Drink O'Clock
Podcast interviewing anyone, and everything, that we find interesting. Drinks may be involved and some shenanigans may be had.
Drink O'Clock
Rye Voss
Rye is the host of the podcast Codega's Codex of Curiosities, a podcast and show about aliens, UFOs, Cryptids, the paranormal, and other high strangeness. We get into the afterlife, aliens, and our otherworldly experiences in our lives. You can find all of his content below:
Intro Song
Rob Valincius: We're fucking live, man. I gotta say, I love your background, brother. Your background, you're showing me up. Now, I get made fun of a lot, so I have a lot of podcaster friends now. I've been doing this a while, and you know, they always make fun of me, given that I have a green screen, but I never put
Rye: yeah, I I I saw that you had a green screen and I was waiting for something to pop up but No, it,
Rob Valincius: I don't do it. And I, I feel like it adds to the, to the funniness of having the green screen. Um, and I'm surprised no one's put dicks around me. At all. All the videos I've done, there's never been a dick. So I'm, I'm happy about it. I'll take it. Um, anyway, this is the Drink The Clock Podcast.
I'm your host, Rob Valincius. And I have the pleasure of having Rye with me. Now, Rye, you're the host of the podcast. Codex of curiosities, which, uh, when you reached out, uh, I was super intrigued. I checked out your show. Uh, I fucking love what you got going on, man. Welcome to the podcast.
Rye: appreciate that. Yeah. Yeah. It's, uh, it's, it's something that I, I've always been curious about like the weird, strange, paranormal cryptid kind of stuff, you know, uh, possibly lost history, a little bit of everything. And I'm, I'm open to it all because I feel like I'm still like a kid in a candy shop with it all.
It's like, I want, I want to learn more about this. I want to learn more about this, but there's so much out there. So what a better, what not a better way than to have a podcast where people come and tell me. All this stuff, you know, I sit there and I listen to all these amazing stories.
Rob Valincius: Yeah. I mean, look, dude, I, so this is episode one Oh five for me, I think, I think that's where we hit, um, And I've had some, some people on that were not just, they were either, uh, conspiracy theorists, uh, people that were abducted by aliens, uh, people that are in contact with ghosts and spirits. I've, you know, I've, I've, I've dabbled in a little bit of everything and those shows tend to be the ones that I'm fascinated by the most.
Um, and I'll tell you, I love conspiracy theories. I'm, I'm all into that shit. Um, I believe in the paranormal, the supernatural, aliens, all of it. All of it. I believe in all of it. Um, so when I get someone that's on, that's, that's like bringing up experiences, it just, I could probably talk for like three hours.
And I know that like, like in the world we live in, um, a three hour podcast. And that's what I started with. I would do like Two, three hour podcast. No one really wants to go that long. Now your podcast might be a little different because you're like, you have like stories and feature sets and shit. You like, you know, you could probably go seven hours on, on random topics, right?
Rye: I, I really
Rob Valincius: Or longer.
Rye: I really could, but you know, I, I start to burn out around the two and a half, three hour mark and I'm like, and I'm done. And it, and it's time to time to go. But you know, like some of the guests that I have on, they could continue to talk. And again, I don't have an issue with it, but they could go on and on.
Sometimes I'm like, we, we, we got to cut it, but let's have you back on, you know, in the future, because I, I, I just, I just get burnt out. You know, I've been on all day, you know, I do online work. I work from home, like online all day. And then in the evenings, then I'm doing, uh, doing the show. And it's just like, okay, I, I'm losing, I'm, I'm losing my, uh, um, sense of, a sense of being almost in a way.
So, I, I need to pay attention, I need to be on top of this stuff, so let's, let's bring it back another day.
Rob Valincius: lot of people don't understand too. Cause like when you're in front of a camera. Like you gotta be on. Right? Like you have to be, you have to be present. And uh, especially if your life revolves around the internet. Like if that's what you do for a living. It does make it. And it's weird because people are like, You know, you have the guys, the trolls in the comments.
Where they're like, Oh you do, that's your job. Like oh man. But no, you don't understand. Do it. Like, it drains you. And, uh, I was just telling my fiancé. So, like, I had two podcasts booked today. I was gonna, I was actually interviewing, I don't interview family, but one of my family members was, I was gonna interview.
And, uh, he got sick. Dude, everyone's getting fucking sick around here. It's, like, literally absurd the amount of, whatever, I don't know if it's flu,
Rye: Could be that fog, it could be that bacteria fog that's uh, floating around, you know, that uh, powder fog or whatever the hell that is.
Rob Valincius: Dude, I fucking died. Like, so, like, on Friday, like, it hit me at, like, two o'clock. I'm sitting in my office, I work in an office, I'm sitting there and I'm like, bro, I feel dead. It felt like, like, you know, I knew I was getting sick because like my joints, my elbows were hurting. You know like I just like we're fucking doing curls with my arms And I'm like what the fuck is this and then my back started to feel sore And I'm like where the fuck is this coming from I get home dude.
I'm under the covers You know the wife he's looking me like dude. Are you okay? I had a hundred and one It was almost a hundred and two degree fever, and I died for like 15 hours. I just literally went to bed, and I live in Northeast Philadelphia, so I don't know if, because I was going to bring it up, the fucking plane crashed, I heard the fucking, I heard the explosion, that happened like 10 minutes from my
Rye: No way.
Rob Valincius: yeah, and uh, so I heard a loud bang, and like, you know, when you're in Philly, you hear noises, dude, so I just assumed it was like something stupid, like someone was You know, uh, pickin up their trash and they drop the fuckin dumpster or somethin you know?
Um, and I'm like, in bed, like, under the covers. Like, fuckin dying. And the next day, I I probably got up at like 11, 12 o'clock and I was sore, it felt like I li like, lifted weights. But I was okay, like I wasn't like, dead, like it was a weird, and I tested myself, it wasn't COVID, which I've had, even though I got fucking vaccinated, which I didn't want to, by the way.
Um, I got
Rye: won't even get in there. I won't even go there.
Rob Valincius: I got vaccinated, so, I got vaccinated because we wanted to travel, we wanted to go to Punta Cana, and at the time, you couldn't travel. Without getting vaccinated. And, uh, you know, I waited about a year after the vaccine came out, which still wasn't enough time. Um, and I knew, dude, I'm telling you, ever since I got the vaccine, I have heart palpitations, never had heart palpitations in my entire life.
Been super healthy. Get them all the time. I get it all the time now
Rye: And,
Rob Valincius: and I look at my watch and my heart rate is normal on my watch and I tell the doctor and they do EKGs and my heart rate's normal. I'm telling you my heart rate. It's like it's like stutters and it's never done that ever. But it happened right after I got the vaccine.
Rye: that, that, that stinks, man. I know, I know there was, there was a lot of people who were, I would say coerced because that's exactly what you were. I wanted to travel. Well, I can't, I can't, I can't go unless I take this. So that's it. That's coercion, you know, saying you can't do something unless you do this.
Um, but yeah, it, uh, yeah. I, I didn't, I didn't partake in, in that
Rob Valincius: good for you. I don't trust it. I still don't trust it. They fucked me up. I'm sure and um, I'm not going to take any of the fucking 17 boosters. Not doing any of that
Rye: decathlon, the Megatron, the, you know, yeah,
Rob Valincius: I did my two and that's it, you know, and I shouldn't even did that dude. I was out prime covid never got sick. Not one time. I never had any issues. The moment we got that shot. I got sick. The moment I got the shot a month later is when I actually got COVID. A month after I got the shot!
