that, you know, this is how you can, um, really start manifesting greater or, or just, you know, attracting more, um, uh, more wealth and abundance, you know, in, into your life, right.

He very much, you know, is. Is, is a proponent of, of evolution, right? And making sure you're living your, your absolute best life. Um, while he's on the line, do you, do you want to talk? Or, um, do you want to ask him questions?

Rob Valincius: Um, yeah, so is he, would he be related to my mom or my dad? Would you know that?

Preston Lee: Yeah, yeah, I can ask. Let's see.

Rob Valincius: This is so cool.

Preston Lee: He says he's on, on your mother's side.

Rob Valincius: Okay. That makes sense. That makes sense. So, let me ask you this. So, I, and I, this is weird, but I feel like I always have an intuition. When I go into my work bathroom, and if I close the stall, I swear to God, every single time. it'll, and I know that it can't be anything else because maybe I've been in there for two minutes, but the paper towel thing will, will, will go.

Preston Lee: I'm getting, I wish you could see my arm. I got goosebumps all over the place. All

Rob Valincius: I could see it.

Preston Lee: Yeah, you see it you see it's right there. Yeah, and and he's just saying like he's just laughing he's laughing so hard He's just like because he he says something like because when when you're on the shitter You know, I know that's when you're kind of paying the most attention.

Rob Valincius: Yeah.

Preston Lee: That's what he says. And so he's trying to send you signals, you know, during those times of clarity. Right. He's like, Oh, he's on the shitter. He's clear. You know, he's, he's ready to receive my download or, you know, or my presence. Right. And so, you know, he's, he's, he's really laughing and, you know, he's having fun with it, but yeah, like it is, it is a sign, you know, there's a lot of little signs like that, that they tend to kind of show, show us and, you know, and, and say that we're there and we're watching you, like, you know, even in our most private moments, but he knows like, you know, you, you'll, you'll be okay with it and, you know, it is what, what it is, right.


Rob Valincius: I just, I just always feel like there's something there, man. Every time. I don't know what it is,

Preston Lee: yeah. And, and you're right, you know. And and so, you know, he's he's also coming in and he's saying like that's part of your intuition, right? That's something that he wants you every time that happens put all of that energy into your gut put it into the the energy right here in in the in the solar plex channel and and And see if you can discover something else about yourself like stop thinking about it Just feel into it because once you start feeling into that then oh my god a whole new world is going to really open up for you because you're gonna Fine.

You're going to just understand things from a different perspective. You're going to be able to just sense different things. You know, you're, you're, you're actually, he says you're a natural empath, right? So you're able to understand people's emotions. You're able to maneuver around that you're able to understand where somebody is going before they even get there.

Right. And that's natural. And I'd imagine that's natural, you know, being, being a podcast host or being, you know, being who you are, right. You, you have this on. Unspoken kind of understanding of how to kind of, um, how to move things, right. And, and, and where people are with, without asking them kind of where they are, right.

But that can be, um, expanded and, and, and, and there can be lots of, uh, lots of things to discover from that.

Rob Valincius: but I'm also, I'm also kind of a pussy because I'm always a risk adverse. I'm Oh, I would rather not do the risky thing and get paid than do the risky thing and not get paid. But you know what? What's the Wayne Gretzky saying? You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take.

That's probably my biggest thing is I never ever. I never go out on a limb and take a risk because, you know, I, I, people that depend on me, you know, I got a family too, you know, so it's like, it's hard to make those risks now when you're, you know, pushing 40 rather than when you're, you know, in your mid twenties, right?

Preston Lee: Absolutely. And, and, you know, to be honest, I, I feel the same. I've always felt the same way as well. But I'm an idea guy. Right. And like, even, even though I'm like a gambler, like, you know, when I'm taking risk there, like it's calculated risks, you know, it's just like math risk. But when I'm taking risks, like with people and things like I don't like to take risks, right.

I like to be safe or I, you know, I like to, to feel secure in that way. But nowadays I recognize that if I'm taking risks from the decision making process of my gut, right. From my intuition. Then those risks are the best risk I could possibly take because those risks are going to lead me into an even better life, an even better scenario, even better opportunity, right?

And, and from that, you know, I also recognize that of those risks were really, um, it was really just self me self reflecting on how I felt about failure, right? How I, how I felt about, oh, like, I don't want to feel that, or I don't want to disappoint. But, you know, you know, it's. Essentially, you know, it's about evolutionary growth if I can overcome those feelings if I can overcome, you know, um, Just understanding why things make me feel that way and and you know What's going on internally with my process then i'm able to move above that and become a greater version of myself

Rob Valincius: Now you mentioned, um, quantum foundations. Um, do you want, can you, uh, maybe break that down a little bit for us and, you know, does everybody have them?

Preston Lee: Yeah, absolutely So like there, you know when I see people right like for you example I see you in in different ways or I can frame you in different ways So I could see you from the lens of like mind, body, spirit, heart, right? And I can say, Oh, okay. Like you're, you're definitely more like a mental person.

And then I can say, you know, what, what that means for you. Or I can frame you in a different way and I can say, Oh, like I can see your chakras, right? And your chakras, um, from my understanding are kind of like your power centers where, where you get your motivations, you know, where energy moves. And, and so like, for example, when I'm looking at you, uh, I see that, okay.

Which makes sense. Your, your main chakra is in your throat, right? That means you are a natural born communicator, right? You communicate, you love to laugh. You love to observe. You love to listen. Like it's all about communication, right? And that's, that's where. All the energy drives you and and so those are quantum principles, you know as as I see it There are there are also other things where you can use like eaching gates and this these are like old divination systems That basically tell you everything about yourself They tell you all about your purpose and and you can just nowadays you can go online You can put in your birth date and time and you can look at your eaching gates and it'll tell you everything about you It'll tell you your purpose.

It'll tell you why you're here on on this earth It'll tell you like what your talents are and and it's just I think it's a resource that's amazing that people don't really utilize Right and and but to be fair though, it's really difficult to understand sometimes, you know Because you're reading it and you're like, what does that even mean?

You know, like what is my purpose like it's hard to understand, right? I need somebody to kind of come in and humanize it for you so like those are just three examples of like quantum foundations that You we are energy we are like thousands of different pieces of energy And so like when I see somebody I say, okay, these are all his energetics Let's you know, let's dive into to the ones that matter or let's dive into the ones that you know Make him a better person and then and then you know grow from there, right?

It's kind of like building a house, you know, my my uh, my approach is always to start with the foundations the start with the foundations that make you Core to who you are And then work through that and then you can deal with all of the other like minor minor things But but it's just it's just all energy and we're a thousand pieces of energy

Rob Valincius: Yeah, I mean, look, I, I've said this a couple of times on the podcast, but for me, I had a turning point probably like 33, 34 and I was for a while, you know, I got away from just, you know, looking at the positive side of things, which I've always been more of a positive person and I just focused on all the things I didn't have.

The things I could have or I focused on past mistakes and, uh, you know, I'm not perfect. I still have things. I'm like, man, I, you know, should I could have did this, should have this, whatever. Right. But I try to wake up every day and recognize what I do have. And I don't do this stuff that you see on Tik Tok where I'm like writing down, you know, I'm thankful for this.

I know journaling and things can be very helpful to your mind. Right. But for me, it's just, I wake up and I'm like, all right, yesterday's over. Yeah. Can't go back to it, right? Uh, what's done is done. I try to start every day fresh. You know, obviously, I'm human. So, you know, not always, especially if I had a couple too many drinks the night before, that might be a little bit more difficult.

Which, I've gotten better with drinking. I've cut back about, you know, I used to drink every day. Not like an alcoholic every day, but I would have a couple drinks, you know, so you come home, you make a drink, you hang out, um, I'm trying to, you know, I cut way back like I'm, I know this is the drink clock podcast, but I'm, there's nothing in here.

This is just water, you know, um, you know, to be healthier. Cause you know, when you're in your thirties and, and look, I work in Medicare, so I deal with elderly a lot and, uh, you know, probably deal with death more than what you would normally deal with. So I think about that a lot. You know, like what type of legacy do I want to leave?