Rye: exactly what happens, man. Everybody that I know who got the shot got sick and it's like they're, they're claimed that it's safe and effective. Well, that's not effective. Absolutely not. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: You need five years to work on that shit, bro. Not six
Rye: Minimum minimum. Yeah, exactly. That's it. That's exactly it. And yeah, I don't want to get too far into that because I know that is probably that's a topic I don't mind going in.
But I know a lot of people don't. A lot of people don't.
Rob Valincius: Well, there's, it, you know what, because they don't want to feel stupid for making a decision. That the government said, you know, everything's healthy, but it's the same thing with, uh, do you believe the fucking, you know, the food and drug administration? You shouldn't cause half the food we eat, actually more than half the food we eat is toxic here.
Rye: I amen.
Rob Valincius: about this before.
Rye: totally agree. Like, like, okay, you cross the border, you go north to Canada, you know, let's talk fruit loops, you know, how many dyes do they use, you know, like that they use that red five and, and all these cancer causing dyes. And in Canada, what did they use? They use natural fruit to, to dye fruit loops.
Okay. Which seems okay. That that's reasonable, but they still won't even change it in, in, in the US. You can get all these, all these types of fruit dyes that will cause cancer and all this other crap. But yeah, and this is what we're, you know, you're raising your children on this kind of stuff. And you, you, you're assuming that these associations.
Are, are looking out for your best interest, but no, they're, they're looking out for their bank accounts because they're, they're just getting, uh, they're getting paid, um, to, to pass things, which is what's happening.
Rob Valincius: I, and it's funny you mentioned Fruit Loops because I saw, um, I saw a Tik Tok and I was going to talk about this of a guy that was eating Fruit Loops from Canada. I don't know if you saw this, and Fruit Loops from America, and the Fruit Loops from America looked way better because it was all these crazy colors, and the Fruit Loops from Canada was very, like, bland.
So we did a blind taste test of each one, and it's like, oh, this is delicious, this is amazing, and it turned out it was the fucking Canadian version, where they just used all natural juices. To flavor the Froot Loops. Doesn't look as
Rye: Exactly. They, they, yeah. They, they look like a dull version. Like, and I know that personally, like they have this dull look to them, almost like this powdery, kind of like whiteish look to them almost like, you know, like they're, they're, you know, purple and, but it's this like, I don't know, washed out.
That's, that's what I like to washed out colors is exactly what it looks like. So it doesn't look amazing. But it tastes good
Rob Valincius: But, uh, and look, you know what? If you got, if everyone listening to this wants to, you know, be part of the, the crowd, go for it, man. One thing I've learned is I don't trust fucking nobody. I don't trust the government. I don't trust the doctors. Half the times doctors say shit, they have no fucking clue.
What they're talking about, you know, and, um, you know, he called me a conspiracy theorist, call me whatever the fuck you want. I I've come to a point in my life. I'm, uh, you know, I'll be 39 this year and I'm pushing the 40 mark where. I just don't trust any of these motherfuckers. No, anything that they say or do, it's for money.
They put you on pills because they get paid for it. The pills, they make tons of money. So like, it's like, and then the government is being lobbied by the people that make the pills. So like, you're the one that's paying the price, and everyone else is getting paid. Which is just so fucked
Rye: I'm going to say this, like, so I have some friends, some other fellow podcasters who brag about the drugs that they're on. Oh yeah, I'm taking this and you know, um, like one for one guy was doing one for high blood pressure. I'm like, Oh, well, then you have high blood pressure. No, it runs in the family.
So I'm just, I'm just taking it for as a precaution. What kind of mentality it was like this badge of honor that like they knew their drug names. I've never known like I know penicillin, you know, and, and, and that's about it, but it's crazy and, and when you're talking, uh, doctors don't know anything they don't, and, and this is something where, where they're like, oh, trust, trust the doctors going back to vaccines, because this is a hot topic, my good friend.
Is a doctor and he is aware of every, of all the bullshit that's going on. And I asked him, how long do you study vaccines for? I really want to know this question because like you are the arbiter of, of the truth to all these people. And he's like, if you're lucky, there's only one day out of the whole.
time that you take that you're in medical school and med school that you learn about vaccines and all you learn about is just the schedule that you need to administer them. He says the rest of the information comes after, but that is by the salesman who are selling you the vaccine. So as a salesman, are you going to say this is not safe and it's not effective?
Of course you're gonna say it's safe and effective and any type of side effects are minimal. They're not going to go into it. So when you know when When we say, when you're saying, I don't trust anybody, thank God that that is where we all have to start. Don't trust anybody and look for yourself. Like we've all become lazy.
We will, we all want everything, you know, it's like scroll on Tik TOK and just feed me my information. I'm too lazy to go look for it myself. Um, and Hey. I'm just as guilty of that. You know, there's many times where I sit there. I'm like, Oh, this is just easier. I'm
Rob Valincius: Doomscroll, you know?
Rye: just going to sit there instead of actually going to look into something.
But when I look into something, man, that is a dark, deep rabbit hole that if anybody wants to get into it, my, my, my, my first suggestion is Dell big tree from the high wire. That is the person who will start to give you the truth. And even he says, don't trust me. Here's all the science. Like he provides you with all the science.
And he says, Go look for it yourself. He'll tell you what the science says. But again, he says, I provide you with every single paper, every single information, piece of information. You go look for it yourself. And I could not agree more with that. Like when, when people tell me stuff, I, I do get caught up sometimes.
I'm like, Oh, that sounds awesome. But you know, it's up to us to, to go look into things ourselves, you know, and, and not rely on other people. And when we're talking conspiracy stuff. Like that Q, I don't know if you know much about Q, but for me, the QAnon, the QAnon,
Rob Valincius: Yeah, yeah
Rye: bullshit, um, it's, like, everybody believes that it is this most, like, the people who follow it, or who did follow it, believed it was the most amazing thing, and I got caught up a little bit, oh, this sounds so great, but, All they kept doing was prolonging things.
Oh yeah, it's going to happen. Trust the plan. Trust the plan. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. This is happening. People are in Guantanamo Bay, you know, getting executed and all this other stuff. Zero proof at all. Just the key was, in my opinion, this was a psyop to get people to sit on the couch and do absolutely nothing.
Instead of, instead of doing stuff for yourself, they told you trust the plan. You know, stay the course, trust the plan. What does that mean? That means just sit down. Don't do anything. Don't do anything to sit there. How great is that for, let's say a government agency or someone who's trying to control the direction of, you know, of a, of a country of a nation.
And if you, if you can get people who were, would work against you to sit down and just like wait for the next, you know. Yes, isn't that? Is it in the big? And don't don't get me wrong. There were some truth pieces to it, but I believe every good psyop has to have that because you need to keep the people going.
Like if it was just bullshit after bullshit after bullshit continuously with nothing actually happening, um, you would lose a lot of people. But if you give them one out of maybe 20 or maybe even 10 or 15, you know, people will stick by and they'll be like, Okay. Okay. I'm just going to sit here and, and you got some people hook, line and sinker and, and like I said, in the beginning, I was like, Oh, this sounds interesting.
I watched that, uh, um, Q and on, um, I forget what it was called, but it was a documentary and it, and it looked great. It looked great. And everything was trust the plan, you know, where we go one, we go all and like, yeah, and it was all this rah, rah, rah, nothing. Happened. And it was kind of like, you know, after like the seventh or eighth disappointment, like that's it, I'm done.
And, uh, I just still have friends that were still like following it, hook, hook, line and sink. And I'm like, come on, man, you know, this isn't what you think it is.
Rob Valincius: Well, I mean look at um, we brought up doctors, right? And you know, we're gonna talk about you because I want to get into you but you know We talked about doctors,
Rye: I'm no doctor.