And, you know, part of this podcast, I'm thinking at least if I'm gone, you know, I don't have kids. I have dogs, they're my kids. Um, you know, if I don't have kids, like, what is my, what is my legacy going to be? Is someone going to be able to pull up these YouTube videos? Are they going to be, is YouTube going to be around?

You know, and, um, are they going to be able to listen to this and be like, Oh, that was a cool interaction he had with Preston. You know, and, uh, where is this guy? Oh, he died 50 years ago. You know, but, you gotta have something in life that's a legacy, right? I mean, um, I mean, maybe that's like a super male chauvinistic thing, uh, you know, from back in the day, but for me, I, I do want, I want to leave something in the world, you know, that, you know, you're not just forgotten about in, you know, 20 years.

Preston Lee: Yeah, I I understand that you know, it's it's really like it's about perspective right like some of us want to leave a legacy You know for others and I think you know, like all your podcasts like that's that's all on the internet, right? That's all there like everybody who's listening Like I mean think of it this way everybody who's listening to anything, you know Any podcast that you have like they that might have made their day better, right?

That's a legacy that you leave every time you speak every time you put yourself out there It may not show up as you know, something that's like A trophy or or something that you can see that you know that you've done You know what your great grandfather wants to say is that it shows up every day all the time in your life just You just, you know, being yourself and, and, and helping people understand something about themselves or, or, you know, giving them some kind of motivation or, um, um, advice, you know, that is your legacy, little bits of energy and all of your viewers and all of the people that you communicate with and, and, and your dog and your family, you know, that's your legacy, right?

It's energy is your legacy. And, and to know, you know, your. You're building that momentum, right? It doesn't have to end in something grand. It happens every day of your life and and the People that collect that that energy they're grateful for it up up there, right? They don't really understand exactly Everybody exactly kind of what's going on down here.

Once you kind of you know ascend to a higher evolutionary state you recognize that you've done so so much good in the world and and and you recognize that legacy is You know, it's seen from, from that perspective.

Rob Valincius: Yeah. And that's a, that's a, you're, you're, you're, so it's, it's funny you mentioned that. So for you, The way you look at it is it's more of a top down overview of what you do because I guess because we're physical, you know, we're not meta beings, right? We think of the here and the now, whereas when, you know, if you're a meta being, right?

You're whatever that is, whatever that energy is, you're looking at it down almost like you're playing a board game. You know, that's, that's the world that they see.

Preston Lee: Yeah, but I think like when you're here, right, as human, we can, we can recognize that actually, you know, well, I did good today, right. And, and know that, you know, that there's nothing more that I need than that. There's nothing more than I need that to know that I was the best version of myself today. And, and because I was that best version of myself.

You know, I helped, you know, I helped as many people as I could, or, you know, the energy that I gave out did the absolute best in, you know, in this state and, and so energetically, you know, that all comes back to you, right? Energetically, you know, that, that makes you the, the, uh, the luckiest person that you could be in the moment that you are.

Rob Valincius: So do you believe that, you know, what, what is your, your view of manifestation? You know, you see a lot of the TikTok videos of people saying, Oh, if you just wake up every day and for two minutes, you say, give me money, give me money, give me money. You're going to get a check from the government. You know, what's, what's your view of manifestation?

Preston Lee: Yeah, so this is a good question because when I started all of this, my first question to the universe was what is luck and how do I harness all of it? You know,

Rob Valincius: Well, as a professional gambler, that, that makes sense.

Preston Lee: yeah, and so it's taken me a four year journey to really understand that. Right. And so I'm just like, oh shit, like here, you know, they're still explaining it to me, but, you know, manifest like on tick tock, like, I don't know what's going on to be honest.

Like, I'm not on there all the time, but they're saying a lot of things, right? But really manifestation is a two part equation. Right. And I think the first part people just don't really tap into and that is, uh, being connected to the earth. Because we cannot manifest anything unless we have alignment with the Earth.

The Earth is a conscious entity. The Earth is really kind of moving the landscape of our reality, right? If we're not appreciating the Earth, if we're not giving back to the Earth, if we're not respecting the Earth, then the Earth is not going to respect us. Right? That's when you get earthquakes. And that's when you get all these natural disasters.

Because it's just, the Earth is saying like, Ah, you know, like, you know, These humans are not respecting me. I'm just gonna throw something out there to, to even the playing field. I mean, and when I say even the playing field, I just mean to like, you know, To change the grand landscape of, of the game. Um, back to manifestation, you know, Connecting with the Earth is just really about just being mindful.

Of, you know, how you're showing up on this planet, right? What you're doing for, for other people, what you're doing for the environment, you know, what you're doing for, you know, it's, it's a kind of like your house, are you taking care of your house? If you're not taking care of your house, your house is going to crumble.

And, you know, it's not going to go anywhere. So that's the number that's 50 percent of, you know, what manifestation is. You have to be mindful of your greater environment and the people around you. The second part is, is really like. You know, manifestation is about living in the energy of, um, well, the way I see it is you live in, you live in the energy of some of your talents and, and your abilities, right?

Like, so. You know, when, when you kind of see manifestation, you, you, you see all kinds of characters, like, Oh, why is that guy like so rich? Like, what did he do? Right? Like, what does he deserve all this money? Well, he's actually living in his talents very well. He's showing up the best version of himself in terms of those talents and those talents are manifesting for him.

It's kind of like everybody has a radiance and when you're living in the. In the perfect embodiment of that radiance, then. All of the wealth and all the abundance are going to attract you so whatever you're good at right if you're just you know Kind of tuning into to to that and living, you know in that vibration, you know without anything stopping you Then that's that's how you're going to manifest, you know, obviously things like, uh, you know Emotional resilience and mental resilience like, you know, all these things can help you, you know, kind of see clarity, but it doesn't necessarily Relate to like abundance or, or manifestation manifestation.

Also, you know, it's really important to understand, like, where, where you want to go or where, uh, how you see where you see yourself, like, in 5 years, right? Like, I always say that it's really important to put something on the wall, like, whatever it is that you're looking for. Like, so if I'm looking for a house, I'm just going to put it on the wall and I'm going to look at that and I'm going to think, okay, like, that's, that's where I'm going in 5 years.

You need it. You need to go post. And that's also really important for its manifestation. And so like, those, those are kind of the things that I think that manifestation, um, and just, you know, attracting abundance, like those are the core foundations of how you actually improve your luck.

Rob Valincius: So do you have any tips, uh, for people who are trying to tap into maybe their, you know, uh, inner psychic abilities or their intuitions?

Preston Lee: Yeah, absolutely. I think, you know, at the end of the day, like, um, just have fun with life. You know, like at the end of the day, just recognize, like, what are you passionate for? What makes you get up in the morning? What makes you move around? Right. What do you, you know, what do you want to do? Right? Get up and just go do it, right?

So like, you know understand like what's stopping you from doing that and and just say screw it I'm, just gonna you know, i'm gonna gamble today, right? I'm gonna gamble and do something out of my comfort zone and see what happens, you know Because at the end of the day, you know, like what what's the worst thing that can happen really?

You know, like i'm not telling you to do something completely crazy I'm, just telling you to get out of your comfort zone and see what happens because once you break Like these cycles, once you break these kind of habit forming things that, you know, we've, we've just been kind of conditioned to in our, in our whole lives.

You then, you then start seeing the world and reality in a different way. And then reality starts seeing you in a different way. Right? And then it starts offering you opportunities. And then it starts like, you know, putting buckets of gold, you know, like in, in, in seemingly like places that, that you wouldn't understand.

Right? Like, it's just let the luck happen for you. Right. So, you know, when, you know, when you're out there and, and if you're trying to manifest, have, have a goal, have fun with it, you know, understand what your passions are and, and maybe, you know, figure out, you know, kind of what your purpose is, right? Like ask yourself, what do you think your purpose is?