Rob Valincius: concept. It's what's the same concept of blindly following things like Rockefeller is the one that created all of the, the fucking doctor textbooks in what, the 40s or 50s, I
Rye: Uh, even earlier than that.
Rob Valincius: Maybe the
Rye: Yeah. And, and even not just that they even did the school system. They rewrote all the school system. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: Right? And he, so with the doctors, he got rid of all of the natural medicines because he was trying to push petroleum because he had fucking so much of it that he needed to put that in all the medicine that they would prescribe. And then for schools, he changed all the criteria because they wanted factory workers.
So shit that you learn in school that you're like, why the fuck am I learning this instead of learning how to Control my debt with credit cards and, you know, um, I don't know, maybe, um, think for myself, none. You learn none of those things in, in fucking school because they just want you to be A, A, a, a, B, A factory B.
And, um, you know, people blindly, like they blindly follow and trust all those things and it's, all of it is total and utter. Bullshit.
Rye: Oh, like, I agree. The hardest part is unlearning all that. Like if you went to school, um, you know, is trying to unlearn all of that and to rewire your brain so that you can think independently. It's difficult because even for myself, you know, like I try to think that sometimes I'm an independent thinker, but many times there's me following the masses again, you know, and doing whatever, you know, being a good worker B is exactly what it is.
And, uh, yeah. You were saying about like, so with the, with rewriting the school, um, all the school curriculum, another thing they did is by doing that, you can actually change history by rewriting the books and telling children, training them a certain way. The only. The only way to rewrite history, like the, the only thing you're up against is one generation, you get past one generation.
So if you teach all these children, this new history, and you, their parents know it's something else. It's just one generation, you know, they move on, and then the next one's learn it, the next one's learn it, and the next one's learn it. There are some people who still, you know, grasp and hold on to the authentic history.
But For most part, it's gone, you know, to the victor goes to spoils kind of thing. You know, the, they are the ones who write the history and it's crazy.
Rob Valincius: It's wild. I've seen a lot of stuff about Hitler lately. Where you have a lot of people that are like, Hitler, um, They think he's, I guess, I guess, what's the best way to put it? That he was brilliant. In all of his stuff. And, uh,
Rye: That's a tough
Rob Valincius: throw out some stuff. And it's tough because, right, he caused mass genocide, right?
And he did a lot of crazy fucking shit because he was Well, for starters, he was high on cocaine, er, meth, basically. 99 percent of the time he was fuhrer. But, um, which I read, um Uh, what book is that? Uh, oh god, it's the book, uh, Joe Rogan had them on his podcast. Uh, fascinating book! If you're, if you're into history.
Uh, I'll tell you, hold on. This is gonna, it'll, it'll drive me nuts. I, don't mind me,
Rye: No, no, no problem. And then, you know what? I, I, I totally believe that Hitler survived. I believe Hitler was living in Argentina. Um, too much information pointing that way that he escaped to Argentina. Way too much
Rob Valincius: lot of, uh, blonde haired, blue eyed people in
Rye: one hundred percent. Yeah. Extremely.
Rob Valincius: The book is called, if you get, if you're into history, read Blitzt, uh, by Norman Oller. Um, it is a fascinating story about, you know, um, how Blitzkrieg was started. Basically a lot about, um, Hitler's, uh, doctor. And, uh, you know, what he did to kind of orchestrate and, you know, um, basically fucking drug Hitler the whole time.
And, uh, how the entire country of Germany was on meth, um, I can't fucking remember the name of the drug that they had it on, but it was just a pill that was just basically, it was meth, literally. Um, and, uh, he talked about how, you know, um, the army was just that much smarter and cunning, you know, in the beginning. You know, you're just feeding the fucking army meth. Uh, but it's wild because you learn about a lot of the companies like Merck, and some of these other companies that are big time drug companies. Like, did you know Bayer, uh, created heroin?
Rye: I do. I do. You could buy it in a bottle. You could buy it in a bottle a long, long time ago.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, so Bear created heroin, um, and a lot of those major drug companies, Merck, Bear, um, people that you trust now with your fucking Advil and shit, were the biggest drug peddlers.
In the whole world, right? For heroin, cocaine, meth. Like shit, you know, before it was made illegal. They were the biggest drug peddlers. In the world. They created all this shit. Um,
Rye: and, and this is the thing is they're not in the business to cure you. They're in the business to treat you for the rest of your life. So like once a customer, they don't want to lose you as a customer. So just think of that. If you're taking that next pill, you know, and this is the crazy thing. I used to pop Advil like, like it was a candy, you know, I'd have headaches all the time.
And I, I'm finally like, I gotta, I gotta quit this. So like, I would say almost every day I was taking Advil or every other day I was taking Advil. I'm like, I gotta stop this. So when I finally cut myself off, and that's kind of, it sounds funny. It wasn't like I was addicted, but I was like, fuck, I got, I got a headache.
I'm going to take Advil again. And so when I cut myself off, my headaches intensified for about a week to two weeks. Thank God, never a headache, like every now and then I'll get a random headache, but never like it was, it was, in my opinion, my, the Advil that was taken for the headaches was in turn causing my body to, uh, you know, I would have more
Rob Valincius: Induce it. Yeah, that's wild. Um, so, so, alright, let's talk about you, man. Um, talk to me a little bit about growing up. Um, what made you gravitate towards the paranormal
Rye: a weird kid.
Rob Valincius: obviously everyone's got their own, everyone's got their own stories,
Rye: I was the weird kid. That's the best way to best way to describe it. You know, it was, but I wasn't like the smelly weird kid and shit like that, you know, that never showered and stuff like that. But it was.
Rob Valincius: UFOs and painting his face and shit.
Rye: it was, it was because I, I, I had weird, I wasn't the guy listened to Klingon on, on, on the ghetto blaster, you know, I, I went to school with a guy who at lunchtime had this ghetto blaster, like this old school ghetto blaster, listening how to speak Klingon during lunch hours.
And that was, but okay, but myself,
Rob Valincius: That's
Rye: I, um, I, I just had weird experiences.
Rob Valincius: to find that guy. We need to
Rye: Steven Bradshaw, I still remember his name to this day, Steven Bradshaw. He'll I'll,
Rob Valincius: Stephen Bradshaw, you're listening to this. We hope that you can speak fluent
Rye: he was in high school, he was telling us that when he finished, he was going to build, um, Starship Enterprise. And then he, he realized there's not enough titanium in the world to do that.
So then he's going to build a warp engine for his car. Um, which amazing, you know, those are the kinds of characters that I would love to, you know, just
Rob Valincius: Get on the podcast.
Rye: What is going on with you now, man? What do you, did you travel anywhere? What's going on? Yeah.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, do you have a fucking warp drive, bro? Talk to me.
Rye: So, so for me, it wasn't like I was weird like that. It was weird that I had these weird experiences. So one of my first real memorable experiences when I was in grade four, I was running this race for this. Um, it was called this, it was called the Canada fitness challenge because in, uh, in Canada, we had this Canada fitness challenge yet to do running.
You had to do like pushups and sit ups in certain amount of time and a certain amount. So I was doing this running race and I wanted to get the excellence badge because you know, I wanted to be a good little worker bee and do the best I can. So, um, I was running the race and there was some kids that were a little faster in front of me and we're almost at the finish line.
And I was like, the hell I'm going to lose this. So I, I pushed it as hard as I could for. You know, probably 10 year, I was 10 year old, 10, 10 years old or nine years old. Um, I'm like, I'm going to push it as hard as I can. And when I did that, I shot out of my body, which sounds absolutely crazy. So I was about 15.
15, 20 feet up in the air looking down. Okay. And I'm looking at everybody running in front of me. And then I see myself just, you know, about five, five paces or five steps behind everybody else. I see myself. And as soon as that happens, I'm like back into my body and I finished the race. And as soon as I, yeah.
And as soon as I finish. I have no filter. I just start telling people, guess what happened? This happened. And that's when I started being dubbed, you know, the weird kid. Uh,
Rob Valincius: weird
Rye: yeah, yeah. So I had these weird experiences. Um, so that, that was a memorable,
Rob Valincius: you win?
Rye: I, well, I got the excellence badge. I made it
Rob Valincius: Nice! Alright, alright, alright.
Rye: I didn't pass those kids, but those kids were all within the time limit to make it, uh, in the excellence. So yeah, I'm, that was, that was
Rob Valincius: Good for you, man. Good for you.
Rye: Yes. Be a good worker. Be making, making the, you know, getting exercise. Uh, so,
Rob Valincius: That's
Rye: so that was it. And then growing up, I, I'm positive. Like we, we built this one house and there was so many.
Paranormal experiences going on in that house that it was just ridiculous. Uh, like my mom was seeing stuff. I saw stuff. And so, so when we were talking about me, it would be that I've had numerous experiences throughout my life that kind of, and I was always interested, you know, like one of my first real interest was like the Bermuda Triangle or the Loch Ness Monster.
I was just. That that was my thing. That was my jive. And so that that that's what I wanted. And I was like, I want to know more. And whenever there was any shows that came out, you know, unsolved mysteries, I ate that up, you know, and it was Robert stack. That guy was legend. Um, but that that's kind of where it was.
But there was one incident that was I would say would be my defining moment. And this one put me on this trajectory, this path. And it was I was around the age of 18 years old, 17 or 18 years old. And I had just come home from a friend's house. We weren't drinking enough. And it was, it was at the time when you could rent video game consoles from like Blockbuster and whatnot.
So yeah, none of us could afford one, but we could rent one. And so we had rented one and, uh, it was, it was over at my friend's place and we're playing and, and I had to work in the morning. So my friends drove me home and I. I remember, and I always say this when I tell this story, but that night, the Northern Lights, or the Aurora Borealis, were out in full force.
And I remember sitting outside after they dropped me off and looking up, because we, we lived on a little farm, and I was looking up at the sky, and it was just amazing seeing these things dancing. I'm like, well, I got to work early in the morning, so I better, I better get my butt up to bed. So I'm laying in,
Rob Valincius: I'd love to see those, man. I'd love to see those. It's probably a fucking cool
Rye: It is, it is, it, I think I took it for granted because it, like, I don't want to say it was common, but it was common enough that, you know, you enjoyed it, but, oh,
Rob Valincius: You're not seeing that shit in
Rye: you are not, that's
Rob Valincius: But it's 95
Rye: it's
Rob Valincius: so it's, you know,
Rye: I'm not complaining, right, I'm not complaining right now, when it hits 110, then I'll start complaining, which will be in about two months, so, but yeah, so I, I went to bed and I'm, I'm laying there in bed and doing that clock watching thing where you're like, wow, I fall asleep right now, I'm gonna have seven hours and 43 minutes of sleep.
And then it's like, okay, seven hours and 13 minutes and six hours and 58 minutes. So I'm doing that. I, I can't fall asleep. I'm just watching the damn clock. And now this is the strange part, and some people have claimed that, oh, you had a sleep paralysis, which I don't believe so because. I was in control of my body to do what I did.
So it was as if I got a message and this, this is strange. It wasn't like someone was like talking to me in my mind or, or someone was whispering my ear, but I just got like this urge or this message to like, look up. And so I rolled onto my back and I looked straight up and floating above me about three and a half feet above me was this, um, apparition of sorts, this shadow, and I could see the head.
Perfectly formed head. Then I could see the neck work curves in with the neck and the shoulders. Um, it went down to the torso. Now, now this thing was when I said shadow, it was blacker than black. So it's at nighttime, though. It's not completely like completely dark, dark in the bedroom, but it's dark enough.
But Like this thing is sucking in any light. Like it's. It's blacker than black. That's all I can say. Now, when it got around the torso area, around the waist, it faded off into this white, wispy smoke, like very Hollywood esque, this is what a ghost will look like with these white, wispy smoke. Well, that's exactly what it kind of looked like around the waist.
So I could not see legs or nothing. It was just this white, wispy smoke. I did not see any hands. The hands, the arms were by the side. Like I can see the arms going by the side, but it went, when it went past that point, it was as if it was as if it had come through like a doorway and half of it was through the doorway.
Now that's scary on its own, but what was the scariest part was the eyes. And now these eyes were a. And I've heard someone else describe this just today, actually maraschino cherries is about the side of maraschino cherries and the same color, but like glowing like an incandescent glow to these eyes, not like spotlight shooting out, but these eyes were glowing.
They were a red Yes,
Rob Valincius: That would
Rye: exactly. And that's when people were like, Oh, you had sleep paralysis because you couldn't move. And I say, well, I couldn't move because I was scared shitless. You know, you, you have the, you have the fight flight or freeze. So everybody forgets the freeze part where people just.
Don't move, you know, babe, I'm not going to move for me. It wasn't like, it's not going to, if I don't move, it's not going to see me. No, for me, it was like, I can't move. Cause I'm so scared. Um, and so this went on for a couple of seconds and it just went, just gone like that now. I don't know how long I laid there because I did not fall asleep.
I don't know how long I laid there. The next thing I know, I was waking up in the morning with my alarm clock going off for work. And, and this is something that I kept to myself for years. I, I didn't tell next to nobody, you know. It was because it was very traumatic. It was very scary. It was something that no one else should experience.
And, you know, now that I'm at this, this point in my life. Oh yeah, I tell everybody because It's a, it's a damn cool story. But also what it does is it opens the door for other people who are like. Oh, I, I, I saw something when I was younger. I saw something, you know, a couple of years ago and it, it could be something different.
It could be something the same, but what it does is opens the door and allows people to see that I'm not crazy. You're not crazy because we've all experienced something that is beyond explanation. You know, it's beyond crazy. Like people will just call you crazy, but you're not, you know, there really is something else out there.
There really is. And there's explanations for these things. Um, and, and that's. That's kind of my journey that I'm on. So, you know, like I, I, the full name of my show is Codega's Codex of Curiosities and Codega was a, um, a person, it was a profession from the 14th, 15th and 16th century who would guide people in Venice with a lantern through the dark streets, and he would protect them from.
Criminals and thieves and ghosts and demons. And along the way he would tell them a story and give them the courage and, you know, and provide protection and guide them to their destination. So that is kind of what I feel that I am doing. It's not like I'm a hero or nothing. I'm just helping people get to their destinations, but I can't, unless you want to come along.
Rob Valincius: That's cool. I mean, look dude, I've had I'll tell you what I dealt with
Rye: Yeah. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: I was younger and I chalked it up as sleep paralysis because that's the first thing you always do, right? But I know it was, it was at night I was laying on my stomach because I was a stomach sleeper when I was younger and I could move my neck and head.
I felt like I couldn't move my body and it could be sleep paralysis because it kind of fits that, but you never really know. Right. Um, and as we just, we, we opened this podcast, we don't trust anything that people say, right? So, um, I'm laying there and. An entity is jumping on my bed and it's, it's, uh, I've, in my head and, and like in my being, I feel like it was a kid.
I don't know. I don't know. Cause I didn't see it. And I could almost feel it giggling, but I didn't hear it giggling. It's hard to explain. Um, but I'm trying to scream and I can't. Um, but it's jumping and I can't, I can't move to see where it is and it's jumping and jumping and I could feel it feeding off of me being scared.