And if you don't know, then, you know, maybe go to a psychic or maybe go online and type in your birthday and see what that says and really reflect on that. And, and, and don't let anybody tell you necessarily what your purpose is. You have to feel what your purpose is, right? You have to say, that makes sense for me.

And, and in that vibration, then you, then start living it. Living what makes sense for you.

Rob Valincius: No, that makes sense. That makes sense. I mean, I feel like once you, you know, like everyone knows what they're, I feel like you know what you're good at, you know? And then, um, maybe if you do take those risks sometimes in life. You know, might, might change things a little bit. Um, now, now before we tone, tone down, maybe you can help me with this.

You know, my dad's gonna listen to this episode. And this is a unique opportunity to maybe, uh, do some good here. Alright, so you let me know if you can do it. Alright. If you can't, you can't. It's fine. Uh, because I'm putting you on the spot. So my dad lost his wife of 23 years last year, okay? Um, and he's been vastly struggling for the past year.

Like, really bad. So I call him every day. We talk every day. And, uh, I thought it would be something that maybe could help him if you could get a message from her for him.

Preston Lee: Okay. So, she wants him to know that always there with him. And, that, there's sometimes there's a lot of emotions that go through me.

Rob Valincius: I can see it. I can see it on your face. It was like instantly.

Preston Lee: Yeah. Like there's first of all, let me just preface this by saying there's there's a lot of love and um, There's a lot of um, I don't want to say sadness, but she's sad that he's sad, right? There's you know, she wants to she wants him to know that she's in a better place that she is watching him You know that she's she doesn't want him to Worry, right that they are in a sense co creating with each other at all times They are planning their next life They're planning their next adventure and and she can still have adventures with her in this life It's just you know, she's kind of like She's making she's just saying like Casper the friendly ghost, you know, think think of it like that, you know, she's always around She's always friendly and and she's you know, she's she's there but she also wants to give him permission to move on to to have fun in life to To explore things that he couldn't explore, um, you know, with her.

And, and she, she really wants to live with him in, in that way. Because she's, she hasn't gone anywhere. She's still here. She's just waiting, um, you know, until, um, until the end of his story. But that story can be paved in any which way, um, he wants to pave it. Right, there's full permission to go live and love and be happy and explore and and find wonder again Right, and and she's really just bringing it all into wonder.

She's really just bringing it into new things and new adventures and and she just just there's just an enormous amount of love that's coming through and She also says that there are a few other people, you know, they're with her, you know that That are waiting for him as well. And, and we're all kind of working, um, together.

And, and to tap into his heart, and when he taps into his heart, you'll feel that she's there with him. It's not a mental process, you know, it's, it's a deep core feeling that he will know true to, to himself. And it's a deep core feeling that, um, that she'll be right there with him at the center of his heart.

Rob Valincius: Wow. That's cool, man. You could see the change immediately, dude. The moment you did it, I could see it, like, instantaneously. Do you, does that, does that, um, weigh on you at all? When you do that? Heh heh

Preston Lee: Not like when you do a lot of channeling, like sometimes it does, but I'd like to say that I thought I do so much channeling that I've grown a resilience to, to the energy that I'm bringing in. Um, cause oftentimes I'm just channeling all day, like just taking in quantum insights. Like, yeah, like when I'm channeling, I do it like kind of scientifically.

So like, I'm always querying the universe, like. Like, kind of like ChatGPT for people, but my, I have ChatGPT Universal Edition. So I just ask anything, like, I just, I'm constantly asking questions. And so, like, in the beginning, I used to get really, really tired. Um, but nowadays, like, I've found different kind of methods and, and ways to, uh, kind of, uh, uh, protect my energy and, and, and, um, and just, uh, Yeah, just just be more resourceful, I guess you could say.

Rob Valincius: Yeah, one of the other healers I had on my show, she said that, uh, you know, sometimes it would just knock her out, you know, but she was, she discovered her stuff a lot later too, I feel like, so she was saying it would like, you know, she would channel and then you also have to worry about, you know, malignant things too, right?

Because you don't want to let those in. Um, do you protect yourself against that?

Preston Lee: yes, uh, well in the beginning like I didn't really know what I was doing to be perfectly honest So like there was there would be a lot of things that are coming in because I in the beginning I literally just went on youtube and I like I just went in a deep dive and looked at all these stone tablets and basically anything that could you know Open up doors.

And so when I opened up those doors, yes, there was a lot of like nefarious beings And um and just all kinds of things And so like I've learned how to protect myself from that eventually, you know, I learned, um, you know, what, how to just, just how to, uh, navigate, you know, in, in, in, in certain realms and, um, you know, how to tap into, um, intention and, and love and, and things that those entities cannot ever usurp, right.

At the end of the day, like if you're feeling love, that's, that's a loving entity. There's, there's nothing else about that. Right because you tap into love like and that entity loves you. It's it's it's it's true Um intention everything in the universe is intention So if your intention is to tap into something, um with good intention, then then that's what you're gonna get

Rob Valincius: That's awesome. Look, man, this was, uh, this was a lot of fun. Um, but now I need you to plug yourself. Uh, you know, what projects do you got going on that you can tell us a little bit about? And, um, you know, someone wants to find you and maybe connect with you to, to, you know, do some more work. I know you have a discord channel.

Um, you have a cool website, uh, like your website. Very, very well done. Um, but plug yourself, man, what's going on? What do you, what do you got going on? I know you mentioned a potential coin and, uh, you know,

Preston Lee: Where'd you go? Are you there? There you go Um, so yeah, so i'm launching a project that i'm calling soul tar so soul tar Is this, uh, is basically AI fused with, um, it's, it's an AI, it's a, it's an AI fortune teller. All right. So I'm building it on the blockchain and I'm, and I'm programming the AI with quantum foundations.

So basically like the AI is the, is the embodiment of myself, but just with all of the wisdom and all of the knowledge of myself. So it's kind of like, it has all the energetics of myself. But it has all the wisdom so I can use myself essentially to teach myself about how to become a better version of myself Also, I can teach other people, you know, um how to become the best versions of themselves as well.

So, um so it's it's a mix between ai and spirituality and quantum foundations and blockchain right and so you can find me at at ask soltar Uh, that's my twitter handle. Um, or you can my my twitter handle is at psychic gambler on twitter So you can find me there as well Um, we'll have ask sultar. com out as well and you can interact you'll be able to interact with our live fortune telling Um sultar as well.

And um, and we're also launching a meme coin Um, yeah, exactly a meme coin. And so I I know

Rob Valincius: It's the, hey man, it's the rage these days,

Preston Lee: it's it's the rave but what are I want people to know that the intention? It's really not to, you know, like pump your bags or anything. The intention is to bring a new kind of energy into the space.

The intention is to really find trust and transparency and bring people together through collaboration. It's to empower the individual. It's to empower, um, collectives. It's to empower good intentions, right? And so the, and so yes, we're going to launch maybe in a couple weeks, but you know, you follow our socials, um, to, to kind of get updates on that.

Rob Valincius: that's cool, man.

Preston Lee: going to be absolutely fun. And you know, I

Rob Valincius: What, what, uh, blockchain, Sol, ETH?

Preston Lee: so we're gonna launch on soul.

Rob Valincius: Yeah, it's the, that's, that's the way to go these days. It seems like that's, uh, did you see the one, uh, that launched today? Um, I think it was Sol, um, the, the guy that created, uh, Venmo

Preston Lee: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I saw that actually. Yeah

Rob Valincius: And, and someone put five grand in and made a million bucks because it, it skyrocketed to like, it was like 130, uh, it was 130 million.

I don't know. It was, it went like parabolic, you know, and people were making vast amounts of money, but, you know, I think, um, I think the, the crypto space is definitely a space that needs more positivity. So it's good. You're, you know, you're, you're putting that out there because there's a lot of people that, yeah.

Lose a lot of money, man. And, uh, it's kind of another form of gambling. Uh, just, you know, legal gambling to a certain degree. Um, I love crypto. I've been doing it now since, uh, for five years, actually, almost. So, uh, I've learned some lessons in my

Preston Lee: Haven't we all for sure.