I could feel it. Um, and then I was able to move and it was gone.
Rye: Wow.
Rob Valincius: But I was like, I, I, I still remember it very vividly. And my brother had the same exact experience.
Rye: In the same house.
Rob Valincius: in the same house.
Rye: Cool.
Rob Valincius: So, to me, I feel like there, it wasn't sleep paralysis. I feel like it was an entity or a being just fucking with me.
Because they love to feed, especially if it's an evil being, they love to feed off of that fear. You know, because I couldn't open my mouth, I couldn't vocalize, I couldn't move,
Rye: well, well, technically it. And I said, you know, some people say it's sleep paralysis, they're almost, it's almost a blur between what is sleep paralysis, what isn't, because sleep paralysis is still being haunted by an entity, but I've interviewed a specific person who has dealt with sleep paralysis all her life, and she actually believes it's alien abduction, that you are, what you think you're seeing, You're not actually seeing it's what's called a screen memory.
That's put over top of you. It's overlaid onto you. And if you look around the room, if you're able to, cause usually you can look around, there'll be something that is not quite right. Maybe the window is not center of the, of the wall. It's just over this way. Like they always mess something up and it's, it's called the, they come out at night, I believe that whatever it's called and Vicki Joyce Smith is her name.
And yeah, she, so she believes that.
Rob Valincius: That would fuck me up, bro. That would fuck me up, listen to that shit, dude. Um, I'm telling you, look, I'm 38. That happened, I was probably 16, 17? So, I mean, if something sticks with you that long, and then I remember telling my brother, I'm like, dude, she's like, dude, that happened to me too! It wasn't the same night, but he's like, that literally happened to me too, and I'm like, alright, there's gotta be something going on, um, where that, just, something was there.
You know, I don't know what it was, um, but something had to have happened and obviously as a, as a person you try to rationalize things, um, but I've, I've begun to understand this as, you know, I feel like when you're in your 30s you start to understand things better, right? It's just like a
Rye: just, you're just starting to, yeah, exactly,
Rob Valincius: Yeah, um, I've started to understand that like you can get things, but you don't have to understand them, for them to exist and something, something happened there and I don't know what it is. And I know if it happened to my brother as well. Um, and he still remembers it like we're five years apart. Like, something fucked with us, and, you know, and I, who fucking knows what it
Rye: It was definitely some sort of demon entity or, or thing that was, that was messing with you and feeding off your, uh, as one person, as there's this whole group of people that will call it loosh. I think that name, I don't like that term, but they'll call it Loosh
Rob Valincius: yeah, it's a little weird.
Rye: so this group of people actually believe that Earth is a, um, is a prison planet and they talk about these entities that will feed off your fear and off the negative emotions.
And though that part of it, I actually believe like, like what you're saying, I don't believe that Earth is a prison planet, but, uh. I do believe that they're feeding off our fear. And, you know, there's a much darker side to that. If we get into that with like, uh, celebrities and everything else, when we start talking about feeding off fear and, uh, that there is something that is, uh, along those lines, but like, this is the thing is that we see like less, not even close to 1 percent of all the visible, like the, um, the visible light is less than 1 percent of all the light spectrum.
Okay. So that means we're only seeing this much. So who's to say that there's not other things coexisting beside us that we just cannot see, you know, we get that weird feeling, that gut feeling. Maybe there's something that's just passed by us that, you know, we are sharing this reality with. It could be millions of other entities that we just don't even see.
And, you know, and speaking of that, like people always laugh at like, uh, Oh, I can feel the vibration. Oh, I, you know, I can feel these frequencies, this frequency of love. And everybody's like, Oh my gosh, that's so terrible. While they use their cell phones and, you know, and listen to their Bluetooth. And I'm like.
Okay, so if you don't believe in those types of frequencies, then what's operating your, you know, it's because you can't see it, right? So what's operating your, your cell phone? What's operating your Bluetooth? You know, if you don't believe in those frequencies and those vibrations and those, uh, signals, then you, that, that shouldn't be working.
This device shouldn't be working. So they, they exist. They, they definitely exist. And I believe that some of these entities. Live in that world where they can manipulate because there's, there's entities that manipulate electronics. If we get into paranormal, there is like, you know, um, electronic, um, interference and, and whatnot, and discrepancies when people go out and they, you know, they, they, they do their ghost hunting and.
It's kind of like, well, how do they do that? Well, they are a, they're in that frequency of being able to affect those that can see it as my, who knows, it might look like these little strings. You can pull on these strings and manipulate these strings of energy that are going by. And that is how they're doing it
Rob Valincius: Yeah, I mean, look, the, um, my last episode, um, that I had on, it was a guy, um, he's a professional poker player. Um, he did really well. He made hundreds of thousands of dollars playing poker in Vegas. Because he also, like, had a ability to speak with, um, Spirit slash, um, look, so I bring this up. Because I don't know what your view of the afterlife is, okay?
I'll tell you mine, you can tell
Rye: for sure.
Rob Valincius: but I, I'm starting to believe that Um, it's not this, there's hell, there's heaven, and then there's earth. I'm starting to believe, and I've read books, and I've, I've, I've interviewed people Where You know, Earth is Earth, this is where we are physically, and, uh, you're here for a mission, or you have a duty, and you have no idea what the fuck that is, and you either do it or you don't, and you die, and then you get to review your life.
Right? You go up to this other dimension or this other realm and you have other spirits or beings that are kind of like your guides or that have leveled up to a certain degree where they are, they've been around for a long time and you know, they, they talk to you about what you did wrong. Um, I think there's penalties for things.
If you kill someone, you come back and your debt is a lot higher. You know, you have a karma debt, um, that's kind of where I am right now. And I, I, I know that that sounds probably weird to a lot of people because it was like, Oh, there's, there's God and this is, there's, there's this and you have to do this and there's heaven in the south.
I kind of don't believe in the heaven and hell thing. Um, I do think that there's, um, something to that and that there's a higher realm, a higher being, um, Uh, and, but the guy that I had on was just, he was talking to me, but he, he, um, he talked about, cause I was telling him I always feel like that there's, I've seen psychics and they've always told me I've had someone around me.
And he reached out to that being and he talked to the being and it, he said it was someone that was on my mom's side of the family. It was a great grandfather that's, that's like around, you know, he visits, um, and then I asked him to talk to, uh, um, my dad, my dad lost his wife and I asked him to talk to her, um, and I saw him go from fine to visibly like upset, almost like crying.
When he connected to her and look, you know, you can say what you want about people being psychics and stuff and not believing what they say, but like I visibly saw him and I'll say this both time he connected to the beings. He, the, uh, my podcast disconnected and reconnected and that's I've done 105 episodes.
That's never happened and I've never had a psychic. Who I've had actively do something on my show never I've never done it I because I always feel like it's like I'm getting something for free. I'm like, I don't know. It's a little weird I'm like, you know, he offered and I was like, you know what? Let's try it right where it's the internet Let's let's see what happens two times that he did it two times.
He disconnected and reconnected like weirdly That's never happened. So And he said some things when he connected to those people that kinda, you know, like, it wasn't, look, I've seen a lot of psychics, right, and they feed off of what you say to
Rye: Yes, yeah, the cold reading, as they would call it,
Rob Valincius: was a little different, it was a little different, and um, I kind of, I kind of believe in that, but what's your thoughts on
Rye: So when it comes to psychics and mediums, I have health, I'm a healthy skeptic. I would say, you know, many times I do believe, you know, there are some that I'm like 100%, they're legit. And there's other times I'm like, uh, You're just full of shit. You know, you're, you're cold reading or, or you believe yourself so much, but you, you're not really doing exactly what you think you're doing.
Um, but yeah, I, I, I believe now, now this is the thing is that doing the podcast that I do when I, I have many technical issues that cannot be explained. Many technical issues. When I talk about certain subjects, I'm not going to talk, I'm not going to mention the subjects, but when you do. Something happens.
I had one guest who I had lined up a couple of times in his just before his, um, his computer motherboard blew on his computer and then it was something else. And then it was something else. And finally, he, he's like, I don't think I'm supposed to talk to you. And he just gave up. And I'm like, Oh man. I'm like that, that usually when some, when that happens, it's a good one.
Because I had one guest who. Multiple cancellations, multiple issues, technical problems. And that episode it's done okay, but it's my favorite. It is by far my favorite episode. Yeah, it's, it's, it's crazy. So I do believe that there is something out there. I do. We believe that we can connect to people on the other side or entities on the other side, though.
I do believe we need to be aware. And I don't know if we really know, um, of who or what I say, what we are connected to on the other side. Now, I'm sure there's, you know, I'm sure there's some malevolent beings on the other side, but there's also malevolent as well. That who, who aren't going to come out and be like, aha, I I'm, I'm evil.
Rob Valincius: bitch! You know, yeah.
Rye: No, they're going to come out being like. I'm your grandma. I'm I'm your, I'm your, you know, mother in law who passed away or something like that, you know, but they'll come out like that because they know, they know what's all been going on. They're able to access all your, your information and then they're going to confuse it.
So that, that's one thing was what I highly advise against is Ouija boards, you know, stay away from Ouija boards, please, for the love of God. You know, I, I used one and before that incident, so I used one about. That incident happened about two years after I used a Ouija board in the house. We used it multiple times, and I really think that things ramped up after the fact.
Um, so, who knows? I just believe that you, you don't know what you're talking to or who you're talking to. And it's actually, it's actually a form of minor possession. And if you wonder how, it's because you're, the planchette is not going to move on its own. You have to put your hands on it to move it, right? So the, the possession happens in your hands. So you're allowing an entity to manipulate your hands and to move your hands into the direction it needs to go. So there is a form of minor possession that is happening when you use the Ouija board. So just be careful.
Rob Valincius: Yeah, I mean, look, dude, I, so, so there's a, um, there's a book, I know I'm giving you, like, I saw you take notes,
Rye: Yeah.
Rob Valincius: you, if you wanna, if you wanna read a book, it's called Many Lives, Many Masters. You can read the, the abridged version. It's by Dr. Brian Weiss.
Rye: I've heard this one before.
Rob Valincius: and, and, that, that fucked me up, that book, because it talks a lot about, um, he was, he's a psychologist, and he was doing hypnotism, and he was, um, working with a client, and she was constantly going into her former lives, and explaining everything up to the point where they died, they could explain when they died, and eventually tapped into the masters, who were these, who were those souls that have, um, they call it gamification, Right?
Where they've leveled up, or, it's basically people, souls that have lived many lives and have, um, reached a certain degree, I guess, of, uh, experience. And, they were saying, they were talking to him through this girl. And, that's the shit that fucked me up. Cause I'm like, there's gotta be a little something to this.
Rye: I agree.
Rob Valincius: and you know what, at this point, right? When you get to a certain point where it's like, you die, you don't fucking know, you know, by the time you do know, it's too late to tell anybody, you know, what's going on. But that book fucked me up. I always tell people like on this podcast, like, check it out. You can listen to the abridged version.
It's two hours on audio book. Um, but it fucked me up a little bit, dude, because
Rye: And when you're,
Rob Valincius: get older.
Rye: go ahead.
Rob Valincius: No, it's just when you get older, you start to think about death a little bit more and what the concept of that is and, uh, that book threw me for a loop because I've, I was born Catholic. Right? Like you, you think heaven, hell, God, you know, the devil, right?
That's, that's what you're taught. But that kind of threw me for the loop that there could be, it could be a whole different structure, you know, when you die
Rye: And, and I, I agree.
Rob Valincius: what your soul
Rye: I, I, I totally agree. Like there was a book that I read, um, called conversations with God. I was born Catholic as well. And that book through me for a loop, because when you, when you said like there's karmic debt, cause you were talking about karmic debt in this book, they're talking about, there isn't karmic debt that throughout our lives.
We need to experience absolutely everything. So. At one point, you're the murderer, the next point, you're the victim, um, you're the saint, you're the sinner, you're everything, you will be everything, uh, you'll just keep reincarnating until you've experienced absolutely everything that has to be experienced, and then you get to move on, and, and that was kind of my my secondary kind of eye opening, um, move away from religion and move into the, um, uh, move into the new age.
And then from the new age, it was over into shamanism. Then from shamanism back into, I wouldn't say Christianity, but back into, you know, my, my search, uh, You know, my, my relationship with God, you know, and it's kind of like I'm approaching it from a different perspective and I don't need a guy on standing on top of a pulpit telling me what's right, what's wrong.
I will do it myself.
Rob Valincius: Yeah. I mean, look, I believe there's a God, what that God is. Thanks. I, I don't know. And I've always been a, um, a scientific person, right? I'll see it when I believe it, you know? Um, but I do think that there's things that That can turn that upside down, right? There's things you, you can't explain.
There's things that obviously no one can explain until they see it. Um, and I think the afterlife is one is obviously it's 100 percent one of those things because you really don't know. Um, and, uh, by the time those things are discovered and, and I've seen accounts, especially with, with the internet now, right?
You know, you see, you see accounts with everything. No one fucking knows, man. You don't know. I don't know. You don't know. I might be wrong. You might be wrong. Maybe fucking Catholicism is right. Maybe Hindus are right. You don't fucking know, dude. I think religion Religion's weird. I think it's a way to control people.
Rye: Yeah, I believe it's been perverted, you know, like, uh, I believe it had its grassroots were of good intention, but then, like, just about every type of good intention movement of sorts, it always gets, uh, um, like, hijacked and perverted and moved into a direction of control.
Rob Valincius: yeah hundred percent. Um, all right. Well, well, let's let's uh, let's hit this topic real quick aliens You got a lot of fucking episodes about aliens
Rye: I, I do.
Rob Valincius: Where do you think? Aliens come from what are aliens?
Rye: so this is, I,
Rob Valincius: Hit
Rye: let's
Rob Valincius: I want the
Rye: Okay, so aliens, in my beginning opinion, were of extraterrestrial. Or so meaning, and I don't mean from outer space, I mean from our earth. Okay. So extra land, extraterrestrial terrestrial means our earth, our land in extra. Okay. So that means extra land. So I believe that there is some sort of break.
There was some sort of breakaway civilization many, many, many, many years ago, and they evolved. Faster and, uh, they're more technological advance, you know, and, and that takes us into Atlantis, but I'm not gonna go there. So that, that is, that is one aspect to it. The other aspect, I actually was something learning of this.
This is something that was new to me and it's like maybe over the past, just over a year, it's kind of like coming to like so many people talking about this, is that aliens are in fact the fallen angels. And the, the, the grays are this, the shell that can be possessed by demons. Now, demons, if people don't know demons, aren't, um, bodies, they aren't like this, this creature that is walking with a pitchfork and, and, and a spike tail and stuff like that.
No demons. are disembodied spirits. Okay. Which takes us into the Nephilim because the Nephilim were the children of the fallen angels. Okay. And if they were killed, their spirits wandered the land for eternity. And those are your disembodied spirits, which are demons. Now these spirits want to inhabit and possess anything.