Rob Valincius: Uh, but the best one I got was I put, uh, 50 bucks in a Pepe when it was just no, no one had it.

And I think it's worth like a grand right now. It's like best investment I probably have ever made. Uh, but I'm gonna hold man, we're still in a good market. So, um, this, this time around though, I will sell. I didn't the first bear, the first bull market. I didn't, I, I actually bought Like probably when it was like 80 percent to the top and I could have still made 10 grand 20 grand and then I dipped all the way down to, like, less, probably a little less than my initial, uh, investment.

And now, now I'm, you know, back, way back up. So, but I, I also, I DCA'd my bags when it was the bear market. So I doubled up on everything very cheaply. So I'm, you know, I tried to do it smart after I did it kind of stupid. But you, those are the lessons you learn when you do

Preston Lee: Oh, absolutely. And I think that's a really important lesson for those at home, you know, to recognize that look. Like there's, there's all of these kinds of crazy things going on in crypto and not to get greedy, right. Even with my own project, Hey, if you're up a lot of money that, and you're getting uncomfortable and you're like, Hey, that's, you know, like, like that, that's a lot of money I could buy something or I can give, you know, I can buy my kids something, I can buy my wife something, then do it, you know, absolutely do it, right.

Because what are you going to do? You're going to live in regret, like, or are you going to, you know, everything has an up and down, right. We're trying to build solid foundations here, you know, and I want that. You know, everybody to, you know, kind of get over that, that gambling addiction kind of mindset and, and, you know, really, you know, think about like, okay, like, this is, I'm happy with this, you know, I'm happy with this a hundred dollars that I made, you know, and, and, and, you know, and there's no need to be greedy.

Rob Valincius: yeah, I'm in it. I'm in a, uh, I don't know if you like Pokemon,

Preston Lee: Oh, I love

Rob Valincius: but, uh, I got, I got recently got into Buying it again and uh, cause it's fucking tick tock, fucking tick tock kills me. Um, but I haven't collected since 99, you know, when it 97, whenever, when it first came out. So, uh, it's been a wild ride. I've been doing it for like about a month now, a month and a half.

But my goal at the end of the day is to, I, I, I already have it attached to my LLC. Uh, but I want to do a collectibles business. So that's, that's my, my thing. I, I graded my first couple of cards, so that should be pretty cool. Um. And, uh, I just, I don't know, there's, it's kind of gambling, when you open it.

When you rip a pack, dude, it's, it's, it's gambling.

Preston Lee: that then, and yeah, that brings me back to the childhood days because I love Pokemon. Like when I was like 10 years old, I started buying like boxes of Pokemon cards and just like selling them in my middle school. Oh man, I was a little entrepreneur, but, but, um, but yeah, I, I loved it. And so,

Rob Valincius: it's, it's crazy now dude. And like people, the market is insane. It is so crazy. It is, it reminds me of crypto slash like investments. It's, it's wild, the

Preston Lee: yeah, absolutely.

Rob Valincius: Uh, but that's, that's my endeavor. We'll see if it comes to fruition. Um, listen, it was, it was awesome having you on dude.

This, this was probably the, the most fun I've had in a little while doing this. So I appreciate you and uh, you exerting some of that energy out. Um, hopefully, um, you know, when my dad listens to this, uh, I think it'll, it'll make his, his day. So maybe his year. So I appreciate you doing that for him. Um, My podcast is Drink Clock Pod on all socials, uh, drink Clock podcast, wherever you listen to podcasts.

This is now an official governmently official podcast. By the way, if I finally pulled the trigger on that as well, I have a, a base LLC, I just, I, I haven't done any of my DBAs, so I'm like, all right, I'll pull the trigger. Um, and, uh, so, so we're officially official. So, uh, thank you government. Um, and uh, yeah, look, this will be up shortly, man.

So, um, thanks again and uh, you have a great night.

Preston Lee: Thank you.

Outro Music 

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