So the gray aliens are these types of, um, Okay. Like think of the Iron Man suit and, and these disembodied spirits can inhabit them. But that is kind of my belief as to what some of these are. I'm not saying all of them, because if we're saying fallen angels are aliens, so that means, um, angels are aliens as well, because they were one in the same.
So that, that takes us to that. Now, do I believe they're come from, you know, other planets? Sure. But I actually believe that those are possibly what we would call angels. And what we would call, um, the fallen angels as well. Then I, I know I, I'm kind of doing the, the unabridged, you know, like the, the, the, the much shorter version of this, but that, that is what I believe.
Now, if we're going back to the demons, I'm going to tie this back into demons is that why do people get possessed by demons? It is because these demons want to experience what they can't experience anymore. You know, when they are walking the wastelands, when they're out in these wastelands and they're kind of on the other side, like, think of the upside down or when Constantine, when he kind of goes over to the other side, he sees our world, but it's all distorted and burning and fire.
There is nothing alive there. There's no. You know, you can't have a piece of apple pie. You can't have a, um, you know, an ice cream. You, you, you can't smell the flowers. You can't go and have a good lay or something like that because everything is death and destruction. So that is why these entities, these demons want to possess people so that they can experience this again.
So I have believed that there is so many forms of possession. So many people are actually possessed, but they don't even truly know because these, these beings have learned. That if they get found out, they get kicked out. So that is why they, and I'm not saying it's why we have obesity, but I'm saying why there's some addictions, you know, I, I believe addiction sometimes are a form of, of possession as well, but that, that is a whole, like.
You're talking about talking for three hours. I could talk three hours on that. I'm just trying to sum it up as quickly as possible, but yeah, so that's what I believe. I believe that some aliens are, um, a break off civilization from civilizations such as Atlantis and, um, you know, Lemuria as well. And that's why.
The Germans were so gung ho on going to Antarctica to new Schwaben land and to discover that. And then that's why Admiral Byrd after the world war, after world war two went down to, um, Antarctica as well. And. right after he, the first interview after, uh, going to Antarctica, he actually claimed that there was another continent as big as North America that he saw on the other side of Antarctica.
And it wasn't, so that would. mean that the earth is not exactly as shown or as told. So that could be on the other side. And that is why we're not allowed to go there. And then right after that happened, that's when, you know, the Antarctica treaty, when all these countries came together, which is really strange, all these enemy countries, you know, the Russians, you know, China, um, you know, the U S Canada, all these countries came together and agreed that.
This is a, you know, we can't go past this. Uh, we can't go past this parallel. We can't go past, we can't go any further, but we'll have this one secret bait. We're not secret base, but we'll have this one scientific base and we'll appease everybody. And then people say, well, I went to Antarctica though.
There's nothing there. You went to a point of Antarctica. You didn't go past it. So as you can see, I just, I could keep going. I'm like, okay, I'm like often this way. I'm often this way when we're just asking me about UFOs and aliens. So there is, it's not just one thing. I think it is a. multiple faceted, uh, you know, topic that, uh, takes a while to go through.
Rob Valincius: by multiple faceted, do you mean, like, what's your belief in terms of dimensions?
Rye: Unlimited
Rob Valincius: think that some of these aliens are also inter dimensional beings
Rye: 100 percent I do like interdimensional beings exist, and that would explain I've kind of walking away from aliens, but I'm going to the cryptic category like this is all connected. That's why you don't find any Bigfoot. That's why you don't find any dogman because these beings are interdimensional. They go through, um, as my good friend Brad would say, plasma portals.
There's plasma portals that interconnect through the ether to our dimension from these other dimensions. And that is why we cannot find them. You know, one of the telltale signs of these portals opening is a large metallic sound. Okay. So it's like metal grinding on metal and that a lot of people have reported that, and then they see these creatures.
They're like, it sounded like this big, heavy doors, like. Creaking open or slamming open or something like that. And then they see these creatures. So this is, I believe the, you know, we are like the Russian stacking dolls. We're just one on top of the other. Our dimensions are on top of each other, but we don't really know how to access those other dimensions other than our sleep, but these creatures know how to pass through and come into our, into our dimension now.
And this is strictly a theory. This is just me like spit balling, but the longer they stay here. In our dimensions, the more that they have to conform to our physics and to our laws of, uh, like our laws of physics here. So the more real they become and the better chance you can actually have to shoot and kill one.
But as you see, there's been many, many people talking about trying to shoot and kill these, uh, these types of creatures and they just disappear or it doesn't affect them. It's because they haven't been here that long to be able to, to be flesh and blood to be killed. I
Rob Valincius: Well, it's almost like, um, you ever see, uh, The Lake? Was it, I think it was The Lake on, uh, Apple TV? Where No, okay, so you should watch it. If you like, you like M.
Rye: I do. I do.
Rob Valincius: So, so it's a, it's a movie on M, uh, that, that was done by M night where, uh, I'm not going to, I won't spoil it for you. Um, but it's, it's a girl goes missing.
Um, but there's a, um, they go into this lake and there's a point in this lake where they cross over into another plane of existence, but it's, it's, it's, it's almost like a time warp.
Rye: Okay. I love it. I love it. Now.
Rob Valincius: So I know I'm giving you a lot tonight brother, but if I think it's called the lake is that what it
Rye: I'll have to definitely, and so I'll, I'll let you in on a little thing here. So, and this people may say, I am batshit crazy for saying this I've.
Rob Valincius: Not on this podcast bro, I
Rye: I've seen through the other side. Okay. Once I've saw through the other side once where I had, um, so I posted this on Reddit and I got eaten alive.
'cause everyone's like, oh, you had an ocular migraine. You had an ocular migraine. So, uh, Reddit is amazing, but it's also the worst. It, it's like, it's like that, uh, that meme from, uh, Moss Isley from Star Wars, you know, that's the, the hive scum and villainy. You know, this is, this is where you're gonna find his in Moss Isley, which is Reddit.
It's also fantastic. I found some amazing people in there.
Rob Valincius: Oh, I mean, I met some of my best friends from Reddit,
Rye: There we
Rob Valincius: so I can't, I can't lie about it, but yeah, I
Rye: So I described, um, what started out as an ocular migraine. And everybody's like, it's an ocular migraine. It's an ocular migraine. An ocular migraine means that you see kind of like these prisms and these rainbows and these kind of weird lights. That's it. Okay. So it was as if they only read that part of my post.
They didn't read the rest of it. So I was sitting in my car waiting to go into this grocery store. And as I'm about to go in, all of a sudden things start changing. So this is where this people would say it was a binocular migraine. I started seeing like these It would be as if you stared at the sun for too long and then you looked and you start getting like these weird flashes or this.
My best way to describe it was like plasma. I saw like this plasma kind of like this one, it almost is like a triangle on its side and it was coming from one side over here and it was going up and down. And it was these intense, intense colors. Like, I don't want to say it was like these, like one color was kind of modulating, constantly changing.
And it was very intense, very bright. And I was like, Oh my God, what is going on? But I'm like, well, I need my cheese and my bacon. I got to go to the grocery store. So I'm standing in the deli line and. Well, 50 percent of my vision is obscured by this. Now, now I say it's a rip. I saw this rip. So it was this triangle, but I saw through this, in this triangle area is where I started to see something, images started to form in front of me.
And everyone's like, Oh, it's just your mind playing tricks on you. Until I start talking with other people who've seen. On this other side. So what it was, was this barren landscape. It was, and remember when I said, I referenced Constantine, uh, how he went into like hell and that's how it kind of looked well, kind of like that.
It was this brownish reddish color. Everything, everything had like this deep Browns and there was rubble strewn all on the ground. And it was in a warehouse. I could definitely see that it was a warehouse on one wall was over here on this side. I could see a wall. This wall was blown out in the far back.
I could see these huge, um, but it was very far back. These huge industrial fans just slowly moving. In a counterclockwise way, they were slow. Like there was, I think there were like three or four blades and they were just like slowly moving some and they're in a box. Each one was in a, like a box container with a mesh in the front.
And then there, some of them were stacked too high. Some were only single high and the sky itself was this, the same type of color. The clouds were like these coppery brownish color as well. Everything was, and it was this desolate area. And I swear to God, that was me seeing to the other side. And like I said, yeah, the beginning, sure, maybe was an ocular migraine, sure looked like it, but it transpired into this and this lasted, this was not like a short time.
This was like 10, 15 minutes of me seeing this. So it wasn't just like this instant thing gone. No, I'm sitting there and studying all this and seeing on the ground team, this rubble, the rubble looked old. Like it looked like it could have been from cinder blocks, but they were. Weathered enough that they were kind of starting to be rounded a little bit.
And it was just, it was a place that there was no hope, no, no love, no nothing. It was just dead, desolate place. And I was just listening to one of my, one of my favorite podcasts is Tony Merkel. I was just listening to that where someone else was describing this, um, this desolate area that he saw through a portal.
And he's like, this is exactly what I saw. And he describes the same colors. He saw this dead tree standing there. And he's like, And it, we said it was the same damn colors. The sky was looking the same as well. And then I talked to another friend of mine, Paul stops, who had a similar experience as well, where he ran into the hat man.
Um, he saw the hat man in this type of scenario as well. He says it was like this, this desolate street. And there was like a sign hanging that was hanging by one chain. It was kind of creaking in the wind. And he says the sky was the exact same color that I talked to. So this is not. Like when you, when you said like, you know, how you, your brother had the similar experience.
Well, you know, when I had this experience, I'm like, man, this is. This is crazy. And I started telling a couple of people, like, I was like, and this just happened last August. And I started telling a couple of people and that's when I started listening to, and when Paul stops told me, he's like, I had similar experience.
And then I just listened to this episode on, uh, on the confessionals just recently. And that's when I was like. Dude, that's exactly what I saw. So, that's crazy.
Rob Valincius: do you think that was a different, like, you kinda tapped into a different, um, not reality, but maybe a different time era?
Rye: That, that's something someone else said too.
Rob Valincius: Like, like, maybe it was like,
Rye: Fast forward.
Rob Valincius: the US, like, 200 years from now. Or something, like, do you think that's what that was? Yeah,
Rye: don't know. It could be. It could be. My, my personal belief was that I saw the area where these disembodied spirits inhabit and they want to get out of to get into this place full of life. But that's just a theory, right? That is just me making a theory. Could it be in the future? Because some people said, well, could it be the future?
It very well could be, and that is just my gut feeling of what I'm saying, but it's all anecdotal. It's just me guessing, you know, like I know what I saw. That's what I saw. What, what did I see? I don't know. I'm like, I think it's this, but is it? I don't know.
Rob Valincius: after talking to the guy last week, cause he said something to me, he said my, my chakra was in my neck or, you know, that I'm, I'm very good with, um, talking to people, but knowing people's emotions before. They happen and, and he was right. 'cause like, that shit hits me, dude. Like I, I could typically, I understand a room and I could typically get people before they even say shit like, typ all my life.
Um, I feel like us as humans, I don't know if we're conduits, maybe that's the best word to say, is that we're a conduit for things. I think that we all have. Something like there. We all have an ability to tap into something whether that's Tapping into a different realm tapping into a different timeline.
I don't I don't know I do think that we are conduits of our own lives And I do think that some of us maybe not all of us can understand. All right, this is what's happening You know, I understand I'm awake, like this is what's going on. Uh, but I don't think that we as a species have enough cognizance. To understand what it is,
Rye: Yes.
Rob Valincius: and maybe that's, maybe that's developmental, maybe we have to develop that as a species, or maybe, maybe it's designed that way, so that we don't know if what you saw was the future, or if what you saw was a different reality where these beings are trying to get out of because it's more of a prison for them.
Like, we don't know, right? And, Will we ever know? I don't know.
Rye: No, it,
Rob Valincius: That's the beauty of life, though,
Rye: I agree. Like it would be being transported to Mars. Let's say you could just live on Mars, but you instantly get transported and you've never been there before. What is this place? What are you seeing? You have no idea. There's no context. You know, there's nothing to, to be able to, or, well, well, of course we've got pictures from Mars.
So let's say we go to some other strange areas, someplace that no human has ever been. Or maybe one or two people have maybe talked about it on the fringe, but you've never heard it and you're like, what am I seeing? Where am I? You know, and you're trying to give a context. There's no context. And I agree with you saying that we're some sort of conduit.
I believe that. I believe we all have these innate abilities that we truly don't know. I think they got turned off. I think we're like, like a governor that happens on cars where you can't go over a certain speed limit. I think that happened to us that we were toned down a little bit that we still have these and every now and then we can kind of like access them.
Some people have better chance of accessing them than others. Um, and it's also like a muscle. The more you use it, the better off, you know, the The better you are with it, you know, like the, like the gentleman there, the, the poker player, you know, he was, he was able to, you knew he was connecting and it's because he's been practicing, he's been practicing, he's been practicing playing poker with it, which is.
Rob Valincius: Goosebumps, bro. I had fucking goosebumps, and it I'm a skeptic. I'll tell you right away, I'm a skeptic. I always like to look at things like, Uh, is that guy fucking bullshitting me? I don't know, man, it just I had goosebumps, and that doesn't Doesn't happen often. When I get that. So it was, uh, it was a unique experience and I, it was great.
Great fucking entertainment. I'll tell you
Rye: Yes. Exactly. Exactly.
Rob Valincius: Um, but look, uh, I, I could probably talk to you for another two hours, bro. I didn't even get to fucking half my shit because that's just,
Rye: That's how things go, man. That's how it always goes. Yeah.
Rob Valincius: Um. Let, uh, let all my listeners know where can they find your stuff. If you got something coming up, let us know what's
Rye: For sure. Yeah. Um, my, my podcast and show it's I'm on YouTube, Spotify, Apple, all the above. It's a Codega's Codex of curiosities. And you know, I'm always looking for new material. So if someone's had like some crazy experiences that you heard me talking about today, by all means, like hit me up on one of those sites.
I. I, I reach out to everybody, you know, I'm on Facebook as well, Rai Voss, and uh, or just look up Codex, Codex of Curiosities if I may. And I, I just released an episode on elves, Icelandic elves today, and I got a fantastic one coming up next week. I have a gentleman who has discovered, he believes he has discovered the true identity of Jack the Ripper through DNA.
So that's coming up next week. Stay tuned for that one. That, that was a fantastic episode and very scientific in how we went through it all. So it's very interesting as well.
Rob Valincius: dude. Fucking love it, man. I love what you're doing, dude. Keep it up. Um, you have a great show. You, you got an awesome concept. I love what's going on. Uh, my podcast Drink O'Clock Pod on all socials. Drink O'Clock Podcast, wherever you listen to podcasts. It's, it's there. Um, and, uh, yeah, man, look, we'll, uh, we'll probably have this episode up.
Rye: Awesome. Okay. Just like that. Boom.
Rob Valincius: thanks. Thanks AI.
Rye: yeah,
Rob Valincius: and, uh, yeah, man, we'll, we'll just keep it, uh, we'll keep it going, but dude, it was a, it was a great conversation and, uh, I definitely have to have you back on man. Let's
Rye: For sure. I agree.
Rob Valincius: Awesome, man. You have a great night.
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